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[classic swim]

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Everything posted by [classic swim]

  1. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=W5Qp47EyHJk&pp=ygUSSW55dXlhc2hhIGVuZGluZyA2
  2. Saw the trailer and I’m relieved the animation’s at least still on top.
  3. * You can disregard entirely or you can come up with your own. This obviously won’t help the company. I just thought about the glory days for me and patterns I liked, but I wouldn’t mind seeing more modernized choices if you have them. Some of my choices are things they don’t even have rights to anymore, so run wild if you must. * 6:00 - The Brak Show 6:30 - Cartoon Planet (or some early Sealab 2021 episodes) 7:00 - (a rotating trade-off between Oblongs, Mission Hill, Baby Blues, PJs, etc.) 7:30 - Home Movies 8:00 - KOTH hour! 9:00 - American Dad 9:30 - Family Guy 10:00 - Family Guy again 10:30 - Futurama 11:00 - Robot Chicken/Moral Orel 11:30 - The Boondocks 12:00 - ATHF 12:15 - (rotations throughout the month between Squidbillies, Ozmo, Metalocalypse and Perfect Hair) 12:30 - The Venture Bros 1:00 - This would be the repeat of Brak from earlier 1:15 - Space Ghost Coast to Coast 1:30 - Harvey Birdman/Assy McGee 2AM to 4AM, I’d give to AcTN or otherwise more miscellaneous choices. Stroker, Saul of The Mole Men, Infomercials. Nothing dead set. Also not meant to fully accommodate Action. The slots I’m most indecisive about has everything to do with repetition. Some of my favorite shows only have 13 or 20 episodes so I’d try to be careful. Last hour would always be for Home Movies. A better option would be to just, y’know...not have a 6pm-6am schedule at all. But this is how I’d picture it going way back when.
  4. I wish wings by themselves weren’t more expensive than pizza and ribeye combined. Especially when the wings aren’t even all that.
  5. They used to have self-proclaimed filler programming for those slots long before their catalog became as massive. I always enjoyed the Home Movies repeats they’d place there ages ago.
  6. Really annoyed with how the word got out, but I also just have no idea what Adult Swim’s doing or what they’re turning into anymore. 7pm was at least somewhat tolerable enough, but now they’re wanting to start it right at the end of noon for some people. This is just messy for everyone. They so quickly and gracefully turned their back on Ouweleen’s whole sing and dance about “bringing CN back to the way it should be.”
  7. We got a blatant bullshit misinformation article that everyone chose to just pedal, so there’s that. Edit: okay um, wow..... they’re actually dropping to 6pm. The one stray, weird source was right. Holy shit, CN...
  8. Thanks, Elon. Thanks for your absolute horseshit ideas which companies will now follow suit. https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/05/google-will-start-deleting-inactive-accounts-after-two-years/ Didn't care as much when this was just a way of saying “fuck you” to people who rightfully don’t wanna use Twitter. But now I gotta hear about spam, and cutting costs...from fucking GOOGLE. And of course, more ramifications as to everything that gets wiped out.
  9. Saw the news and I can’t at all say I’m surprised by this. Feels like by the time they fucked off with the coma stuff and tried doing what everyone wanted, not many were paying attention. I’ve enjoyed the last few seasons, but it’s just not 2012 anymore. I had to ask myself a few times how good they were actually doing. For what it’s worth, they can end the show the way they wanted, the season we just had before was prepping for that. And the production company will have Aqua Teen. It’s kinda sad too because this is still one of the most uniquely animated things on TV. That Frisky Dingo look didn’t last for too long.
  10. I favor Williams Street originals as well. The network not having much to go on is one of the many reasons why I’m no longer giving them as much time. They’ve been stagnate since well before the mark of the 2010s, so it’s not like this is a new issue. My thing is that if syndication’s a top priority, they do a shit job at that also. Even though I believe Family Guy belongs on [as], we’re arguably in a much better spot (just out of personal taste) than when we had a three hour MacFarlane block. A lot more bitching back then, but that also allowed some leverage, or the market then was just better. It’s not like I’m routinely watching their sped-up/squeezed KOTH episodes, but it’s not a bad show quality wise to marathon. As opposed to Cleveland Show. This is just the new vanilla world that they’re stuck in. They aired repeats of Lucy and Frankenhole months back. That’s about the only good thing I’ve had to say about their general programming in awhile.
  11. Still just taking my time with it. But I watched the Stebe episode a couple days ago and that was fun.
  12. HBO Max in fairness was already janky as fuck and had their own cartoons regularly leave and come back.
  13. Oh yeah they wrote him out of the show for a bit, didn’t they? Fuzzy Door Productions knows how to introduce the masses to great music.
  14. Love that we’re still expected to endlessly walk with our tail between our legs while this happens a dozen more times every year. They want me to praise their Jesus though. Fucking reptiles.
  15. I’m not sure what the exact amount of viewership was for them to just suck at airing it. It’s like what Toonamiguy mentioned. As bad as Comedy Central was, they could air each movie all in one go. They wouldn’t air half of it one night, half of it the other night, or just rapidly air it non consecutively when they had no business to. [as] used to be the one place where Futurama could thrive in numbers, but oh well. Guess they still have FXX. I think.
  16. You never know. Beavis & Butt-Head’s second revival has a fair sprinkle of great episodes and utter shit ones. I’d hope Futurama would step it up, although it’s Exhibit #8675309 of TV revival that only exists out of desperation.
  17. I doubt that would even matter. But now that you bring it up, it sucks they’re not gonna have syndication rights for those new episodes either.
  18. Disappoints me how quickly they burned out Futurama upon joyfully reclaiming it and then just left it deserted on pointless slots.
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