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Everything posted by SwimOdin

  1. It’s almost like a college bulletin board we’re all scrawling out messages on, only to have someone else come by a few hours later and they’re scrawling over your bullshit, to write their bullshit. We’re fucking art.
  2. SwimOdin

    Sea of Stars

    Everything I’ve read (and I’ll be frank, it isn’t much) says that this is the spiritual successor to Chrono Trigger, and it does seem to have many elements. One on particular? Yasunori Mitsuda composed the soundtrack. Needless to say, I am excite. I just downloaded the demo, so I will post my impressions later. Th-this isn’t a liveblog. https://youtu.be/BMComOd9qP4
  3. Nice! Thank you! This kid loves games and his mother is more than ok with me playing with him for a long time. It’s symbiotic af.
  4. Stranger things have happened. I have two democratic senators in fucking GEORGIA, so anything is possible. (Ignore that they ran some of the worst candidates that have run in our country’s history…)
  5. That place looks horrible! The park looks pretty bad too.
  6. Tom Goes to the Mayor. I didn’t get it at first (hell, some of my coworkers at adult swim [the dot com side] didn’t care for it either). I find it hilarious now. Don’t know what changed.
  7. If a democrat is winning at governor, why are both of their senators sapient hemorrhoids?
  8. I have the 2018 game but I’ve only played it once in 2020. I was furloughed during Covid and I became a short-term alcoholic, and I was pouring as much bourbon in my body as it could take. I booted up the game one day during a very drunken bender, and it gave me motion sickness, so I haven’t tried it since.
  9. Man I love George, hope he’s in the road to recovery
  10. This is honestly hilarious and terrifying at the same time
  11. I will get one eventually, but I’m so happy with the Steam deck that it’ll probably be years
  12. Yeah, this is a pretty cruel and horseshit thread. You’re publicly shaming another user because you did something shitty. I don’t even know what you did, but now you’re insulting someone’s intelligence under the auspice of “I won’t be shitty to this low-intelligence person” when you’re, again, being cruel with every post.
  13. Why publicly announce you’re ignoring someone or not interacting with them, and instead just…do that?
  14. It’s the fate of all TCGs. Power creep gets completely out of hand.
  15. SwimOdin

    Steam Sale

    I ended up only buying the Mass Effect game, mostly because I left my steam deck at my friend’s apartment for a week. He installed some great 3rd party software, so I am not at want.
  16. SwimOdin

    Steam Sale

    That will probably be permanently installed on my steam deck
  17. That’s assuming that corporate America hasn’t already developed an ai that detects when an employee is using ai.
  18. Welp, now I’ve got time to watch stuff without needing to see new stuff? Trying to bright side it.
  19. The entirety of the basement scene in Inglorious Basterds. I can’t think of a better scene out to film.
  20. That’s…quite a legal precedent.
  21. I just want to say I was one of the people who was early to this thread. That’s all.
  22. Just because a person is in the armed forces doesn’t mean they’re owed lionizing automatically. It’s unfortunately not surprising.
  23. Also, apparently, Wind Waker. We’re co-playing it right now (mostly me playing) and he is LOVING IT.
  24. Please no, Saban is already insufferable enough.
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