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Everything posted by UwPp

  1. I shave my beard and mustache. Apparently out growing your significant other is an ick when you have a vagina.
  2. I didn't agree to this day.
  3. Had. I think I might know you.
  4. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRTmuo2M/
  5. Sooo, date went well. Didn't get murdered...well I may have by the d. But that's a long story. 😅
  6. I have a date on Friday with a different guy. I'm actually pretty interested in him, compared to the guy I went out with last week. Guy last week was really sweet and kind, like a golden retriever. Guy I'm going out with this Friday is more of a Doberman. Here's to hoping I don't get murdered.
  7. In 1984 I didn't exist.
  8. Watching quiet on set and my mind is baffled and I'm always feeling really weird now. I was on an episode of slime time live. I changed in the dressing rooms and everything at nickelodeon studios in Florida. The host was kinda a dick especially to my mom. But yeah. I know this happened in LA's studios but still. Gives me weird creeps now.
  9. I'm going on a date tonight and I'm nervous af. His name is the name of my ex that was terrible to me, so he already loses points. But we're going to get food so we'll find out. 😬
  10. Feeling bad about myself but also embarrassed to allow a guy to tell my entire family he's planning on marrying me only for him to dump me a year or two later. Like it's your loss because I'm a bad bitch. But also damn I'm going to die alone as a cat lady.
  11. I don't like Lord of the Rings either.
  12. I have no idea when someone is into me. If someone were to tell me they were into me, I'd be surprised and not believe them. I'm a hot mess.
  13. Cats love me. So do doggies. I love them equally.
  14. I've gotten food poisoning twice from Subway. I'm afraid to eat there.
  15. Mew does the same thing. He'll try and turn the doorknob. He's going to be 14.
  16. Mew likes to be brushed while I poop. It's annoying.
  17. Thanks for taking me to that gun show 💪
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