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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. get one of those velcro arm pad thingies. they don't do shit, but then people will recognize that you have a problem. or they'll think you're wearing a fitbit, and they'll internally cuss you for being one of "those" people. either way, it puts you in their mind, and isn't that the ultimate goal?
  2. i thought that was all day for you though.
  3. is that like a downvote?
  4. it's broken. i think i broke it.
  5. flour, salt, sugar, egg, milk, baking soda, and oil.
  6. it's all about the reputation here. kudos is nothing more than a fucking candy bar now.
  7. no offense, but i'm not dl'ing your malware-bomb parading around as an untagged nude video. i learn't my lesson last time.
  8. it's not lurking if you start posting welcome back
  9. too clean. needs moar sidebar.
  10. so tonight's episode made me meh pretty hard. you can't really justify 44 minutes of meh with 10 seconds of wtf.
  11. ass kisser.
  12. a classic case of the pot calling the pill-popper black. and now i'm confused by my own analogy. fucking hell.
  13. good luck at the soccer tournament, man!
  14. super bowl? nationals? new orleans? is this a volleyball tournament?
  15. i just moved a deschutes black butte xxix birthday reserve up to the fridge for tonight. it joins some other 6-packs of deschutes hopzeit, odell's rupture, fat tire, a mix-6 from cathedral square, and a 6-pack of homebrew brown ale. wife is taking a ladies night, so dad's gonna put the kiddos to bed a little early and drink one of each of those beers on the front porch in complete silense. :smileyzen: i'm into black ipa's right now, but i'm all out until the truck comes back around next week. 21st amendment makes a decent one in a can called "back in black" and i had about a case up at the bar until i recommended it to a buddy of mine. he drank a few at the bar and took 12 home with him. we also brewed a pretty good black ipa last winter. i'm tempted to re-order the kit and make it again so i can take some up to family xmas @ thanksgiving.
  16. i grew up on a farm, raising dairy and beef cows. we always had fresh milk and a big chest freezer full of beef. plus a 1+ acre garden where we grew a lot of veggies, then canned them for winter months. really took it for granted too. after going off to college (and after that, moving even farther away from home and leaving behind the farm life entirely) it's taken me several years to get back to fresh and natural. now my wife and her family buy a cow or hog every year and have it butchered locally. my brother-in-law keeps about 40 chickens for fresh eggs. and we've recently started canning fresh foods again. it's gonna take a little while to get to where we want to be, but over the last year, we've gone from take-out and dining out probably half a dozen times a week, down to maybe once a week. and we use fresh produce in every meal instead of canned / frozen stuff. it's a bit more work, but i'd rather put effort into that over trudging around wal-mart twice a month.
  17. hamburger helper (or panburger partner, depends on your level of broke-ness) doesn't count as "from scratch" fyi.
  18. i hope he doesn't pop anything on me. that sounds gross and a little violent.
  19. suck it up dude. you can waste away your day missing someone who's already gone, or you can fap to the thought of the next one to come along. which one actually accomplishes something?
  20. i could always buy a cheap drone and just drop it on him directly. if he didn't crossbow it outta the sky first for invading his private space.
  21. but then i'd have to get close enough to him to actually see him. i have no intentions of doing that.
  22. NOPE. i checked out his fb pages. there'd be an army of backwoods badasses at my front door if i disparaged old uncle ted.
  23. weird. also, not yet.
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