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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. it's gamblers that drop $500 off their debit card that keep your casino in business? lol, what kind of second-rate penny slot shithole are you working in these days?
  2. i wasn't even really after that particular pic. i was googling celebrities on cars, hoping to see something that would pop out. like zucc on a truck, or mick on a buick. but lo and behold, mr. elton fucking john was sitting on a god damned jaguar (apparently he's a collector), and it was too pure to NOT apply it to the meme. to pass it up would have been a greater offense to the meme than anything mochi would concoct after seeing it.
  3. we could still go with the alternate. but NOOOOO someone had to go and assume the worst. damn you pooh.
  4. i do what i can.
  5. ahh fuck. mochi got offended. well that's never happened before.
  6. eh, whatever. if you can't take joke in meme form, gtfo pansy.
  7. you've wounded me.
  8. that would be insensitive.
  9. i mean, it's obvious... star on a car. duh! ::]::
  10. it's not even photoshopped. this one existed in the wild.
  11. lol "we"
  12. well shit. i've never been scared to admit my rants roots. it was always the only place worth investing any energy. i guess senpai finally noticed me?
  13. i was about to say something about how i've seen posters in df with only a couple hundred posts. i'm speshul, so it didn't make sense for a minute. then i figured it out. -_'
  14. he's fully recovered. still hacking up shit (not literal shit, that would be odd) but otherwise, he's doing fine now. thanks!
  15. pretty much this. also, depends on your local ordinances. like in my town, you can't be topless inside a bar, men or women, period. ↙ look, that became redundant. ...oh yeah, moving on. in my state though, you can serve alcohol as long as you're wearing some kind of bikini bottom or underwear. local ordinance takes precedent though
  16. yeah well my bullshit radar has been pegged lately. that and i've maybe had 3 hours of sleep since sunday. i'm not putting a whole lot of thought into things right now.
  17. not sure if being supportive, or telling me to gtfo. i feel like i've missed something.
  18. again, thanks everyone. i honestly had no intention of creating one of these sympathy threads. i just kinda wandered back to this place overnight while everyone else was asleep. that coffee from "b.h. java" (yes, that's really the name of the coffee shop here at blessing hospital) this morning really brought me back from the dead. being up all night every night with 2 sick kids since sunday has been a real treat.
  19. no one is saying anything about heart disease right now, just a viral infection and some potential complications. today is the first day i've taken off work (besides eclipse day) for about 3 months, and i think i'll be due for a couple more once the whole house is healthy again.
  20. that was a read. not sure if i should thank you or ::: but anyways.
  21. the 15-month-old was in to see the doctor yesterday morning because he's been fighting a sinus infection for a couple days. doctors sent him back home at that point, but he went downhill through the afternoon (chest retractions, high fever, real lethargic). took him back to the doctor about 5 in the afternoon, and they sent him over to the hospital. took x-rays, tested for influenza and RSV and a couple other things overnight. everything came back negative this morning, so we're thinking simple bronchialitis. he's been on o2 since he was admitted, but we've been weaning him off gradually. he should go down to room air after a nap if everything goes ok. then maybe a few hours of monitoring to make sure he's still getting enough o2, and we might get to go home tonight if all goes well. thanks for the well wishes. we hopefully have the worst of it behind us, but it's been almost a week of this already. i'm fucking tired.
  22. i can see it today and i crossed 900 overnight.
  23. when you're sitting in the hospital with absolutely nothing to do besides watching the kiddo's heart monitor while he sleeps, you can only browse so much amazon and reddit before getting desperate. sidenote: the quality of the coffee here is a lot better than i recall. so at least there's that.
  24. i feel like the premise for most of these packard threads is lifted from a failed 1960s variety show. think sonny & cher comedy hour, but all the jokes come from don adams.
  25. is this the only ass you're gonna eat this weekend? keep in mind the weekend is a day longer than normal.
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