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Everything posted by brianycpht

  1. Yeah. If they like the show, fine. But I was saying that people who dislike the show (or anything on the block) shouldn’t feel the need live tweet it or make it trend just because it’s on the block. Basically was just trying to tell people who dislike it on the block to ignore it as opposed to being overly upset it’s still airing
  2. Long term that would work out best for them. I think part of their reluctance to change it up is so they don’t have to rethink the least slot whenever a show ends
  3. Yeah. If you go down a few posts, I clarified it’s more on the individuals who live tweet the play by play of the ToP every week rather than the news outlets as a larger entity. That indicates audience engagement
  4. Have you still been posting those? I thought you took a break it was definitely a rushed performance. They didn’t have much time to get those episodes done I called Funimation back in 99 just to see if I could talk to someone there for fun and I talked to a one of the guys running the sound engineering. He said they were pulling office staff to play Namekians and civilians lol I’m guessing Schemmel couldn’t be paid to fly out to record. It’s so blatantly obvious and not smooth at all when the transition happens. Sabats characters are a rough transition when they switch too. People who watch the Orange Bricks ask why the voices change suddenly. I think what happened is they just ran out of time and went “good enough”. From what I recall Sabat and Strait intended to carry it all the way. As to why Sabat didn’t even try to touch Piccolo- they should’ve just done it for an episode. That way they’d have an in story reason to transition from his “King Piccolo Jr” voice to his mid Z rougher voice, his fusion with Nail
  5. That’s kind of what I mean. Every live tweet means someone is watching it I don’t mean so much the sites that out out automated tweets when shows start but if you’re actively watching it tweeting out things like “Wow! This thing just happened in the ToP. # Dragonball Super #Toonami” that shows them active audience engagement with the show. If you like the show, fine. But if you’re doing it out of some obligation to Toonami, you’re just telling them you’re watching it. Basically, the best thing you can do if you hate Super on the block is to completely ignore it. At the very minimum, you are taking 30 minutes of your life back. I’ve been tuning in at 12:30 since the rerun started. That’s all I do. I don’t stress about it, I just ignore it. If they ever replace it with a new show- great! If not, I’ll just keep ignoring it lol The best we can hope for is MHA beating Super regularly
  6. I don’t care so much about whether people are counted toward Nielsen. But I have you ask myself why so many in the “Toonami” online community actively live tweet Super or even Tweet that it’s about to start when they are against the show being on the block. I feel like it’s out of obligation to hype up everything the block airs no matter how much they hate it. The community shouldn’t help the show trend if they don’t want it on the block
  7. I would just ignore Super and pretend Toonami starts at 12:30. I see a lot of the fanbase complaining about it, but still watching it, live tweeting it during the whole show, ect. It seems like collectively as a fanbase we don’t like this show airing on the block, yet there still seems to be this need hype up everything the block is airing. That’s a metric that contributes to it continuing to air. I can see the casual viewers do it, but a lot the same people who hate that it’s airing feel the need to actually promote its airing all the way through the show just because it’s on Toonami. Everyone should just start saying “Watch Toonami, Saturday Nights from 12:30-4:00” 😂
  8. It also doesn’t have the Dale Kelly “monster truck rally” narrations that the fan base think is awesome I would love for them to air the original unaltered dub. Funimation (and many of the actors) would rather forget that existed. Because they redid so much of the Freeza fight, no one remembers how different Vegeta and Krillin sounded originally. Sonny Strait told me in a convo once that he wishes he could re-record his whole Z performance. I think so many people think the remastered dub is what they watched in 1999.
  9. Well I think you really hit the nail on the head here J. The original purpose of a block like Toonami is to kind of raise the awareness of shine and bring these shows more exposure. Shows right now are doing that just on their own. Toonami the dub premiere rights to what is becoming the biggest somehow right now, Demon Slayer. I’ve seen so many asking for the last year why the show doesn’t have a dub yet. It’s literally aired on TV twice and so few people knew about it. I wonder if Toonami during the first season didn’t know what a hit they had. They decided to premiere it at 1:30 AM. I really hope the make a bigger deal if they get the season 2 dub premiere. Even for shows that the dub premiere for, people don’t mind watching the sub version so they can keep up with the conversation and avoid spoilers. I did this myself this season. I don’t mind watching again in English, but I know many who won’t bother. It’s funny how even a few weeks is too long now given how quick the industry moves now. People are already on to the next thing by the time that dub hits Even for the people who are aware of what Toonami is doing, it seems like they’d rather wait for things to be entirely done and on a streaming platform (which are more wide reaching these days as well) The real tipping point will be when Japanese companies like TOEI see streaming as a better exposure vehicle than TV. Imagine if they would rather give a streamer an exclusive deal on the next DB series instead of AS? Thankfully they are still dinosaurs
  10. Maybe the long term plan is to have a stream of originals constantly premiering and encoring in the lead slot. With so many productions happening simultaneously, I could see it. Add in Ballmastrz, Final Space, and Primal premiering their next seasons on Toonami and they’d have plenty of material to occupy the slot
  11. So I’m wondering if it’s even known whether MHA will run one or two fours this time around. If it’s split then they may be torn on whether or not it’s worth it to give MHA the lead only for it to go be gone in 12 weeks if it’s a full season than it’ll last until November/December. DBS would finish in September right around the same time FG finishes. Then they have a decision to make. Do you give it to MHA with 2 months left or do you loop DBS back to episode 1? If you give it to MHA at any point, it will end in November so then they’d have to figure out the lead slot again. If it’s not a long runner, then they’ll have to constantly consider this. Ideally, you could have a Demon Slayer and MHA turn taker if the seasons work out. But what other shows could take the lead slot? I almost feel like they leave Super there forever because it’s a sure thing easier than having to figure that out constantly. Not saying I agree with that but I imagine that goes into their decision making
  12. Ironically, many would rather watch the old Ocean/Funimation dub (censored) with the dub music then Funimation’s 2007 remaster or Kai. Just like they’d love to see the Dic/Cloverway SM than the Viz redub or crystal But as much as people say they want that, I doubt they’d tune in to something like that week after week But one thing that would have going for it is you can’t get those anywhere legit on streaming. But that also means they probably aren’t available to air either even if they do have the tapes still
  13. Its kind of like this... The casual viewer who still sits in front of the TV is probably a little older and would remember what's considered the "good years" of AS/CN/Toonami. DB is a crossover show that viewers of FG on TV would be willing to watch because they are probably of that generation who watched CN from 2000-lets say 2007. They assume that a large portion of that group watches DB because of the nostalgia factor and would be more willing to watch an anime if its a familiar title from that time period. They are looking to recapture those memories of watching anime on CN/AS from their childhood/teen years. A modern title wouldn't work there because that person would more associate it with streaming. They believe that a person of that generation would be willing to stick around if they saw a familiar show presented in the way they remember watching it in the past (via Toonami and TOM). It's why people went nut for the April Fools gag but didn't necessarily hang around for the actual revived block. Hell, those viewers don't even consider what airs on Saturday to be "real" Toonami. To them, it ceased to exist the second it left weekday afternoons. Like I said the most likely properties to actually work would be either Sailor Moon, YYH, or dare I say it, the original DBZ. Moon and DBZ, however, unless they really pushed hard for it, would not be the versions people remember. Those have long been redubbed, revised, and rescored. YYH in HD would be cool to see, but would that really draw people in considering it's age and length? Gundam Wing and G Gundam are other big nostalgic titles, but would they work once a week? Gundam titles haven't really hit big with modern Toonami so I can't see them making a case for it. Honestly, I don't know if something like that would work out the way they hope. It would be an expensive venture that may be a dud. It would have to be a really cheap deal.
  14. I feel like they really should've been using this year to establish a different show in the 11pm hour. It's going to be quite a drastic change to the regular viewers come fall. Easing off their complete reliance of Family Guy to prop up the whole night (I'm not just talking about Saturday, I mean weeknights as well) would make it much easier later on. It seems like the ultimate plan is to front load the entire pre midnight hours with American Dad, Bob's, and Rick. I believe what they may do is air 3-4 unique episodes of each and ditch some if not all of the encores. I don't see how they keep 8:00 otherwise unless they want to use the Naruto/Jack hour there (also repeating at 5). To me having 3-4 Dad's a night is either leading up to them losing that hour completely or a preview of their strategy moving forward.I will admit though, as a up all night person, I'm intrigued by the possibility of a FOX-less late night portion of the block. There is such a massive catalog that they could easily program 5 or so hours. It seems like they really are set on keeping Super in the lead, perhaps even beyond the airing of episode 131. Maybe they were hoping by the time it cycled through, more Dragonball would be on the horizon. Demarco also hinted at the possibility of another "nostalgic" property taking that spot. Is that the only thing they think will hook in a casual viewer? I do wonder what they could possibly be hoping for. There's only a few heavy hitters that come to mind- Sailor Moon, YYH, Gundam (Wing or G) or perhaps even a re-airing of Bleach (maybe the last stretch). Would a viewer really come in for those week after week or just a few times and then go watch the rest on their own at a faster pace?
  15. It shouldn’t even be on the chart since it’s a rerun lol
  16. This reminds me about how they constantly talked about ratings, made fun of the numbers, changed the schedule at the slightest problem, and made threats like this. Now whenever it’s brought up to Demarco, he wonders why people are so obsessed with them and basically says we have no business even talking about then because we don’t know anything. Well, I think the constant talking about them on their end made the community like this. I can’t think of any other fan base (maybe wrestling) that I’d so ratings focused. They created it. Even in Toonami 2.0’s early days, they stressed how important it was. Then in late 2014, we noticed something was slipping they said don’t worry, then they cut the block down saying ratings were bad- again stressing they need to be better to re expand or go earlier again.Maybe it shouldn’t have been a constant talking point on their end. I knew nothing of demos and shares until I was an Adult Swim/Toonami viewer 😂
  17. Things have changed a great deal. I see people constantly on Twitter talking about how great Toonami was. They refer to it in the past tense. Even when it’s pointed out that it’s still on the air, they still argue that it’s not the same block as the one they grew up with. Toonami isn’t introducing people to things on a mass scale like they used to. I think they still point casual people who don’t watch anime to things they wouldn’t seek out. I’ve also seen those same people watch the second seasons of things Toonami introduced them to online and never watch Toonami’s eventual airing. It’s happening right now with Titan, Stone, and TPN Unless we go back to the times where you simply could not easily get shows until they aired on television, it’s just not going to be the force it was its not going anywhere, but the excitement and purpose it used to have is not the same
  18. I think we’re past the point of things being on the block being a primary means of exposure. It certainly helps broaden its awareness a bit, but the fact that many didn’t even know Demon Slayer was dubbed until it was on Netflix and Funimation says a lot about the current state of TV We’re the last vestiges of a gone by era
  19. I was one of the CNN watchers. I literally have it on my TV 24/7 now. I’ve kind of lost interest in the block for the time being since there’s so much craziness happening. Wolf Blitzer rules! He does his show 7 days a week
  20. Well, Toonami doesn’t do much to remain a tastemaker, often relying on “requests” of shows that are already popular. Kim Manning even recently acknowledged that this strategy has backfired on them because people tend to request things they’ve already watched and won’t tune in again. I don’t think the people who run the block are avid seasonal watchers either and would be aware of shows beyond the biggest Shonen or if a creator they liked made it. By the time they are aware of it, it’s past it’s peak popularity They used to have the luxury of time between a Japanese broadcast and a dubs release so they can take the time to see how a show turns out. At least then they would debut the show in English. Now, Funimation is becoming more of a competitor in that regard. They would rather debut it in English themselves and still give Toonami an opportunity to air it later. But Toonami basically can’t do what they did in the past if dubbers would prefer to be their own distributors as well How Yashahime didn’t debut on the block first is beyond me 😂?
  21. The only caveat to having a marathon on December 19th is it gets the two over and done with. Then we go right back to normal January 2nd as opposed to waiting a whole week after New Years But truthfully, they really only need the one this year. They’d marathon logic as always evolved to suit their programming needs
  22. The last 2 seasons had a few episodes premiere in theaters or at a con, but they always aired before streaming. They were never day and date sub/dubs either. It’s always been about a month behind
  23. Another factor that could effect its release is the VAs taking time off for the holidays. December is a really bad time to start a new anime. Considering that alone and it historic release pattern, it wouldn't be too outlandish to suggest that the dub will come out the second or third week of January
  24. This Isn’t having some new stuff better than nothing? Watch any network show that’s not on cable and you’ll see new episodes come and go. Sometimes reruns will have to happen if we’re airing a simuldub. The alternative is airing it months later after anyone cares. That ultimately is worse and makes the block more irrelevant. They’re still trying to be current with what’s coming out and will air the episodes as they come in since Funimation dubs them this way and not in batches.Thats probably how it’ll be with Clover. I’d take that over pulling it and sticking a rerun of something again. I’d rather be caught up with where Funimation is and not 10-15 episodes behind again. Once Funimation gets back on a weekly schedule we’ll still be right there with them and delays will not be an issue
  25. If it happens, it happens. They’ll figure it out if it does. A week or two of reruns because of a delay isn’t a big deal. Regular TV shows do it all the time. It’s how they stretch a 22 episode season over 8 months
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