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Everything posted by SwimOdin

  1. Happy birthday @InsaneFox
  2. Well, my team doesn’t really have a QB, but we still won on the strength of our insane run game.
  3. I gotta know that drink order now
  4. I’m showing restraint and only wearing three pieces of Falcons apparel. HERE WE GO!
  5. I hate our current hellscape Now I have to be choosey about my gas station ice because of politics? I already don’t buy Goya fucking beans. Now frozen dihydrogen oxide?
  6. Happy birthday Pit
  7. I thought this would be a fun game, but I never thought they’d win. Holy crap, A+ first game
  8. Ahh…THERE are the Lions I know
  9. Jurassic World event going on downtown, we took the boy for his 3rd birthday. I can’t believe he’s 3 already! edit: he’s shushing because the Indominous Rex was about to come out
  11. Seeing quite a few “If Mitch goes then things will go REAL BAD” articles. The media is cucks.
  12. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/sen-mitch-mcconnell-appears-freeze-kentucky-event-rcna102583 He’s still doing great
  13. That…sounds like a legitimate NYT subhead
  14. I look forward to serving my community.
  15. Really trying to hide that noted orange double chin of his
  16. Terry Funk died yesterday. I was surprised to find out he’d lived this long. Wrestlers usually don’t make it to the twilight years
  17. Mute makes it so you don’t see their posts. Block makes it so both parties don’t see the posts.
  18. SwimOdin

    Baldur's Gate 3

    I want to…but it doesn’t run well on Steam Deck yet. Perhaps when more patches hit.
  19. What a (and I say this respectfully) pussy bitch.
  20. We were gifted a Switch, so I want you to give me your 5 must plays. Don’t list Mario’s or Zelda’s (those I will get)
  21. My friend was the one whose voice cracked at the end of that commercial. It was a fun shoot.
  22. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-announces-press-conference-prove-election-stolen-1234806915/ What a procrastinator. He’s finally getting around to letting us know it was all fine. Silly department of justice! Also, “riggers”? Talk about a fucking dog whistle.
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