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Everything posted by brianycpht

  1. Don’t be surprised if it is. It may even stay doubled up until the have a new show ready. It could just be a placeholder for now. It will probably stick around for another run with one episode though. It’s at 3am so no big deal
  2. The biggest disappointment with this is that it’s something random that doesn’t bring anything new to the block and we go back to the same schedule we have now including double Bebop. I think it would be a wasted opportunity to really do something exciting with the block!
  3. I think it’s sort of the power of group think. Everyone has been talking about it as if it’s an almost sure thing. But we don’t even know if it’s something that’s been on their radar. Some have pointed out how it’s gettkng a home release but hasn’t been announced as joining FunimationNow, but I believe there have been several titles that were released on video and then quietly simultaneously been added. I think though it would be a tremendous waste to not get it and if they aren’t aware of it, then that’s an issue all in itself. I just want something different this year. If it’s all just more Jojo, Ghoul, Titan,and Gundam, then I’ll become really bored of the block even more than I already have! And I feel really bad about saying that but it felt a lot more exciting in 14/15!
  4. Yeah all that’s going to do is upset people who aren’t getting their normal shows. They shouldn’t waste an opportunity like this. It needs to at least be something worthy of replacing the regular lineup. People who want to see Jojo, Gundam, HxH ect are going to be mad no matter what, but if you offer a new show or something fun, it may not be as bad!
  5. I like your idea but I think if they repeat the same episode for next week it’s really going to bomb. If they actually start the prank at midnight they’ll already be a lot of eyes on the screen. So the question remains willthey really Premier a brand new show unannounced with no advertising ? It would be a pretty bold move but we’ll see if they do it I think that it’s worth a shot but it could backfire also. On one hand you would get a lot of people watching that first episode but if people aren’t watching they would miss it. Then if you go and repeat the same episodes over two weeks the people that did watch it the first time won’t be watching again and as a result the rest of the night would be lower. Interesting dilemma
  6. Unfortunately, the cut we have is what was made by TOEI Europe for the international markets where Kai was more successful than in Japan. For whatever reason the wanted 69 episodes. When Japan picked it up after Toriko got cancelled, the only needed the slot for a little over a year so they cut 8 episodes of material out. So there’s is only 61 episodes. If we got that version, we’d be wrapping up Kai next month!
  7. Oh it totally is. This is why they are acting like double Bebop is the new lineup. They have to have some kind of decoy schedule up. They just are in the unfortunate position of also having a show ending at the same time!
  8. Something about it needing to only last about a year. We got the original cut. I know they cut out a few episodes of the Great Saiyaman stuff and a few episodes at the end (yes our Kai actually kept some of the filler after the Buu fight). What we have sort of defeats the purpose of Kai
  9. Well the Japanese cut has 8 fewer episodes I believe. I wish we had gotten that one over here instead!
  10. http://www.adultswim.com/adultswimdynsched/asXml/7.EST.xml Schedule for 4/7 is blanked out. This most likely means double Bebop isn’t a permanent thing Hopefully it’s not just an FLCL rerun, but if it is, it replaces Bebop and we get something else new!
  11. Whatever they do, I hope it is something that adds value to the block Whether its a surprise premiere of a new show or them trying out a new genre like Jason has been talking about. In that regard, I think it will make up for the lack of the other premieres. If its something, for instance, like a Hamtaro marathon that's only a joke and doesn't add anything, that would be a huge waste of opportunity.
  12. I hope they have something good planned AND new shows after this. If double Bebop is still the schedule after this and they still haven’t secured a real replacement for Outlaw Star, they are probably going to lose a lot of good will with the fans. I don’t think it’s going to go that way though
  13. http://www.adultswim.com/adultswimdynsched/asXml/31.EST.xml So going off of what Korosu just said, 3/31 indeed says that Cowboy Bebop will be restarting with episode 1 and 2 on 3/31. I'm pretty certain this is a dummy schedule to set us up for the April Fools gag. The people at AS have to plug something in that schedule to at least make it seem a normal night.
  14. To clarify, The final Outlaw Star is this Saturday 3/17 Double Bebop is on 3/24. Beyond that, we don’t know what’s happening!
  15. Bebops gone after this. No point in doubling up the finale, just to rerun it again. They could’ve doubled up on something else that isn’t ending instead, like Dandy.
  16. Possibly, I'm only going off of the language "Starting next Saturday, Dandy is on at 2:00"
  17. They aree talking like Space Dandy is at 2 from now on. The only way I see it working (if we are getting a real new show and not another rerun) is expanding to 10. I'm thinking we get a FLCL rerun at 2:30 and another library title at 3:00. Lets hope we are also getting a new show after all this time!
  18. Lets see... 2:30 and 3:00 AM will open up after 3/24. 3/31 will not have the normal stuff after midnight probably From the language, it seems that Space Dandy will be on at 2:00 moving forward.I don't know if they will immediately shift it back again. Trying to see where they would put ReZero. It really should be before midnight. But I don't know what they are going to do without having to shift the whole lineup again.
  19. Maybe this strange behavior is leading to something, maybe the prank has already started. This secrecy, the strange lack of a topical for DBS, the silence from Demarco is them screwing with us already. All leading up to : Watch this week, for an announcement of a show of some kind. A random promo will air this week for it. It will be something very devisive and maybe hated. It will send fandom into a frenzy. They will either say nothing or act like it’s a slam dunk highly requested pickup. They actually go and air it on 3/24 and 3/31 with the announcement of the real new show and a new schedule following its 2nd airing. Haha, probably not. I was just throwing my conspiracy hat on for a second. It is very strange indeeed that Demarco hasn’t said anything about the schedule or the topical situation yet though
  20. Super tied with Family Guy in total viewers and beat it in both 18-49 and 18-34. It also was the #4 show on cable prime time!
  21. Actually, in the old days, we’d find out about new shows from Toonami MONTHS ahead of when they aired. Gundam Wing, Tenchi, Outlaw Star, Big O, ect were announced at least 3-4 months ahead of when they aired. That have them plenty of time to have weeks of promotion with character bios and a few different trailers! That was under Sean Akins, who also screwed many potential deals because he would say in interviews what they were looking at getting and then FOX KIDS or someone would snag it first. It seems Demarco operates the opposite way and likes to play things REALLY close to the best because of how much more vulnerable Toonami is to competition than before. But still, the last 3 years we got shows announced for October in the Summer. It must be that they don’t secure the rights to things until the last minute. I just don’t see the point in “secret schedules” for things like marathons and reruns unless those are also 11th your decisions
  22. What advantage is it to them to hold things back until the last second? The only thing I can think of is if they don’t even officially “have the show” under contract until right before air. But for things like marathons and reruns, what’s the point in holding it back from the online schedules ?
  23. Still makes me wonder about the delay in telling us that by now. There’s no reason to be secretive about double Bebop! On Twitter Paul Pescrillo was speculating that they may have had some last minute thing set up for THIS Saturday the anniversary (a movie or something) which also accounts for the lack of Super topical. Obviously, that would push things back as well. I just don’t think it’s wise to do that and then do a stunt 2 weeks later. We’ll see, it’s just really weird we’ve gotten no word on ANYTHING past this Saturday!
  24. Yeah I’d like to see this too. It would pretty much confirm it since only one network airs anime
  25. Unfortunately I can’t see them passing up the opportunity. Although, I’ve been of the mindset that they should just mess with the packaging instead of the shows so as not to get people angry like they did last year.
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