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Everything posted by SwimOdin

  1. Top ten favorite TV shows, no particular order The Leftovers Parks and Recreation Succession Game of Thrones Batman TAS Justice League Unlimited The Venture Brothers Cowboy Bebop Bluey Dragon Bsll Z
  2. The best egg is one that is mostly cheese, like the egg is glue holding the cheese together.
  3. Have you seen Pig? It’s like quiet John Wick…kind of.
  4. I’m uncultured with cuisine, Italian and Mexican are all I can prepare.
  5. Confession time: I haven’t played San Andreas, IV, or V. I think I’d love the hell out of V because RDR2 is a top ten.
  6. For me? Autism.
  7. We just got a Raising Cane’s recently, haven’t been yet but my nephew works there. I love some Zaxby’s.
  8. Love some doom metal but I can’t really say I know any specific bands like I could with stoner metal or progressive metal.
  9. I loved KI 2 arcade but that game was buiuuuuuusted. I beat it on one quarter on a field trip to the CNN center with Sabrewulf in middle school. That was a long sentence. SF4 will probably never be topped for me. I’ve been playing a lil bit on Steam deck again and my Honda is so rusty.
  10. thanks man it’s no easy, check out my skincare routine
  11. The graphical leaps aren’t generational anymore and it feels like we all still want it to, even developers, and it’s starting to feel unhealthy for the industry. We’re going to hit a technological wall soon with fidelity.
  12. I played a Mechwarrior SNES game roughly 31 years ago.
  13. I feel so justified in always getting their burgers without onions. I’m immortal.
  14. How are we measuring that? Post-vote polling?
  15. Just list shit. Give me your top 5 or top 10 of anything. Just list shit. Top five favorite active directors: Villenueve Coen Brothers Fincher Gunn Garland just list shit
  16. It’s amazing that I haven’t seen you post in ages and this is the post that brings you back. Chefs kiss.
  17. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/speaker-johnson-appears-to-confirm-a-secret-election-plan-with-trump what are they up to? Speculate wildly.
  18. It would be so funny to me if Tony Hinchcliffe swung the election.
  19. I was so afraid of arsonists I couldn’t do it. Early voting was stupid easy, I don’t know why anyone votes on Election Day unless it’s the only option.
  20. I hate the Dodgers, but I hate the Yankees more, so I guess this series is going ok.
  21. Can’t say how good it feels to watch a team win games after being so lousy for seven years straight. We will never heal from 28-3, but at least we’re seeking treatment.
  22. So, Ready Player One?
  23. I did it so now I don’t have to watch deceitful ads, hear bad news or worry ever again!
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