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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. Eat a dick brain. You had me dreaming about coming home to find all sorts of Valentine's chocolate truffles and cherry Poptarts, and then you end it on me opening the cabinet to find a rat so it's the last thing I see? That's bullshit, and I don't like the obvious commentary on my paranoia of having nice things followed by something bad happening.
  2. Oh my God. You would have this! 🤣
  3. Black Freakazoid cosplayers make me so happy.
  4. One day I'll learn Chess properly and play with the Jawa.
  5. "So much to do, so much to see So what's wrong with taking the back streets?" I need this song out of my head.
  6. I admit to having "Gayo gayo!" pop into my head.
  7. Gotta love when all the shit you said would happen keeps coming true. For some reason, this video popped into my head while thinking about white moderates(also some nonwhite folks and women who defended them while knowing better) and how they tried to gaslight minorities or anyone vulnerable with a uterus about the possibility of Trump getting elected and then the harm he would do once in power(NSFW) : Must be because I want to watch Fargo again soon.
  8. All right, all right, all right. Christmas werewolf porn, let's get it on! I will make this fucking deadline.
  9. Sorry Pooh from over here too. I'm swamped with work and barely touching my phone.
  10. It would be nice if this was just someone starting rumors for clout, but their post is making too much sense. Thank goodness I've already focused my attention elsewhere.
  11. Cooking...robot...please...someone make. Feet...so...painful.
  12. I did not know that Akon straight up chucked a fan like a ragdoll during a concert.
  13. How do I keep forgetting to buy crushed red pepper flakes?
  14. Folks better sign up after asking me to do this.
  15. This is like twenty-year-old rant in the making, but it still annoys me! I went to a sleepover at a friend's house and we did all that girl bonding shit. We ate pizza and ice cream, and then she showed me her figurines of horses and all of her spider and lizard tanks. I got the grand tour or her poisonous spiders and a little education about her tarantulas. During the tour, there were a few empty tanks on the side of her bedroom table, but she had told me of a few spiders passing so I thought that was it. How come before we go to sleep, this chick leans over from her bed to say, "Oh by the way, one of the big poisonous ones escaped three days ago, and we haven't found it yet." No she wasn't fucking with me, she was dead ass serious. And what pissed me off was that she informed me not because of my safety, but if I felt something crawling on me during the night don't make any sudden movements and accidentally hurt her baby(it was like a blue tarantula maybe). All that bonding and her concern was for the damn spider, but not me? I felt betrayed and of course I slept like this the rest of the night:
  16. Sometimes I understand why because of obvious negligence towards things during production, but folks are sounding stupid as hell about these costumes. These clothes are supposed to withstand the rigors of action scenes while being fairly accurate to the characters, and most cosplay outfits cannot accomplish that. Go to any convention and you'll see how quickly they fall apart just from walking around.
  17. Y'all find any situation to bring this up! 😭
  18. *Remembers s-curl from childhood*
  19. Why black hair over two inches gotta be drama?
  20. I finally have a plot for my monster fucking book dedicated to folks who are into Skeletor. I'm proud of myself.
  21. R.L. Stine partnered with Netflix to make a trilogy that takes place in the Fear Street world but not actually directly adapted from the books. I like that there's three different Horror movie types for each film. Part One: 1994 is more a Scream slasher, Part Two: 1978 is your summer camp slasher, and Part Three: is your 'The Witch' type film. Part Two was my favorite. There are some spoilers if you watch the second and third trailers. I'm also biased towards Part Two below because it felt the most like reading an old Fear Street book.
  22. This is good to know. I wish more families had access to this kind of treatment. What the heck am I gonna eat for breakfast?
  23. I'm thinking about how @Vamped got me worried about the other kids in that household.
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