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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. *Takes note of possible Skynet collaborators*
  2. Her and Ripley were one of my earliest lesbian ships.
  3. It's always amazed me how little prison time Don King's trifling ass has received during his life.
  4. Congratulations, that's called white privilege and being an asshole. That's a cute thing to believe, but that's not how slurs work in language. You don't get to disregard the historical context of words just because you feel like it, especially when there's a very current context of racism in the lgbt community.
  5. Mugs(my Pokeball and Wonder Woman ones are my favorites) Anime that I want to rewatch Books Glass/Crystal figurines Lamps Metal lunch boxes(I hate that other than DBZ, you can only find new anime ones nowadays in a $500 collector's set). Fantasy statues Until I have a steady income, I stay the hell away from Sailor Moon, Harry Potter, and The Nightmare Before Christmas stuff because those threetwo things sap away any willpower that I have.
  6. I love how the woman's like, 'This is how you know you got a sturdy wig.'
  7. No, because sucking out poison doesn't work, and going for help instead of playing amateur doctor would probably increase the odds of him keeping his dong.
  8. Oh someone's suddenly too good for our Lonely Bastards Club, huh? I see how it is.
  9. It's been years since I've read anything by him, so I can't remember much about his writing. The atmosphere in his stories and feelings I had when reading them still stick with me though. On the rare occasion that I'm on a subway at night, my mind instantly remembers The Midnight Meat Train.
  10. I watch so little MMA that I can't even be called a casual fan, but I know that you NEVER turn your back on someone during a fight. That was a good hit, and Grigorian deserved it for being that stupid. I'm not surprised that his fans are idiots too.
  11. There are too many delicious raw fruits for me to agree with the title and too many fast food joints cooking dry hard ass burgers for me to agree with the post.
  12. I hope that you get better and have good doctors to take care of you. Asshole doctors can be really stressful on top of medical situations.
  13. Of course I got stung right above the ass by a yellow jacket when I bent over to pick up my dog's toy. One day(when I'm not drowsy from 2 benadryl), I'm gonna burn those bushes they hang out in to the fucking ground. Luckily the benadryl did stop my throat from closing up and the steroid pills I have leftover from the last ER visit are helping the hives. Fun little fact about being stung on the lower half of my body, everything itched like crazy down there. Everything!
  14. Older laptop has six years on it, this one has been around seven months, and I got my desktop about eight or nine months ago.
  15. Why do I have to wait until 2018? I want it nooowwww! :'(
  16. Incorrect response. You respond to bullshit with bullshit. Me: Hate the new logo go back to the old one Shannon N Kristy Basham: Why does it matter? It shouldn't be effecting your food at all Cooler You: It does! I can taste the logo and all that green food coloring is disgusting!
  17. It's up to 435 million now.
  18. Luckily, I haven't run into that yet. I let sibling incest fanart slide when the characters are close in age, and hell, self incest or whatever that's called. But, I'm a solid nope on parent/child incest.
  19. This reminds me that I keep meaning to add some cocoa to Cream of Wheat to see what it tastes like. I've never tasted Malt-o-Meal though.
  20. Mostly grape with peanut butter, but once in a blue moon I'll use apple jelly instead. I use a bunch of different preserves when I have crunchy cookie butter on hand.
  21. Become a famous author and make a cyberpunk remake of The Last Dragon.
  22. DragonSinger


    The CGI didn't age well, but I thought it was a cool creepy touch to the weapon when I first saw it.
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