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Everything posted by UwPp

  1. UwPp


    @Raptorpat why do you have a cut out of a cat’s butthole in the background?
  2. Happy birthday friends!
  3. Tell them to stay on the west coast where they belong
  4. UwPp


    Give us the marshmallow cat! @Raptorpat
  5. Happy belated!
  6. Chicken riggies 🤤
  7. Happy birthday frannn!
  8. Still thinking about why 2023 sucks for dating.
  9. Also happy birthday @InsaneFox!
  10. Snarf snarf
  11. Bring me back a shot glass pwease! I don’t has one from Hawaii!
  12. All my VHS have use again!
  13. Happy birthday beautiful!
  14. So this guy I’m talking to is hanging out with me tomorrow for my birthday weekend. He got me a present and is buying me a cake and dinner. 🥺 it’s sooooo cute. 🤮
  15. Woot woot. birthday month timeeeee
  16. My naps usually consist of 2-4+ hours. I find it pretty normal. Yet again, I have to take meds to keep me awake….so don’t take my advice.
  17. They’re my new hat!
  18. Debating whether or not I should go see this guy I’ve been talking to band play tomorrow night. I slightly feel like a creep going.
  19. Let’s get fucking swol
  20. Peanut butter and bananas.
  21. Date was terrible. I slept all day yesterday. Tomorrow is Monday. Fuck.
  22. Going on a date tonight. I’m nervous and know I’m going to be awkward af. Please send help.
  23. I hope rocket comes after you and your family.
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