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Everything posted by SwimOdin

  1. I need to know numbers. Sad it’s confidential,
  2. Wild that California is now more strict on a recreational drug than Georgia
  3. It’s still being supported at all levels and is more than likely holding back a lot of game developers (because of having to make less impressive last-gen versions). So…will PS4 ever die, and is that a bad thing?
  4. Stephen Miller 100% wrote that
  5. Cue nearly all of America thinking the filibuster is Mr Smith Goes to Washington
  6. September 12th every year
  7. The death of copy editing aside, this is the most accurate headline for Trump’s 2028 plans
  8. I’m sad. I’m on vacation wasting my time watching this shit.
  9. Our offensive line is not going to let Kirk survive this season. Now I know why we drafted Penix.
  10. Do you vote separately for Lt Gov versus governor? I’ve always found it weird that governors don’t mirror how it works at the federal level. It’s the same here too.
  11. We’re such an embarrassment
  12. Let those of us who haven’t referred to themselves as a black nazi on a porn forum cast the first stone.
  13. He’s not wrong, Hannibal Lecter does come from Silence of the Lambs. It’s a strong political stance.
  14. So mad I only saw the first half, had to take nausea meds and they knocked me out. I don’t believe it.
  15. Of his “”””””joke”””””” tweet about assassinations, Leon had this to say: “Turns out that jokes are WAY less funny if people don’t know the context and the delivery is plain text.” Is…he just discovering this?
  16. Laugh out loud
  17. How bad is it that I find it funny that it seems like this thread might get bumped every 7 weeks?
  18. Yes, it’s that embarrassing.
  19. When Bush went Super Republican God against Broly it was fire
  20. The Giants org didn’t come out looking so great after that season… Also, I apologize to everyone for what you’re going to watch tonight. And especially this coming Sunday night.
  21. Apparently that’s an alt of his he’s talking to. Elon would have been getting board-married if he were on the ASMB circa 2006
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