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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. Oh, you are not alone. I tanked and haven't accomplished anything after the first week because I had more house drama, and I wasn't expecting Georgia to be the state that decides the fate of the country. So that respite from politics I was looking forward to when making NaNoWriMo plans never happened. Still gonna do a shit load of writing tonight and tomorrow to salvage something this month.
  2. And yet they still did it any way which makes them a shitty friend and parent. I can't even imagine my friends' kids being bold enough to walk up to them and ask to slap their friend in the face.
  3. So you guys are encouraging this child to hit people with zero provocation? And your so-called friend hits you hard enough to make your ear bleed? Shit like this is why you ain't getting laid any time soon.
  4. Those are the best 'cause they did ask for it.
  5. You proved your manhood by getting bitchslapped?
  6. Jesus, that meal looks atrocious. Vegan restrictions can be annoying, but that meal was all around incompetent and inedible. Whatever company made that trash is on some bullshit.
  7. Family who believe in Science.
  8. Nab, why you talking like we haven't forgotten the 'chicken and waffles' incident?
  9. I'm reading the same miserable messages from white folks up north who sound close to murder.
  10. The mac and cheese was innocent. The real culprit was the asshole who should have cooked for themself or asked what dishes you have and bring something they believe was missing and wanted. Youths!
  11. That sounds like fun. The last five years are maybe the most thankful I've been to be black. Unless you got some weird ass Ben Carson type in the family, you usually don't have to deal with that nonsense.
  12. I like kimchi mixed in with other stuff like fried rice or dumplings.
  13. I have to be 100 percent sure in these food crimes.
  14. I've heard good things about it too and will start the series in a couple weeks once I can take a break, so seconding this.
  15. GET OUT. *Burns sage to clear this negative and WRONG energy* Fuck every sweet potatoes dish and fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck pumpkin pie. I won't eat other folks' green bean casserole or brussel sprouts. I'm too lazy to make either dish this year though. I made a pork loin with stuffing that had raisins in it, and it was actually good.
  16. Oooooh, it's everything I want at such a good price. I can save up for it quick-ah. ☹️ Those are Black Friday weekend prices. 😭 I have no money for at least a month.
  17. Happy Birthday Everyone! So like y'all got the movie Twins stuck in my mind, and I'm imagining Viperxmns as Arnold and helpme as Devito.
  18. At first I was like 'whatevs' when I clicked on this, but then I realized he was doing that whole thing without air and: Edited to add: Thank God he wasn't wearing a body camera because NOPE.
  19. That shit is annoying even with less severe health issues. Zeni does look sick, I'll give him that. But I'm with Pooh on this. He should get all the medical help he needs, but also fuck him.
  20. Nah, deep water like that freaks me out too much, so even if it's shot at a slower speed, I'd still be wide-eyed watching that shit.
  21. I have anxiety. Dis too much.
  22. Ah, I should have known from the way too accurate decription of holding the holy bean juice against your chest.
  23. MIND YA BUSINESS! Me saying fuck you is not an admission that I do everything in this post, but fuck you. Anyways, folks need to read the room in tweet threads where everyone's having a good time. Like okay, post an occasional beatdown video as a reaction if it's warranted, but why do some of y'all always gotta go too far and post something that makes me wonder if I just watched a murder. Especially, since you can't tell when a video is gonna go that route.
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