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Everything posted by UwPp

  1. UwPp

    I fap

    I fap for feet hands, actually.
  2. UwPp

    I fap

    Please send more toes
  3. UwPp

    I fap

    I know
  4. UwPp

    I fap

    That one makes me drool.
  5. UwPp

    I fap

    I’ll fap with my shoe hands.
  6. UwPp

    I fap

    HORRAY! I just want the big toes, the rest I’ll feed to the random animals that come in my yard.
  7. UwPp

    I fap

    Just the big ones. They’re super meaty.
  8. UwPp

    I fap

    The fugliest of the bunch makes me fap harder.
  9. UwPp

    I fap

    I’ll give you a dollar and belly button lint just for one more!
  10. UwPp

    I fap

    Just as much as I like your face.
  11. UwPp

    I fap

    Toadly dude
  12. UwPp

    I fap

    To your big toes.
  13. When the beat’s about to drop
  14. Left work 30 minutes early to hate myself Wednesday to get to work 30 minutes early.
  15. Who the fuck decided working today and having tomorrow off was a good idea? I’m tired and miserable and don’t wanna work.
  16. Idk what it is, but McDonald’s makes me feel so sick after eating it.
  17. I have nightmares more than dreams.
  18. McDouble with xtra pickles. Now I’m pretty sure I’m dying from eating McDonald’s.
  19. Hot dogs and curly fries.
  20. Happy birthday!!🎁🎊🎈🎂
  21. UwPp


    No no. It’s the horrified look. Because life.
  22. UwPp


    Me irl thinking about life.
  23. I’m taking dating advice from this guy. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8efv31q/
  24. That white boy roster eating pasta song. Thanks TikTok
  25. Skillful thief in the Stone Age this all makes sense now as to how old I am
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