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Everything posted by Mortir

  1. Wow talk about triggered. I guess they had to go find there safe space.
  2. It is fine we are all just fools.
  3. I mean if they gave me a boss medal like that I would at least pretend to like them too.
  4. Wow that is pretty cool my dude. Congratulations.
  5. Yeah probably.
  6. Nah thosw guys did not know what they were in for. Great fight scene in my opinion.
  7. Have you guys seen this movie? I only just saw it last night can not believe I have been sleeping on it this long.
  8. Wow that is crooked and shady. That is why I do not trust to vote by mail I will be voting in person.
  9. Oh man that is a bummer. I remember watching him debunk crazy people like the guy that blew air on phone book pages. It was sad in a way to watch their delusions crumble right in front of them but I respect his mission to find the truth. He was a big influence on Penn and Teller too and I love them.
  10. They are not going to stop me from voting.
  11. This entire system is the size of the Gulf! Wtf! Monster storm!
  12. I thought Kanye was supposed to be running but he is not on my sample ballot.
  13. I thought it was B |||| (4) like "Before the Beginning"?
  14. Oh it is in the mall? Lol love it and cherish it while it lasts. Just gonna go ahead and throw out the preemptive RIP.
  15. That is neat. The arcade closest to me only has prize claw machines.
  16. I think they are called TAS short for Tool-Assisted Speedruns.
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