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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. My entire family watches it, so I can't help catching a few clips here and there.
  2. I seriously didn't know that wilderness killers were on a scale with truck driver killers until like two years ago. They just be killing folks out of boredom. It pissed me off watching a few murder episodes back to back because wilderness killers be some long-distance running sonsofbitches with the stamina of Jason Voorhees.
  3. The ID Channel has killed any thoughts of hiking for me unless there are a shit load of people on the trail.
  4. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    I didn't even notice. I was all like, "FUCK YOU, TIMER!"
  5. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    @1pooh4u! My fingers are dead, but that raid was worth it. Thank you!
  6. I actually kind of remember this.
  7. Got my two jabs.
  8. Happy Birthday @Vamped!
  9. My OCD ass has to know why, and then my editing brain is obligated to point out the problems.
  10. A guy in a white robe singing "I am the messiiiiiaah" on the street while two cops were following him in this: New York lived up to most of my expectations.
  11. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    😔 Of course I only see this after I get home. Missed Pooh's invite by like 3 minutes the other day too. At least I got one shiny Snivy today.
  12. 😠 Bruh, like why is this even a thing in 2021?(Forgot that CBS outdated and shitty ass comedies exist) Depending on why the plumber is there, odds are decent the average person isn't going to give fuck all about their dating life and be mostly focused on having the plumbing issue solved. Doubly so because unless the client has a lot of disposable income, a plumber is usually called in as a last resort.
  13. The catchy American theme songs probably played a part too.
  14. It's so cute how I thought I would have the energy to do this. FINALLY added Haikyuu 1-3 box sets to my collection and Tsurune. Now excuse me while I go make rice meal plans because I'm a broke bitch again.
  15. Clamp's designs were RIGHT THERE for inspiration, so I don't understand the need to piss off K-Pop stans who are damn near religious about protecting their favorite artists from being ripped off.
  16. Oh my God, that slo-mo replay was on point, so the ending caught me off guard 🤣.
  17. What my motivation to work should be right now: Saving money to move to Seattle. What it actually is in reality: Working enough so I can justify spending 300 something on 3 anime box sets.
  18. Why the hell does milk have to go with a bunch of delicious chocolaty things? My lactose intolerant ass can only handle a cup of milk too. Not a full glass, but like an actual 8oz. I have to sip on that cup for the duration of my dessert, and of course it's not enough. My throat is dry and that white tempting bastard was nice and chilled today. God I want another cup. *Glares at bottle of water that won't satisfy my craving*
  19. It's a good thing you specified booze because the name of that drink isn't helping.
  20. Whoa, WHOA, WHOA! I thought we were talking about drinks. I ain't tryin' to join in for the weird shit. One of y'all gotta call up Viper for this.
  21. Happy Birthday Neko!
  22. Maaaaaannn, I'm always missing food.
  23. Jesus Christ, I just want one place online to chill and relax while talking shop. Why does every group have to be at war with each other right now or messageboards migrating to new servers?
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