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Everything posted by SwimOdin

  1. I wonder if the eyeliner smudges on his scopes
  2. I judge all teams by their clock management. It drives me insane when they can’t get their shit together quickly!
  3. Grandson spent the night last night so I didn’t see any of this game. I’m sad I didn’t see it because fuck the Yankees.
  4. Gotta do this one too 1 Chrono Trigger 2 Final Fantasy IV 3 Final Fantasy VI 4 Link to the Past 5 Earthbound
  5. Ok this one I will do too. Keep in mind my number 1 is because it can also emulate… 1 Steam Deck 2 SNES 3 PlayStation 2 4 PlayStation 4 5 Xbox 360
  6. I’m shook by you not listing “Dancing Mad” for VI. That song is the banger of bangers.
  7. Will do! My grandson also loves metal, but he loves everything I do, so, yeah.
  8. If we’ve learned one thing in the past few weeks, Donald Trump loves cosplay.
  9. It’s my go-to when I can’t think of anything else to watch, and I always have a good time.
  10. Pass the bong. Also, I love DBZA. Also also, I guess I liken myself to Mat Cauthon from The Wheel of Time. Someone who wants to crack a lot of jokes and has an Odin motif.
  11. One of those rare moments where you get to see how feeble he’s getting.
  12. I read number 2 as “Arkansas” and nodded my head.
  13. It’s like they’re schoolboys at recess saying girls are gross.
  14. Nope, can’t read it, it’s too real.
  15. NIN is a 90s blind spot for me, Trent Reznor’s soundtrack in Watchmen (2019) was so good though.
  16. Now I want hibachi
  17. I forget how good adult swim was, it’s unbelievable.
  18. Jethro Tull top flute solos 1-10000000000
  19. It reads more like panic and cope to me than trolling. I hope she’s ok. I can’t say I haven’t had some panic over this election, I’m just not airing my fear on a forum.
  20. Bret vs Stone Cold at WM13 is easily my favorite, then maybe the Shawn Michaels iron man match.
  21. Same, I will never be competitive in anything new. I did pull out the fight stick and taught the 4 year old how to do a hadouken. Honestly a very proud moment.
  22. But then we get the jolly eyeliner-wearing Manchurian candidate. Yay! It’s weird how much the GOP rages at drag queens when they’re voting for two dudes who can’t go out without their makeup.
  23. What did you drink this morning?
  24. If you think that’s bad, wait until you hear about Twitter. It’s run by a crazed far-right billionaire that says he’s a free speech absolutions but actually censors dissenting, non-GOP posts. Man, I can’t believe you don’t know about that…
  25. Sounds like he had some matchup knowledge? I was nowhere close to even knowing that was a thing back then. That game kicked ass.
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