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Everything posted by UwPp

  1. Get well wittle baby.
  2. Well *glompz*
  3. I haven’t thought about them in a long time!
  4. I miss @panic and his yelling for hockey
  5. Tell duzzy I miss her!
  6. @Cau @Xanatos smokwhileyoudrink11 @Rogue_Alphonse @Swimmod_Perseus @SwimOdin @CartoonPlanet @Raptorpat @Athena92 @Quakers @Naraku4656 CyberneticXmasGhost I love like all of you. So shout out to everyone!
  7. Is dis really yew?
  8. UwPp


    Mine is from my ASMB yearbook picture
  9. Compared to all the other times you’re an idiot of course
  10. IBer since the beginning.
  11. Really? I would’ve thought you beat me.
  12. OotO #69 5evr
  13. This is the only day 4 is in existence.
  14. I swear these new meds I’ve been taking has been causing me to have fucked up dreams. I have nightmares every night that sometimes I’m afraid to go to sleep.
  15. Happy belated !
  16. Reason 2938447271 why I hate the internet.
  17. UwPp


  18. Bring back the traveling shot glass!
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