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Everything posted by Mortir

  1. I do not know. I have not been tested.
  2. I go through this phases sometimes too. You just do not want to eat and everything is like all yuck and blegh. And even if you smoke a little it does not really help and you are even more depressed after that so you just drink a lot of coffee and water.
  3. So you have a magical guitar that just does not have the first two frets then. Whoa-kay.
  4. I think some people wrap a cloth or scrunchie around the strings above the nut to keep them from ringing out. I am wondering what kind of guitar does not have an inlay on the 12th fret. This must be a custom job.
  5. ๐Ÿคจ
  6. That is not a bad thing. Sounds like you have good genes.
  7. Especially keep seeing this with a lot of the advertisements. Everything seems squished. What gives?
  8. I read somewhere that they are a scam basically they could make a phone that lasts ten years easily but there is planned obsolescence built into everything. It makes sense I think the real technology they have is probably like fifty years ahead of whatever they let the public have access to.
  9. I drove all the way to Walmart and they were closed. I guess they are not open 24 hours like they used to be. I had to settle for some Ben and Jerry's and some pumpkin spice doughnuts from the gas station. The doughnuts were horrible and I regret buying them.
  10. I really want to get some sweets. Like a cheesecake or something. Too bad the only place open right now is the Walmart like 30 minutes away. I might just go though.
  11. It is all cute for everyone else but you know some poor sap is gonna have to shovel all of that four hours later.
  12. That is a lot of food. Did you have a party?
  13. Really makes you appreciate the level of detail that went into this film and why it is still regarded as such an influential work of art and a masterpiece all these years later.
  14. I did not know it was his first time hosting. Could have swore he has done it more than once.
  15. That is cool. I know the first three films are not the best received for weak characters and story but I still like the animation.
  16. Eh I could never get passed like the third level or whatever so I would just do free play and it got boring because they only way to win was to be evil and lightning bolt the computer early on. Edit: Oh yeah and the pet was poorly programmed and a pain in the ass.
  17. What kind of cushy rich job do you have? After I clock out I am going straight home to unwind. You only go out later if you are super hungry and the pack of ramen just is not going to do it.
  18. ๐ŸŽ‚
  19. Maybe later. Right now I am hooked on the sweet potato waffle fries from Arby's.
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