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Everything posted by brianycpht

  1. I mean can they at least have them tweet about it?
  2. I really wish we’d get some promotion from him
  3. We’ve asked Demarco several times with no response, I figured we’d actually get an answer here. You can tell these guys are super excited to have their show air
  4. If anyone cares, they've also lost parts of HxH on the site I'd imagine the next series to completely go away will be Outlaw Star since they get most things from Funimation and Viz for 2 years Somehow, Lupin part 4 is hanging on..
  5. I'm guessing that you're right. I was around during Columbine and of course 9/11 and theres always going to be things pulled in the immediate aftermath to allow people to grieve and not remind the public of horrifying events. Even after 9/11- Gundam (well 8th MS ) was back on the air within a month. This is a little more graphic and reminiscent of the fire however. It had to be pulled this week and talk of any plan to bring it back i just innapproriate the day after- they'll probably address it next week. As for Toonami, I actually was messaging with a friend of mine about hoe horrible and problematic it would be if that was the show they picked up and we agreed that there was no way they'd even be able to announce it now if that deal worked out. Whatever happens, they have the show now and they'll pick it up again right when it comes back- but it's not as easy to just drop it in right at that moment if they pick up something else. i guess we'll see..
  6. Ok going by these results, I'd wager to say that programming was probably waiting to see how things were going before making a final decision on what to do, hence no scheudle yet beyond Gundam at 3:00 So I think we have several options depending upon if they have a new show and need/want it to start July 6th OPTION 1 -Leave lineup intact, putting on a new show at 12:00. Sub in one of the Rick and Morty's for a Family Guy at 9:30 (that they aren't using somewhere else so theirs no downside). MHA continues at 10:30 and the slot is dropped after the conclusion of the season OPTION 2 -Move MHA back to midnight, reinstate the 10:00 PM Family Guy hour, wait on an additional new show for now and replace MHA when it ends. This could slide back the intended order of their premieres depending on what else they have lined up Either way, it's increasingly obvious that they need a double Family Guy lead in to the block for it to have a decent start. I don't know why they don't realize that by now.
  7. Well if we had that kind of lead in to Toonami we'd probably at least have Super in the 900k-1 million range
  8. So this situation with MHA leading at 10:30 has got me thinking that the ultimate plan may to try and inch back to a 10pm start time and have the block end at 3. For some reason I have a feeling about this In this scenerio, HxH will be replaced by a new show that airs at 11 and MHA and DBS are moved back.... I'm hoping that they realize the error of their ways and add an hour of Family Guy back in and sacrifice the Super encore or a Rick and Morty.
  9. Come on man don’t encourage them to do that! This is the glorious 5 month vacation from marathons.
  10. They need to stop being so secrective with the schedule and have something official that goes at least 2-3 weeks out. I don’t know why they do this. I know they have last minute changes, but this is basic stuff
  11. I think it’ll be on Hulu in a few weeks if you’re interested in that. They may have taken it down from YT when the home video release happened
  12. I think it’ll be June for the simple reason that launching the show right before MD would probably not be the best move. If they can forgo a 4th marathon again this year, they can knock out the whole 2nd half in one go without a break
  13. You really want IBO back don’t you lol? You know they have the whole thing on GundamInfo on YouTube?
  14. That’s just the way it’s going to have to go if we need to slot Titan in there AND have a replacement for Megalo. We can’t be too upset for the “old timers” to get pushed late. Their audiences will find them My biggest fear is that they’ll either rerun Megalo at 1 or put another rerun in that slot until Titan is ready
  15. Just going to put this out there: Bravo and TLC aired new episodes of all their shows last night. They cater even more to an audience that would be “busy” for the holidays. Do you guys think it’s more of a Saturday thing?
  16. Besides Rick and Morty they have very few options with programming Saturdays it seems. They have a limited number of American Dads and Bobs Burgers to use and they need very single one of them to program primetime during the week, especially with KOTH and Cleveland gone. I don't remember the setup from before, but they used to be able to use 2 of each every Saturday in 2015/16 leading into Family Guy which really bolstered the block up. If they really are serious about winning in primetime, they need these shows because nothing they own has ever worked in prime time. Its just not mainstream enough for that audience. I fully expect the first week or two of this schedule to not do as well because of the Ballmastrz episodes and the fact that the comedy crowd will take some time to return after being totally off of Saturdays for 3 months. Once the inevitable Rick and Morty replaces the BM in 2 weeks, we could see the block get propped up a little bit more. Super will no doubt benefit from Family Guy in front of it, but are we still going to see an immediate huge drop going into Boruto? Possibly but I hope not
  17. I can see it being a major annoyance to those of don’t have anything special to do over the holidays or any time off from work. Especially if Toonami is one of the main things you have to look toward yo everyweek. That being said, I’m in that category, but I’m just going to use the time to play games and watch other things. I also don’t watch all my recorded Toonami in the weeks leading up. I save it to get me through the off time
  18. That’s been my thing. Ratings can’t really be used as an excuse anymore since they are so low anyway. All year we’ve been told how they aren’t as important anymore and we had a TG weekend lineup that did normal. The only thing I can see is if they need to use it for programming needs or as a cost saving measure. And yes, AS does usually run originals on most holiday weekends for a lot if their 11 minutes shows, but actually skipped a week for LD when Rick and Morty was airing last year. They would stand to lose a lot for a show like that, but it’s gettig harder and harder to say the same thing for Toonami. It’s just riskier because they only get one shot to air something
  19. While the average is pretty low and similar to last week, many of the individual timeslots did significantly better head to head. Im thinking IBO could do under 100k as a regular thing. It’s an odd thing to air at 3am. That’s where you think you’d put episodic casual things like PTE and Jack. It would probably be better paired with Titan in the 2am hour
  20. Admittedly, in the past AS has touted how they’ve been #1 in young male demographics. I hope they haven’t abandoned going after the female demo. 2015 had a lot of girl power on the block. Since then the shows have increasingly been male centric
  21. I hope we can get Konosuba if that gets a dub
  22. I think the block (TV in general as well) is starting to lose some ground with younger viewers. Makes sense considering they have cut the cord at a faster pace and the with the younger end of the demo, we are starting to get people who don’t have a strong connection to the original block. Although, just earlier this year, the opening part of the block with the help of a Family Guy lead in was still top 10 18-34. Maybe it just can’t draw those viewers without something like that
  23. Just FYI guys, I asked SonoftheBronx what happened to the Toonami Live + 3 numbers and he told me they aren’t available to him anymore. The non Super ones didn’t have much gain anyway
  24. I’m really hoping that this CR partnership gives them more access to industry people who are actually liscensing anime as it’s coming out of Japan. I think the way moving foward is for the crew to be involved with that side of the business and be in the loop with those people as these deals are being made. That way they can be on the ground floor as and pick the liscensees that best suit the block and go from there and not waiting for a request or huge buzz around a show after it airs and streams over here. As time goes on, that’s going to be increasingly too late. It’s a shame because the network in the past is almost synonymous with shows like Gundam, DBZ, Bebop, Yuyu, ect... That hasn’t been the case in this new age for most of the shows they’ve aired recently. I don’t know if it can be anymore. Super’s potential was squandered by TOEI taking so long to get the dub going and aired over here. There was a lot of mainstream hype for the ToP last year and early this year, but the attention was on the sub streaming and not on Toonami. For the general fanbase, it’s just “Oh I may tune in to check out how this scene sounds in English”. But could you imagine how well it would’ve done if it was closer to Japan?
  25. You’re right about that. We don’t live in a world where there’s a Japanese audience and the only people who can see a show before an American television airing are torrentors. You can’t wait around for a year (or even months with simuldubs) for them to decide if “the show is any good” before deciding to air it. You have to take a risk sometimes. I don’t know if Toonami knows the audience it wants to serve anymore. The availability of shows in one format or another makes the block antiquated for anime fans and still not mainstream for the “normies” who are a dwindling base, especially with no comedy lead in. I think they need more industry people or people on staff who can research things as they are being produced in Japan to make deals before they start to get things going when popularity is rising. Of course, the lack of staff or budget is a concern. But they have to start asking themselves if they want to be the trendsetters or a low budget nick at nite for anime. Maybe the CR deal will help with that
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