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Everything posted by Ginguy

  1. 10/10 quality YT content....
  2. Ginguy

    hey mochi

    Happy Birthday
  3. I choose knob control. All other answers are those of amateurs....
  4. They claim it was for fryer oil.
  5. I wonder if they use soy oil for frying. That might explain the two input/output ports. I'm just glad I don't eat at Arby's much. Once in a while I'll go for a beef n cheddar, but not very often since I can make it myself.
  6. "We have the meats"
  7. Sam Adams summer ale
  8. Buffet's ramen has pork and eggs in it....
  9. Ramen and Sapporo on Raku boys....
  10. Shame. RIP
  11. Compile building cleaning policy for church go to Menards to get supplies Fix mailboxes . Clean tub and install new non-skid mat Fix dinner Nap Watch YT (Christopher Odd and Baradul) Read Sleep
  12. Have you considered getting a self-propelled mower? They run around $500 for a decent one, but they save a lot in terms of time. Otherwise you might want to consider a small lawn tractor, depending on the size of the yard. I am also disappointed by the lack of milkshakes....
  13. So, I decided why not take the leadership test from the same place that I did the mental rigidity test. *drumroll* I am a tyrant. I'm not surprised really, that INTJ-A personality type showing through..... But I am a benevolent tyrant, so there is that. Now get back to work hippies. https://psychologia.co/leadership-test/
  14. Baradul and ChristopherOdd on YT both do a great job with streaming content. Here is a vid from Baradul about his streaming set up. It is kind of old and he has changed some things since, but it might be helpful in terms of different ideas to try as you find your own unique style.
  15. 7/10 will see how story unfolds....
  16. Full of creepy pedo garbage. Still better than 99% of soundcloud.....
  17. You heard it here, Raku wins, ramen and Sapporo on him....
  18. There isn't really a good or bad, being rigid or flexible have their pros and cons.
  19. Hippy
  20. Kind of fun, short and easy to do. https://psychologia.co/mental-flexibility-rigidity-test/ I scored 17, seems about right.
  21. Oh snap. Gotta say +1 respect for Goodell.
  22. I'm happy they still managed to digitally boo Goodell....
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