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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. that's cool. can i be the FRESH FISH guy?
  2. i wish that in the movie "the shawshank redemption" that morgan freeman's character goes to that tree and finds the box with the cash and the note, but instead of catching up to tim robbins fixing a boat on that beach in mexico, he only finds the dead, rotting corpse of a brutally murdered and sodomized andy dufresne. and then he dies of shock. roll credits.
  3. add peanut butter.
  4. i keep getting the mental picture of sponges having an actual debate with his girlfriend over which dakimakura cover to order her.
  5. dr mario practices "leave no trace" principles. here's a question that's probably already been answered. did anyone, at any point before the original original boards died, ever pull a backup of user stats or anything? ipb seems (from my complete lack of investigation into the matter) flexible enough that it could possibly import more data than previous replacement boards...
  6. that was a dude. also, he wasn't hitting on you. he was being nice so you wouldn't get shitty while the manager was conducting performance evals. also, you paid for those "extra" cookies.
  7. it's just one of many, non-life-threatening, but also somewhat annoying body degredations that can be fixed for a fee. but once they start, they don't stop.
  8. i got two words for ya. umbilical. hernia. welcome to the mid-life.
  9. everyone knows calories only count if you can actually count that high.
  10. i'm like a whole new me now. it's glorious.
  11. i made myself over today as well. i ... parted my hair ... FROM THE OTHER SIDE!!!
  12. imagine that. packard found a lawyer who is willing to take his money. in jersey no less! case closed guys. we may as well start saving up now for the big payout in his favor.
  13. Went on a ghost hunt with the wife one time. It's a thing she does with her mom a lot, don't ask. Anyways, we ended up getting a lot of interesting EVPs. The best one sounded like someone saying "cut her up" in a room where a guy murdered his wife. There was another one where the ladies were talking about something making noise, and a woman's voice clearly said "it's just barn swallows" but no one heard it in the room at the time.
  14. and this is when your "case" (or lack thereof) loses.
  15. the injuries to prove it, you say? so there's a specific day you can point to and say, this is where i slipped a disc? and it's been properly documented with employer? the best you'll get is a worker's comp claim and a few extra days being a sedentary fuck.
  16. so they didn't create an unsafe environment, so much as they just didn't address an existing one. unsafe, according to you anyways. if employer changed procedure every time some pleb made an impotent demand, employer would have no time to actually govern their employees. maybe let the boss do their job, and you either do yours or quit?
  17. i mean, what could your employer have possibly done to create an unsafe working environment? did he sharpen the top ends of the mop handles or something?
  18. aaand offline. i'm over it now.
  19. overpour. i seen it just now. fired.
  20. copypasta i'm not putting together the fancy link thingy. fucking deal.
  21. because i'm a little drunk, super bored, and willing to share the lame-ass video feed from the bar on a slow fucking friday night. username "user" select "server push mode" when prmopted
  22. no, not a version of me. they are all me. i am all of them. and i am constantly destroying pieces of this whole, in an attempt to become the one.
  23. i'm not destined to live an exact, predetermined fate. i'm destined to live EVERY exact, predetermined fate. so sayeth your 10d theory, but i think it only takes 6 dimensions.
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