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Everything posted by Mortir

  1. I hate people that do not take care of their pets. Brb need to go wash my dog.
  2. I wanna get an the new Xbox.
  3. Bagel bites > pizza roll
  4. Sucks right? Idk go talk to your doc about a diazepam or something. Helps me when I am haveing an episode.
  5. Shrek is love, Shrek is life.
  6. Let me see that tong ta-tong-tong-tong. No seriously. I want some spagetthi.
  7. Nothing wrong with McDonalds.
  8. Not even joking. I thought the name looked suuper familiar since I am watching Batman V Superman on HBO Max. I was like no way that just has to be someone with the same name but nope. Executive producer Steven Mnuchin. He has produced a lot of movies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Mnuchin#Filmography
  9. Mortir

    stop please

  10. Gross. I hope they payed those workers decently. Probably not though.
  11. I have collectors editions of all LotR films still sitting in there plastic. I will probably just put them in the attic at some point.
  12. The Mayans were off by 8 years.
  13. Don't you have to be a nu type or whatever to pilot the Gundam?
  14. AI confirmed for demon.
  15. I am finally going to start watching this since I am trying a free week long trial for hBO Max.
  16. I usually do most of my panting right before sleep. Cannot confirm if it offers me any protections however.
  17. I will say that HBO Max is kinda frustrating because while there are anime on HBO Max there is no anime sub category so you have to search all the other catagories by broader genre ie. drama, science fiction, etc. It does look like a fair amount of Ghibli movies are on there as well.
  18. Maybe other streaming services have this o;ption Idrk because I am only watching HBO Max because I am trying a free week long trial.
  19. Oh hell nah if it were my cat they would be getting the bad end of a rolled up magazine, or a water mister. My food.
  20. Well nt really I guess the name for the font is "casual" on the drop down menu. Still looks goofy Idk who would choose these option.
  21. Also do not forget the satyr. Image may be nsfw.
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