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Everything posted by Mortir

  1. They are doing the standard thing on Weather Channel saying people on the coast should put their ID SSN and next of kin in a Ziploc just in case. Hope your fam is okay.
  2. Idk I think their diablo sauce is just a little too spicy and doesn't taste as good as the fire sauce. I prefer the fire sauce.
  3. Yeah she looks like a monster rite now. God speed Gulf coast. Gonn a be a rough nite.
  4. RIP Dolores
  5. RIP Juice RIP Peep
  6. I hope your family does okay. Looks like it will actually keep strengthining before it hits for a few hours. It might even upgrade to a cat 3 with winds at >110 mph and even higher gusts.
  7. Wow that thing looks like it is gonna escelate quickly. It even looks like Laura is going to swallow the remnants of Marco. Hope you people from Houston to New Orleans is safe. Wow, hunker down.
  8. This just a dead musicians thread in genreal or? RIP Chester
  9. What is the difference? Like literal spices?
  10. Idk I don't eat nuggets usually. Even they chicken "patties" are highly suspect at most fast food restaurant.
  11. Everything else aside I do have to agree with Digis take on Mothers Basement. That guy is phonier than a three dollar bill.
  12. Lol are you talking about the guy that was basically crying about Super Eyepatch Wolf's Bleach video? Yeah I bailed on that as soon as he brought that up like ten minutes into the video. From what I understand it's just him saying SEW is wrong and Ichigo totally like does have a character u guyz.
  13. What is it? It looks like a bunch of cheese and olives and some chive.
  14. That sucks but understandlable. Times are tuff for everyone rite now a lot of people I know want to spend more tim e cooped up in their house.
  15. Yikes I hope the people there are prepared. Not sure where New Orleans is but if this models are any indication Louisiania coast needs to be on alert.
  16. Is there a trailer of it? Just because it has a diverse cast doesn't mean iy doesn't have a good story. I'm not sure why they would think that.
  17. Idk looks good I would watch it. Kinda reminds me of The Legends Of Kora design. What was wrong with that?
  18. 1. Uhh... cute marry couple stuff? Idk 2. Idk? 3. I guess so? Tbh not sure if it's official can't remember 4. In the video posted here I believe Digi-nee is a trans woman now that's the explanation in the video 5. I am not super familiar with Digi lore but Idk if they have ever a "normal" job to speak of but I do know this isn't the first time they have made videos I don't want to say "begging" for money but defintely sounding worried about finances. I agree though I don't think I would ever step away from wahtever it is I am doing unless I was pullig consistent Markiplier numbers or Game Theory and even those guys aren't set for life by no means
  19. Digibro is Digi-nee now and Digibro is Digi-nee's husband but yeah I feel that for a while the content has been suffering Digi goes over that a little in this vid. Is it whining? Stressful situation? Dunno. They say they have a hard time balancing making "good" content that filthy casual viewers will rack up the YouTube adbucks w/ views and the "other" content which is sponsored by Patreons but most YouTube people don't like as much. Idk I wonder how many people close to Digi care enough to tell the harsh reality that Anituber is a very niche and unstable "carreer" path and might have to find another way to make the financial ends meet.
  20. I know content monitization can be ruff and has expressed this frustration in the past. Seems cool and collected the most part but a couple points in this "rant" for lack of a better term and seems desperately begging for money. At least that is how I interpre ted it. Hopefully just the stress of lockdown/holiday season is coming up? Wow best wishes and good luck Digi it know it is hard out there rite now. I was actually looking forward to rewatching Asterik War critique shame that it has been removed.
  21. Says it is an Alpha build. Actual gameplay? Scripted? Unrealistic hype? Vertical slice? Or do you think this could be? Yong seems impressed and he is usually on point imo.
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