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Everything posted by Ginguy

  1. Hmmm. Not bad. I'll watch, I heard decent things when it was premiering.
  2. The studios can release to YT directly to a global market and bypass the piracy and gain the viewership of the 40 million some odd users in America who watch that kind of content. YT will monetize those vids and the studios will stand to make a lot of money while avoiding losses from piracy/illegal streams and torrents.
  3. Crunchyroll is going to be worthless in a matter of 6 months to a year, which might be what is prompting the big effort to sell. Apparently, according to a Variety article, several top studios in Japan are banding together to launch a global YT channel under the name Animelog/Anilog to offer free subtitled content. Crunchyroll just got cut out at the knees. https://variety.com/2020/streaming/asia/japan-animation-unified-youtube-anime-initiative-1234728555/#article-comments
  4. Wonder if Apple would buy into it, as they look to expand their TV service, have the cash on hand, are reportedly looking for original exclusives and have a certain audience built in with their product audience.
  5. Glad to hear that.
  6. Foiled.....
  7. I can assure you, having worked on campaigns and elections for years, that your vote doesn't matter, so don't bother.
  8. We lost power for a few hours, but we only caught the tail end of the storm line. Hope your service gets back soon. In the meantime don't eat anything from your fridge. You might be able to get your insurance to pay for groceries though, and sometime (rarely) the utility itself will give you a credit on your account for replaced food lost to spoilage.
  9. You could have just gone to Kroger and bought a Visa gift card to order his gift. You'd have gotten 4X fuel points with the digital coupon to boot. No skullduggery needed, but I do appreciate you affording me the chance to use "skullduggery" in a conversation.
  10. I scroll with my left thumb, which on my phone puts it at the same place as people's names. Sorry to burst your bubble.
  11. I don't know about the others, but me showing up on anyone's profile visitor list is a mis-finger on my phone.
  12. Fried tenderloin sandwich. "Double decker" deep dish pie. (pizza) No ketchup (Yes it is spelled ketchup) on hot dogs. Ever.
  13. Involve fans in the program. Things like "dress your pet like your fav MHA Hero (or villain) and show the photos being sent in. Have a semi-permanent watch party showing. Spread the photos throughout the program block. Special streaming/events that can be accessed from passwords that are broadcast. Time the event to Sunday at 9 pm. This can be anything from AMVs to old school anime films like Riding Bean. Have (unpaid) interns do this to keep costs down. This is why you have them in the first place. The point is that Toonami can't compete budget wise so they have to be innovative. They missed the boat on that, but with the packaging stories involving Tom and Sara they could relaunch/rebrand and include these audience involvement activities for relatively little money. A block that has new content would be ideal, such as when they get Blade Runner/Uzumaki/Dr. Stone and possibly the tail end of Fire Force S2 or even S3. A lot of fresh content with a fresh upgraded package that involves the audience will build and retain that audience.
  14. Toonami doesn't have the budget to compete. The best they can do is a couple of short run originals every three or four years, with tier 2 shows and some packaging in between. The solution is to try to engage the audience and build a community, in the way LivePD managed to build "watch parties" and the like. The problem is that Toonami had the chance when it relaunched and they missed it. Now it is stale, the packaging is mediocre and the content is lacking a consistent big draw.
  15. Did they evaluate you for a concussion? Also, the story from now on should be "I was minding my own business and got caught up in a knife fight with a cartel soldado." followed by a thoughtful pause and "He lost". In any event, take care, watch for signs of dizziness or cognitive issues and don't drink any alcohol. Hope you feel better soon.
  16. Well, it isn't Killing Joke, but I'll watch em. Also, because Batman....
  17. I get those from YT, but FB, Twitter and the like are cancer. Truth be told, I hang out (distanced) with real humans and I enjoy that more than getting internet points or followers. To each their own I suppose, but I'm going to stand by my assertion.
  18. Social media is cancer.
  19. Why didn't the supervisor, who is probably the supervisor for the legal assistant, handle the key fob? I would never have a security issue handled by non supervisory personnel. No offense.
  20. I sense a plot to destroy the Jezi.....
  21. It's 3 pm on Friday. Hang in there, beerinforcements are 120 minutes away.
  22. Some people use it around here. Chances are if they are driving a dually you'll be greeted with howdy. I tend to use hi, or what up. Sometimes good morning/afternoon, but that depends on how many zeroes are involved.
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