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Everything posted by SwimOdin

  1. He got what he wanted. He was speaker for a little while and it goes into history books.
  2. Been there, done her.
  3. Also, in the Falcons: we can now say the Ridder experiment is not working out. We are about to be TERRIBLE.
  4. It’s weird for me because most women in my life also watch football. This is SEC country though, so we’re an outlier.
  5. The NFL being so thirsty for Swifties is horribly embarrassing.
  6. This is the best week of my life
  7. I read this as Gandalf, and I thought Ian McKellen died. It’s hard to keep up with wizards.
  8. I love to hear when an emergency fund outstrips my life insurance payout.
  9. Not a selfie, but we’re on vacation and I am not sleeping so here’s a Thomas Kincaid shot
  10. Mickey found Minnie performing the “goof troop” on Donald.
  11. I do love Michael Keaton…
  12. I wish I were still on Twitter to see all the cope of the NFT bros
  13. Fuck I hate everything
  14. She’s claiming this was their first date. This is reductive and I personally would never say this, but a person might be quoted as saying, “What a slut.” Or ,“whorebeast.”
  15. These people have no ideology. First, you should be able to suss out a person’s political beliefs just by talking to them while dating. Second, since she has no real beliefs of her own, she probably has to be outright told a reductive label to even begin to comprehend on an elementary (literally and figuratively) level. They’re just craven, power hungry sociopaths.
  16. I can’t believe they won that!!!!!!
  17. I am not enjoying this Falcons game, bigly.
  18. She’s trash. We got to see who she is.
  19. After watching “Quarterback” on Netflix, it really humanized Kirk Cousins and now I worry to death over the man.
  20. I love this site
  21. I became a morning person over the last 5 years. By morning person, I guess I mean, suns up, I’m up. I can’t sleep in even with an advanced combination of drugs. I can fall asleep pretty easy, at least.
  22. I need the edits
  23. I promise this is a selfie
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