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André Toulon

Abyss Watcher
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About André Toulon

  • Birthday December 15

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  1. 🤡👟👞🥿👡🥾👢🩴👠
  2. Oh weed...do you ever not have the answer😊
  3. Meat...again...leftovers It's the Oklahoma sampler from swadleys. Just meat a roll and beans (you can pick a side, it doesn't have to be beans)
  4. They can check insurance via tags. There's way more to this story...I'm pissed because I feel like bro was stalking me. I mean it could all be pure coincidence, but I saw this dude 3 times before he stopped me. 1: when I wan on my way back from picking up my son. He had a car stopped south bound and I was travelling north. It was a bit weird because his school is agricultural, so it's out in the stocks.....of the three years I've been taking buddy to school, he is the third one I've seen just patrolling the fucking woods. 2: after I got Neff from her school, I saw him again....with another car stopped at the intersection that takes you to Buddy's school. Meaning after his initial stop, he came back north. I know it's him because the "police" on his cruiser is faded. None of the others are like it. So while at the stop light, I get green and he's stopped at red. I just go on about my business while thinking (damn, bro must be trying to reach a quota) but still, not my problem. 3: As I'm heading East now, and all the traffic at the last get is behind me, I look in my rearview to get in the left lane. There are a few gravel trucks....and behind them, I see this jack ass. I'm not concerned, as far as I know I'm legit ...but I'm like "man, I'm really sick of seeing bro" so I make my left....I look behind me because I'm slightly paranoid, but he's not there so I just keep rolling. Climax: this road I'm on is a pretty decent stretch and I'm just in the right lane so I'm no longer really checking the rear view. Eventually I get to the light, and stop ....I'm enjoying my music until I look in the rear view ... Where the fuck dude came from is a mystery....he didn't turn behind me (I thought) but suddenly he's on my ass. I make the legal right on red...he doesn't even stop...just turns behind me so I know he coming to fuck with me, but why? And you know the rest.
  5. Police dude...stg, they try to make me amp. Dude stopped me for no insurance...upon checking, he was correct...INS was out. Someone else is supposed to pay it and I shouldn't rely on them but I've never had an issue until today so it wasn't on my radar. Giving him my info and whatnot wasn't a problem, but then he did cop shit. My son is in the passenger seat. Head in his lap with his earbuds in....just like every day. This jackass asks "why is he hiding his face". Dude, he just got out of school, he's tired....he then says "hey"....buddy ignores him...not sure if he didn't hear him or just ig'ed him on purpose....He says I need to identify him, I said he's 15...how are you going to do that. At this point, buddy looks up and I say "yup, that's him"...he takes my shit... obviously sour and goes back to the car. By this time I'm calling the person who was supposed to take care of this, and dip shit comes back. He says I gave you a warning, but you can't drive from here... someone has to pick you up ...I said I'm on the phone now, she's paying the insurance, he tells me how kind he was not to impound my truck and I can't drive because what if I go out here and hit someone and kill a family of four and you aren't insured...you don't seem to care about that. NOW I'm pissed....you think me, the guy with his two kids in the car (I'm assuming he never saw Neff because she's in the back and it tinted well) is going to go out here and kill this imaginary family of four...the phone person starts saying thank you, and she's on the way and we appreciate him...I just go silent because I know it's in my best interest, but don't sit here and act like you're doing me a favor. I ain't thanking you for shit because now you're telling me I can't drive with my damn insurance. So he sits there and waits for us to get picked up, and she still hasn't paid the insurance...which my thing was going to be to show him the active insurance, but I had to just get out my shit and get in the other car. So I wound up having to pay it mysel and then went back to get my shit. I guess he decided that since I didn't thank him, he would have it towed. Now I can't find my truck, they said I can just call all the towing companies or call back in the morning. So yeah.....piiiiiiisssssssed.
  6. That's....not what I was talking about, but moving on...never put hot sauce on crawfish. Never saw anyone go through the trouble because as you're eating them, you make a mess and I don't wanna keep touching what is now a slimy bottle. You cook them in Tony's and craboil...the heat comes from the season...you just eat em. And its not difficult of you just pull the tail and suck the meat out but you have to train noobs, which means peeling the tail. I don't really eat them now because it's an outside activity. Unless you like your house smelling like aqua boogie
  7. Oh, Scoob just on one today. Maybe I'll feel ornery tonight but rn it's just blowing my high and I currently need that.
  8. .......I kept reading this trying to discern this train of thought because I didn't want to just dismiss what you meant.... But what does a soft shelled crab have to do with crawfish...
  9. Bro just gonna wind up getting his ass whupped
  10. Yeah...tried eating that too. How in tf are you supposed to know, and when I told the lady who gave them to me, she has her a good laugh. Wtf, do I know about tamales. Tell me just eat the middle. I wouldn't hand someone a bucket of crawfish who had never seen one and just wish them god speed
  11. Thought this was about water sports *zips up*
  12. It was because about half the time the crockpot burns your food...maybe it's just roasts
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