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Everything posted by SwimOdin

  1. Are they run by a disgruntled high school freshman!?
  2. What the hell is going on with the Saints? I don’t like this, at all. I am not going to be fun this season. Also, just realized I didn’t fill out a bracket, haha
  3. The poor, poor people of Springfield. This is going to be a long, painful next several months (let’s not pretend that even if Harris wins by a landslide, this will be over in November).
  4. When you’re in development that long, the industry and expectations change. It’s rare for something that takes close to a decade to come out to be good.
  5. It’s national video game day and apparently have a bad digestive system day too. Happy birthday and thank y’all, you’ve been my second family for more than half my life, now. Also, I was just playing Death Stranding and it played a birthday cutscene for me as a total surprise and that’s just very neat. I spent the whole day with my grandson and I couldn’t be happier.
  6. Hey, Eric? Trump could just…not say crazy shit. Why is it everyone else’s responsibility?
  7. His a number one issue is crowd size. That is all this man cares about.
  8. I hope your game goes better than mine. It’s like nothing has changed.
  9. There’s a floated thread for NFL talk. If something big or catastrophic happens, that’s fine to make a separate thread, but otherwise, let’s use that one.
  10. Falcons are looking like the Falcons and I don’t like it.
  11. Have you lost the ability to sleep in? Personally once the sun starts to rise, no matter how tired I am or what time I fell asleep, I’m waking up. I’m just curious if it’s happened to y’all, since I have heard anecdotally that this happens with age. (as an aside, remember on the ASMB you weren’t allowed to even say how old you were because personal information bad? That was fun to police.)
  12. A brisk walk might be a better starting point for you.
  13. School usually starts August 1st here, for whatever reason. As always, thoughts and prayers, and nothing else.
  14. I’m in Cobb. We’re consistently terrible, but at least no Republican has won the county since Romney.
  15. We’re feeling it here in Georgia. Any sort of ad break is either Kamala being positive about Kamala or Trump being negative about Kamala (there exist no positive Trump ads). It’s ceaseless.
  16. Hello. I’m going to try to do this this year.
  17. They make me gotta go fast ba dum tshhhhh
  18. My brother and or sister in Christ I pray that’s the case. Don’t fail me now, Georgia! I was so proud in 2020. Sad about 22 other than Warnock, who needs to run for president some day.
  19. I’ve voted against Kemp twice, but he’s not the absolute worst.
  20. Wait until they hear about Barron.
  21. He just keeps getting better.
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