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Everything posted by Ginguy

  1. Hmmm. My adoptive hometown has a sister city in Gifu prefecture. We also have a couple good locations, one of which has a local name of "the grotto". This idea might warrant some planning. Thanks.
  2. Happy Birthday
  3. 2 or so. I'm very even keeled, and hatred is an indulgence I don't spend time on.
  4. Gilette, Boy Scouts of America, CNN International, Snowflake and Safespace (Comic characters), Buzzfeed AUS and International, Gawker, Cuck (the fiilm), Birds of Prey, Battlefield V et al... Those are just a small sample of the get woke go broke phenomenon, there are plenty more. This is an object lesson. It is a campaign video from the Trump campaign which has a similar message as the Toonami crew ran with their splash and video from 2013. Should Toonami have run this, it is the same concept. It isn't a factor of the message content, it is a factor of the audience. I fully support the message that Toonami ran in their video, however you have to read the room, and Toonami is just not the correct forum for political messages.
  5. So, here's the deal. There is no right message in this situation, so why would they bother to do one at all. They are broadcasting to people who are inside on Saturday nights who have already seen the content. They can only alienate a portion of that already niche audience by doing some kind of message.
  6. I hope not. People watch Toonami to see animu they have already seen on stream, not to get political messages. Remember the old (new) maxim: Get woke go broke
  7. Tell her, one time, that you don't find her "jokes" to be funny. Tell her that you are not contagious, and have antibodies which prevent you from getting sick again. If she continues, tell HR, you wouldn't be snitching at that point since you gave her a chance. At all times be nice, don't stoop to her level. If you have to report her, be nice in how you do that as well, explain to HR that you asked her politely to not make those kinds of jokes given the gravity of your illness, and that all you want is the offensive jokes to stop. Understand however that this person will probably take it out on you from now on, so be prepared for that to happen.
  8. Enjoy being Governor of Virginia?
  9. Frozen thin mints. All others are inferior....
  10. Red heads are hot. Pink hair = my kryptonite.
  11. Just a good jam....
  12. The thing is, until sports return en masse Toonami will be able to skate by on reruns. This should take them to a point where they can reasonably begin to reintroduce the new content they have lined up; shows such as Dr. Stone, Fire Force, MHA, Blade Runner (later on obviously) and any other popular pick-ups they might get. (Shield Hero, Goblin Slayer etc.) The budget cuts are not necessarily indicative of performance, but rather a reflection of the overall direction of ATT. ATT doesn't see anime as anything beyond a niche market, hence the reduced budget.
  13. Ginguy


    Cow milk. 2%
  14. I'd go security, better chance to get stable Gov. job.
  15. If you get dating advice from Zeni your failure is complete.
  16. 1. No fun... 2. Secret to being good at blackjack run the game....
  17. Happy Birthday Duzi.
  18. How can you be bad at hookers?
  19. So, does the Z man know they check visitors for warrants....
  20. Hookers? Blackjack?
  21. People will still be able to log in to NFL.com and boo Goodell.
  22. I'm glad you're feeling better.
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