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Everything posted by brianycpht

  1. Amen to that. The question is, do they even care enough about getting first rights to spend the money? In their eyes, does it even make a difference if a good chunk of the audience won't tune in and just wait until streaming anyway?
  2. I’m still 100% certain we get Mob at some point early this year. I know the Reigen special was mistakenly announced to air last year and it would be a good recap of s1. I wonder though where they would slot it? Would they put Fire Force on hiatus again right before it finishes for something like that? I think the smarter move is to replace Fire Force with Mob and give Food Wars a week off since it’s older and not near it’s finale. I do agree we’ll get an announcement this week, even if it’s a stall schedule. They pretty much have to. I would like to see them continue to pick up unknown newer anime with a tighter but reasonable schedule with Funimation. I’d live to see Funimation actually let them premeire something and have a deal like Titan, but I don’t think it can happen that way anymore
  3. Another rerun announcement would be a letdown for sure. I’m going with a recent show that just started up ID: INVADED. Usually these newer shows require last minute announcements because Funimation HAS to start streaming them first to get their audience. It’s Aniplex also. if it was SAO, they’d be able to tell us now
  4. Very Proud of Saitama! The marathon did a little better and on par than last weeks lineup for the most part The first episode did 493,000/0.22 which was better than the MHA that aired in the same time slot
  5. No, adding a third rerun will just be unnecessary and be a repeat of what we had before. What's interesting is we don’t have a lot of obvious candidates for replacements. I hope they continue for untested new properties, but I have a feeling out next 3 shows are Mob 2, SAO, and the return of Boruto (which they’ll probably want to start again before Viz catches up with home releases, if not, what’s the point really?. I’m kind of hoping that stays gone)
  6. Are you speculating we won’t even get a premeire to replace OPM and we get even more reruns? That would be lame on a whole other level
  7. Either regular viewers aren’t into it that much or it’s because they are a few weeks old by they air. Either way, the retention for the rest of the block is tight. I’m hoping the marathon break doesn’t drive viewers further away and they find MHA online since it doesn’t appear to be stopping there
  8. They actually wanted to get it the year before but couldn't.
  9. I think you are correct in that Toonami could’ve made more deals like DW but went with “bigger” shows rather than unproven ones. I really think they couldn’t gotten MHA back then but went a different route. It was even mentioned at one point that they waited to see if MHA would be "big" before deciding to go after it, you just can't do that anymore, it's too late then. There were people at IGN who mentioned that Toonami got MHA and they were kind of like "I guess thats good for people that don't have good internet". A TV airing of a popular anime is seen as a syndicated rerun at best, which would be great for a rewatch if they aired 5 days a week, but they don't. Up until this year, it seemed that the strategy was "wait to see if its popular and people ask for it and not take a chance". You have to air newer shows now, it might even be too late for Mob2. Airing too far away from the sub doesn't help either and dub premeires of shows 6 months old don't tend to do better than a few week old dubs of newer shows. You just can't assume people will tune in because it is "popular" or just because you like it. I think they need to make an arrangement similar to the deal that AS had with FOX at one point: 1. Funimation can premeire the dubs on their service a week or 2 behind broadcast 2. it is also announced that Toonami will get it on a delay. This will take away the uncertainty for people who want to know. 3. Toonami airs the show on Funimation's schedule and does not break if they don't break, holidays or not (especially if the holiday is 5 days away from the weekend). If they both want to suspend broadcast, then thats fine, but Funimation is only allowed to be 2 weeks ahead of them. 4. Toonami is allowed to close the gap if Funimation has a delay. This allows Funimation and Toonami to keep their respective viewership. I feel like this is the best way for it to work. Funimation gets their exclusive window, but Toonami get's the benefit of fresh shows. Funimation needs to be transparent about the dub premiering on their service with a Toonami broadcast later. The practice of keeping people in the dark about this until its had a chance to stream is kind of one sided to benefit Funimation. Toonami in turn needs to not delay broadcasts in order to keep their viewers from moving to streaming unless Funimation also decides to delay (a la AOT) which isn't in Funimations best interest since it angers their subscriber base. Toonami needs to adapt to how anime is released now and I think they are getting there. The programmers need to adapt as well and let go of traditional programming practices.
  10. No point in doing that. He’s not a programmer
  11. Part of me thinks that catering to the viewers who wouldn’t at least DVR the block so they don’t miss out is a shame. Part of it is the fact that they are still focused on live viewership to get the majority of ad revenue. If you travel but watch on Tuesday, it doesn’t count. Even less so if you don’t watch by 3am. It’s an antiquated system because it heavily draws from the way people used to watch TV. DVR should count for more than it does.
  12. I have a friend who’s a fitness trainer and he hates how people wait until the New Year to start working out. He’s like, “Just start now, why wait”. Its the way modern society has kind of trained people to operate on a calendar. I’m kind of always not understood why certain families only get together or give gifts during holidays or even that's it’s mandated we do so. It’s kind of off if you only reach out to those people then if you really care about them. I started buying my house in August 2012 and it had legal complications because of a will. My realtor told me that if it wasn’t settled by Thanksgiving not you expect it until January. Sure enough January 2nd all my stuff went through and the deal was made. It literally stalled for the whole month of December I’ve never had a family like that so it’s strange to me I guess. The amount of times I see people on January 2nd posting about how hard it is to go back to work after the whole office had 2 weeks off is odd since I didn’t think that many companies can just shut down for 2 weeks either. I didn’t know there were jobs that gave everyone a winter break One reason I think TV goes off during holidays as well is to promote film attendance. After all, many of the networks are part of a corporate entity that releases films as well
  13. I think that was before the simuldub initiative really took off. I think AS was in a position in 2016 to make an arrangement, but they got other titles instead and Funimation started doing their own thing
  14. I hate on this holiday thing personally because I’ve had real life things (buying my house, timely medical treatment for my dying mother) held up “because it’s the holidays” and key people not working the whole month of December. So I’m sorry for my attitude about the whole thing, but I just hate that whole mentality of all normalcy being on pause because it seems like nothing gets done the whole month. I have a job where we don’t get automatic holiday breaks so I never understood it.
  15. Funimation will never allow these shows to premeire on Toonami without Japanese intervention as long as FunimationNow exists. Even for a CR property like Dr. Stone or Mob. They have too much of a reason to hold them back in order to drive traffic to their site
  16. I’m finding more and more cable networks (especially on Sundays) are airing their regular shows weekends before the holiday Like all of these networks Thanksgiving weekend (when they decided to also not air Rick and http://www.showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-top-150-sunday-cable-originals-network-finals-12-1-2019.html (New Years Weekend 2018) http://www.showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-top-150-sunday-cable-originals-network-finals-12-30-2018.html (Christmas weekend 2018http://www.showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-top-150-sunday-cable-originals-network-finals-12-23-2018.html Networks like Bravo, TLC, snd E air new programming on those weekends and have healthy viewership , so I don’t understand why AS has an issue with it when you see other networks can not put their shows on hiatus for 3 weeks. Is it because it’s Saturday and that’s riskier?Is DVR not a factor? So only live viewers matter? I’m guessing it’s because Toonami pays for each airing and they only get one shot to make a rating.
  17. At least in that regard, AMC owns the platform it streams on so it still helps them. In the case of Toonami, FunimationNow (or pirate sites) get the benefit. If it was CR, HBOMAX or AS.com, it’d be a different story
  18. Yeah, but we also don’t have the next 8 episodes of that on a competing streaming service ready to watch the way it’ll eventually air on TV. They’d lose all their viewers
  19. I actually have mentioned that and I think she gets that because it’s a production thing. The episodes don’t exist in dub form yet. But in Toonami’s case, they have them ready to go and are just not airing them because of what we both perceive to be an outdated TV practice when live viewership isn’t the end all be all. It’s particularly frustrating for her when she already is hanging back several episodes to watch with me on the block when the episodes are already dubbed and available. To delay further just makes it seem more of a less efficient way to watch TBH, we record the majority of the block and watch it throughout the week. We’ve also traveled and watched the app while on the go. We would continue to do so every week regardless of a holiday/vacation . So to us, it seems silly to have to pause the block because they feel like “no one watches TV” the 2nd half of December. I’ve mentioned it before, but all the normal shows she watches on other cable networks that air in Sundays continue without interruption as do many AS originals. I don’t understand why Toonami in particular needs to be off 5 days before each holiday.
  20. I hope so. It seems like the reason to get the show was to premeire the 3rd season dub. I don’t know why it happened like this. Similar to GenLock and Mob , we got the first season and can’t premeire the second. Seems like a wasted opportunity
  21. Noted. I do talk to text so it does that. She’s new to anime fandom, prefers dubs, and has a work group who discuss the shows and she constantly gets spoilers because no one watches Toonami besides her. They actually makes fun of her for doing that when even simuldubs are ahead and she could watch those. Black Clover especially ridiculous being 12 (soon to be 14) weeks behind
  22. Got a lot to say about this and I apologize for the long post. As a person who loves the block but is aware of their shortcomings compared to streaming, I’m starting to wonder what they are trying to be: My wife told me that if they do one more marathon, she was abandoning the airings of the Funimation shows because she’s tired of being artificially behind to support a block that doesn’t seem to care about being current. So this actually now will stop us from watching certain shows together unless I do as well. I actually thought they were serious this year about prioritizing at least being current with simuldubs I stress of adhering to these holiday marathons that are 5 days away from the actual holiday. I was hoping they would understand the importantance of at least being somewhat current with streaming. Because of this we are going from a week behind Fire Force to a month and MHA 3 weeks to 5 weeks. And Funimation isn’t stopping at all with those 2. I wonder if Japan will even take off since the episodes air Friday and Saturday - removed from the actual holiday. If you’re someone who watches Toonami only, you start to lag behind the current discussion. I really wanted them to get serious this year about the importance of not falling behind. I know we’ve come a long way, but the need to completely take the shows off for holidays being more important with staying current, just shows how stuck in the past they are. Other networks that air originals on Sundays (including AS) won’t be taking hiatuses. You seldom see cable networks completely shut down. Broadcast is another story. Ratings wise, they may be fine. But it is getting harder to justify Toonami as a viable option to watch new anime when they still cling to the old practices of TV that is becoming obsolete in the age of streaming, DVR, and OD. Of course, this wouldn’t be an issue if Funimation wouldn’t have had them on a delay to begin with.. I know it sounds like a broken record, but I really wanted Toonami to be a real destination for new content and a force in the anime industry rather than just getting the scraps left over from streaming. I think that if streaming isn’t stopping for “holidays” than Toonami shouldn’t either. It just makes them seem more of a relic of the past They really need to get that by doing this stuff, they can lose potential audience who may jump over to the stream. And honestly, they may not want to pay for Funimation, but that’s not where people go. Is Toonami really content just being for the people who don’t know better or don’t care? Maybe they are. Maybe the block isn’t for people like me anymore. Obviously it holds an important place in my fandom and it’s hard to let it go, but it’s hard to justify staying behind when the shows are right there and streaming doesn’t break for the holidays
  23. Nope, the dub of season 3 will be on DVD and all the pirate sites on 2-25 https://www.rightstufanime.com/Food-Wars-The-Third-Plate-Blu-ray
  24. So they would’ve been just fine running the normal lineup
  25. I’ve seen people beg for marathons because they are worried that the block will take a ratings hit. It’s not like it effects their advertising revenue lol. Same for reruns “It’s a waste to run a show at 3:30, they should do a rerun.” I’m like, who cares it’s on! I think it’s a side effect of caring more about how the block does than actually enjoying it. I can see if you want to skip something like Rick and Morty because you can’t watch that ahead somewhere else and there’s MILLIONS of viewers at stake , but when it’s anime that is barely doing 500k what are you risking? We’ve seen holiday weeks do ok with the regular lineup. You don’t want the people to abandon the airing. I did for Clover. It started 3 episodes behind and now it’s more than 10.
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