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Everything posted by cyberbully

  1. I just won't be satisfied until i do this....I tried to refrain but it keeps getting bumped and I see the title and well.....here we are
  2. .....suspicions mounting
  3. Not enough juice to maintain over a toonami night....CobraKaraseau or whatever takes the cockpit
  4. Tyler the Creator would be proud. Connery at its finest.
  5. Straight disrespect, like MLK Day is right around the corner. And everyone loves to sleep on National Popcorn Day.... Entitled mfer acting like the 20th isn't upon us and Sebastian Day anal beads arn't lacing every store's walls....You make me sick.
  6. My kids say gingerale is spicy but I just tase the bubbles..doesn't seem "spicy" to me....Now there's bold gingerale....That's kinda spicy
  7. All of this....over ginguy.
  8. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/potentially-habitable-planet-toi700e-earth-sized-goldilocks-zone-nasa/?ftag=CNM-00-10aab6a&linkId=196838805&fbclid=IwAR2q8Q1QsHiEFkbPS1ehZjjJR0bbC4bG5VUeHFvOvNCbos4GT2XtPYA7cC0 My crazy conspiarcies aside, this is kinda cool.
  9. Ah, OK....I forget there are others that can lock things....I always default to katt or pat saw it and decided it needed locking.
  10. I'm not sure why it was locked to begin with....At first I thought sponges might have requested it because he was getting exasperated, but then I realized it's not even his thread.....Pat unloked it to comment, so while i assume he's the one that locked it, I don't think he'd have a reaason to without someone reporting it. I would like to know why but I know I never will.....All that said, I think your mouse friend is legit following me.....How did he get way over here to downvote me lol. I wonder what Nab's opinion is on AI art....obviously he has one and isn't just seeking some senpai luvin'
  11. Dude, it's for entitled people who paid more to be inconvenienced....I can't believe someone is paying for this and still spreading their cheeks....Yes, that's hyperbole, but i hope you get what I'm saying. Just something as small as not making them take off their shoes is enough to get something by them.....And some places don't even make everyone use the Xray thingie....Dude gave me miles of shit about the playstation in my carry on but never made me or the kids go through the xray thing......So like I said, not like they are doing their job to begin with.
  12. Sounds garbage af....Just because you fly a lot, you're automatically mentlly stable and won't just want to see the turmoil one day.....But whatever, not like I ever really feel safe anywhere near airports, so might as well have this small possibility on hand too. But since it's been explained...I have indeed seen that line....No one is ever in it.
  13. ....I don't even know what that is....How do they "pre-Check " you? This is concerning because how it sounds is you can bypass TSA and I don't want that. But I also assume it's more to it so.....What's that
  14. Legendary Screaming Tenryu Cannon.....It's OP as shit, but it's hard to hit anything significant with it. Except the last boss....His hit box is huge.
  15. Oh....We DO have a 24 hr Subway in a truck stop across town....I just never remember it because there is no fucking way I'm paying truck stop markup for week old Tuna.....At least that's how it looks. I do know it can't possibly be a week old, but my point is, their food looks fucked over.
  16. Ugh, Whataburger is just slighly above McDees for me....Their cheese is terrible....It's familiar but I can't place where I've tasted it....Feels like on something frozen. Their fries are good, but I'm not a fry eater....I usually grab a few and give them to my daughter because she's a potato monster. It doesn't help the the one in town is always packed and is the only thing besides Ihop thats open 24/7 here so 3am munchies will have you sitting in line for an hour for a shitty burger....And yes, this is a Casino town....It's always packed at 3am
  17. Pat? I honestly didn't think he posted enough, but I guess rants has been popping lately. Nice lead he has too....But can he withstand a night of Toonami react spams?
  18. If they bring back fried pies, I'll give em another shake....But I feel our realtionship is over aftetr that last big mac
  19. Hey, sometimes you have to spell that shit out.
  20. As muh as it fashionable to talk about the diarrhea you'll get from fast food, it does nothing to me. Well, except heartburn....I can get heartburn from jello....But my poops be fine.
  21. Oh by all means, continue...I'm not here asking anyone to stop...I just kinda feel left out because his posts don't even draw me in and spark that insatiable need for vitriol that I harbor....I just look at it and smh.
  22. Jesus....people really used to play xbox
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