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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. Sardines don't taste bad to me, but after eating a few, my body tries very hard to reject them.
  2. I was about to say, "Scoob, you got San Fran money?'.
  3. Heroic Legend of Arslan 2
  4. That's what izakayas are for. I ain't doing all that shit. The only reason why I use a little bit of effort is because the Mama noodles are friggin delicious, and it feels disrespectful to eat them plain.
  5. I cook some of that bagged shredded slaw, slice up some leftover roast meat, boil an egg, and then add all of that to a mama noodle(pork/shrimp). Sometimes a splash of Sriracha or soy sauce too.
  6. The Heroic Legend of Arslan 1
  7. When I was reading the Traveling Shot Glass thread, I remember thinking, 'Why on Earth would y'all give it to Sawdy?' Buddy, what's your worst kitchen fuck-up?
  8. Rihanna is like the only singer who can pull off that line without you thinking she's full of shit.
  9. This is the more pleasant way to persuade someone to give a season that might start slow to them a second shot.
  10. I think that it had a lot of fun ideas, but there was too little coherence in the plot. Jupiter getting kidnapped so many times was the bad kind of ridiculous, but I was digging hot skating space werewolf and wished more time had been spent building a romance between them.
  11. Happy Birthday!
  12. She has giant muscles, y'all will live. Bodybuilders in general who've reached the veiny stage aren't my thing, but I'm not a drama queen over it.
  13. The weirdo nerd with a rolling suitcase who spent class eating, reading a book, or drawing. I was also the reason why the dress code had to be changed to ban pajamas.
  14. What's the point of calling people 'faggot' when it is a homophobic slur and never hurts the intended target?
  15. What is your proudest dad moment?
  16. My body is falling apart and I'm missing too many personal deadlines, but mentally I'm pretty chill about it.
  17. I've only been interested in purchasing Ironheart fanart because the actual comic just feels like a lazy way of introducing a new black character(Slapping some big name white character's powers on them and giving them far less to do than their white counterparts) while hoping to get cookies for diversity. When I have ample disposable income(Anime and manga already clean me out), I plan on it spending it on more creative and gutsier indie comics that have minority artists and writers on board who put in better effort at creating characters like them.
  18. Fucked up but not a surprise. Someone committing suicide increases the chances of one of their loved ones going that route too.
  19. I think that high school teacher is considered a difficult goal to achieve because of how our country treats them. I hope you do get there because you sound like you can provide the support that teens need during that time. Here are mine: 1. Have a personal driver. 2. Visit Japan again. 3. Build an awesome home library. 4. Make a movie. 5. Have enough money to eat at any restaurant that I want. 6. Learn how to ice skate.
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