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What is the modern definition of "masculinity?"

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Flipping through my Apple News feed this morning, there was an spotlight tab titled "What does a 'good man' look like?"

Since I'm a deep thinker when it comes to doing anything other than what I'm actually supposed to be doing at the time, I decided to read through some of it.  There was a WaPo opinion piece in there that I'm not going to link but is worth reading if you can find it.  In essence, the opinion's author did a lengthy and details analysis on how men have essentially languished in an age where the traditional definition of masculinity has been exposed as toxic while a replacement has not been forthcoming.  Part of it is the justifiable fear that spending time talking about how men need support can divert attention from the real gains that women have made in the post "MeToo" world, but part of it is also the fact that no one really knows what a man should be in this age.  It doesn't seem that complicated to me - a man should be able to freely discuss his needs in terms of how they better everyone around him.  That, however requires a man who knows what he can do and how he can use those skills to help others; a lot to men have defined themselves entirely on their ability to "provide" for their family.  Naturally, there are the misogynists of the world who fill the gap by pushing for return to the old "manly" ideals which, zeros sum as they are, completely invalidate women.  However, on the opposite side, some women also refuse to discuss what kind of support a man needs because it sucks the oxygen out of the movement and it caters to men not taking responsibility for themselves.  There isn't really any proper discussion about what a man should be, what should be expected of him, and what he can expect in returns.

So, let's start with the difficult question:  what should a modern man look like?  What does he do?  How does he contribute?

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Posted (edited)

Since everything is ripe for parody these days due to social media, you will never reach a serious consensus. 

The men of tiktok seem to find hilarity in the "y'all wanted equality, well this is equality" mindset when approached with a dubious at best picture of a woman standing up in a bus while 8 men have seats, or a man calling triple A for a flat and a woman field agent comes out. I feel like it makes a point that has validation if only it weren't approached in such a spiteful way. 

The other end of that spectrum are the women saying a man is useless unless he pays all of HER bills (not a joint household, her bills in her dwelling) and dismissing the men who have actual skillsets and abilities because they aren't willing to trick their bread off on them.

The current environment for men seems to be arbitrary at best and it's really just not a conversation I'm willing to take seriously with anyone other than my partner when it comes to meeting her needs and my willingness to adhere to them. I just feel like trying to have this conversation in this age is almost futile because gender roles are no longer placed in a neat little box that you were forced to acknowledge as a societal norm.

Not to mention toxicity is also being seen as cute now. Men saying that if they pay all the bills etc, they should be able to take sex at will, and even going as far as to say they have a right to put their hands on her if she provides nothing other than sex. Obviously, not the mentality of a man....but it just opens the door for so many other cause/effect bullshit sentiments. 

TL;DR: To be a man you must have honor...honor and a peeeeeenis.

Edited by André Toulon
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It’s not tough getting over some of the macho pride shit you were taught as a kid.

“Fair fights” for instance was something I thought existed or could exist when I was naive. It’s either a sucker punch or you get shot, those are your options.

Dudes out there wanna sock you for even calling them a bitch jokingly and I just don’t wanna be in a world where I cry about shit like that and still want to be the super serious bullfighter. 

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1 hour ago, scoobdog said:

Flipping through my Apple News feed this morning, there was an spotlight tab titled "What does a 'good man' look like?"

Since I'm a deep thinker when it comes to doing anything other than what I'm actually supposed to be doing at the time, I decided to read through some of it.  There was a WaPo opinion piece in there that I'm not going to link but is worth reading if you can find it.  In essence, the opinion's author did a lengthy and details analysis on how men have essentially languished in an age where the traditional definition of masculinity has been exposed as toxic while a replacement has not been forthcoming.  Part of it is the justifiable fear that spending time talking about how men need support can divert attention from the real gains that women have made in the post "MeToo" world, but part of it is also the fact that no one really knows what a man should be in this age.  It doesn't seem that complicated to me - a man should be able to freely discuss his needs in terms of how they better everyone around him.  That, however requires a man who knows what he can do and how he can use those skills to help others; a lot to men have defined themselves entirely on their ability to "provide" for their family.  Naturally, there are the misogynists of the world who fill the gap by pushing for return to the old "manly" ideals which, zeros sum as they are, completely invalidate women.  However, on the opposite side, some women also refuse to discuss what kind of support a man needs because it sucks the oxygen out of the movement and it caters to men not taking responsibility for themselves.  There isn't really any proper discussion about what a man should be, what should be expected of him, and what he can expect in returns.

So, let's start with the difficult question:  what should a modern man look like?  What does he do?  How does he contribute?

it is complicated to answer. my  answer  is this it depends on one's religion, social economic status/ social class (the two are not necessarily the same but similar enough) cultural background at times, political affiliation, and region you're from, etc, etc that goes for men and women. And my rural community that are working class. 

I have seen women do stuff that would be offensive to a lady a Buckingham Palace and that's just normal Behavior. Like chopping wood if you have a wood burning stove for heat if you live in the countryside or hunting or fishing for example which I have met a lot of women who do 
both for enjoyment 

Man it wasn't to the late 70s early '80s until what Title 9  became a big deal for women's sports in high school when I was in high school I still heard and I graduated in 2004 a lot of older people saying women are becoming more man-like because of doing sports in high school.

So yeah and I do admit there is both toxic masculinity and toxic femininity  and you know the whole alpha male bro dude thing yeah it's toxic the men who are and women who are physical or emotional who are abusers are toxic 

And your karen's and Ken's are toxic 

More importantly your trad spouses (doesn't matter what your gender identity is)are toxic mostly I don't want to I want to be a stay-at-home spouse when it's  not economically feasible do so because you're lazy 

there's a difference between a trade spouse anna stay home parent. my one stepbrother was a stay-at-home dad his  wife made more money than him as a nurse and he raised the children. And he wasn't a weak sissy man either he could kick almost anyone's ass. Okay he did still have jobs 

Now let's get to people like me as many of you guys know I am possibly on the Spectrum have a few other psychological problems. I'm difficult to deal with generally. I have literally been called a piss poor man for any number of reasons for being getting help from the government to not serving in the military and and the latter one really pisses me off, or that's because I have a disabilities and psychological issues I'm not a real man too many women or other men's eyes and I don't mean that in a sense of sexual attraction although that is a factor sill the idea of I never really can enter into adulthood. 

@scoobdog @[classic swim]

But you know there is such a thing as toxicity no matter what your is gender or your gender identity is. you can be toxic

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@scoobdog @[classic swim]


Let's talk about positivity in both no matter what gender or gender identity you are well I see a lot of toxic people no matter what gender they are I try to be positive but you start seeing someone being positive around somebody's toxic or trying to be positive around people who are toxic makes your ass at Target 

Well I personally blame pop culture for this specifically and you guys will be surprised the Star Trek franchise who teaches that Humanity will improve no matter what your gender is or your gender identity is 

But most people who are toxic don't view themselves a toxic and you point it out they get hostile 

But the positive thing is overall i'm part of community's including this one but more importantly me dealing with learning disability and I have came across a lot of  people we're learning disabilities and who been in Special Ed more importantly that are less toxic than allistic people so that's a positive. The  Mass majority of learning disability people I met are not as toxic as the general population. At least generally I myself I'm  wouldn't count myself among them. 

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I don't think any reasonable woman would ever expect a man to be a sugar daddy as the paragon of manhood:  either such a man is emblematic of how useless men are in general or the man in question is an easy mark that bridges her relationship status until the undefined "right" man comes along.  That's not to say the women you've had in your life treat you like andexpendable object, just that the attitude is rooted in the same toxic masculinity it's supposed to be refuting.  As for the dudes, those are INCELs by any other name.  The point is that in either, the reference is invariably the traditional gender role for men, and you're not really redefining anything.

1 hour ago, André Toulon said:

The current environment for men seems to be arbitrary at best and it's really just not a conversation I'm willing to take seriously with anyone other than my partner when it comes to meeting her needs and my willingness to adhere to them. I just feel like trying to have this conversation in this age is almost futile because gender roles are no longer placed in a neat little box that you were forced to acknowledge as a societal norm.

This is the heart of the issue.  We've taken as fact that gender roles don't need to exist when, in fact, they do, and that comes about because the roles have far fewer rules and far broader expectations. 

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@ghostrek:  You put a lot in there to unpack, but there is something at the core that needs to be addressed....

What you call toxic masculinity and toxic femininity are fallout from the demise of the traditional gender role, but they aren't fundamental issues in of themselves.  Everybody you've ever encountered that's treated you as handicapped or, worse, as ineffectual is referencing a non-existent ideal, and it's that non-existence that is at the center.  A non-existent ideal can't have role models, which means that there are fathers, brothers, surrogate males that can't be role models.  A non-existent ideal can't impart any expectations to  women who are seeking stable interactions with men.  Other than the general assertion that men should find a way to make themselves useful in a world where women are empowered, there are no guidelines and no support structure.  That leaves a void filled by extreme voices from either side.

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Posted (edited)
33 minutes ago, scoobdog said:

@ghostrek:  You put a lot in there to unpack, but there is something at the core that needs to be addressed....

What you call toxic masculinity and toxic femininity are fallout from the demise of the traditional gender role, but they aren't fundamental issues in of themselves.  Everybody you've ever encountered that's treated you as handicapped or, worse, as ineffectual is referencing a non-existent ideal, and it's that non-existence that is at the center.  A non-existent ideal can't have role models, which means that there are fathers, brothers, surrogate males that can't be role models.  A non-existent ideal can't impart any expectations to  women who are seeking stable interactions with men.  Other than the general assertion that men should find a way to make themselves useful in a world where women are empowered, there are no guidelines and no support structure.  That leaves a void filled by extreme voices from either side.




Okay what do you mean by a non-existent ideal? 

Man talking about the Star Trek thing which I debatable that is not existence I mean fundamentally at at the core of Star Trek is the same idealism that supposedly is at the core of American idealism the whole idea of all was being equal and contributing to society 

Now what you're saying is about me trying to live up to a non-existent idealism well that's debatable I'm not the proudest man in the world  and you know a lot of generally a lot of people say I'm a good man but not a good masculine man which I don't see how in the hell that's an issue\ 

And finally, the situation to problem I attributed to yes I can see traditional gender roles breaking down but once again I'm from the working class. there  a lot of women do a lot of man things in my social class I mean that's always has been and always will be 

Once again I have met a lot of women who hunt and fish 
They enjoy it 

One would think the industry I work in at a local slaughterhouse house and butcher shop is predominantly male the truth is the males do a lot of the hard work and a lot of the office work is done by females hire management stuff and dealing with the state for my experience is really the guy does one thing and the girl does another but both can do both in perfectly well 

And you're right you're saying about anything else can you  care to extrapolate more on my remarks

Edited by ghostrek
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2 hours ago, scoobdog said:

I think the term is self-explanatory.  There is no definition for “masculinity.”

Okay I thought you're talking about greater ideals than that like I was philosophy a worldview like the so-called dream the ideals of America that are also reflected in star Trek and arguably Star Wars at least at one point 

I know a world with no war no crime no murder everyone living at peace type of philosophy 
No the problem is people aren't living with a purpose and I try to have a purpose and get shit on

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10 hours ago, André Toulon said:

Since everything is ripe for parody these days due to social media, you will never reach a serious consensus. 

The men of tiktok seem to find hilarity in the "y'all wanted equality, where this is equality" mindset when approached with a dubious at best picture of a woman standing up in a bus while 8 men have seats, or a man calling triple A for a flat and a woman field agent comes out. I feel like it makes a point that has validation if only it weren't approached in such a spiteful way. 

The other end of that spectrum are the women saying a man is useless unless he pays all of HER bills (not a joint household, her bills in her dwelling) and dismissing the men who have actual skillets and abilities because they aren't willing to trick their bread off on them.

The current environment for men seems to be arbitrary at best and it's really just not a conversation I'm willing to take seriously with anyone other than my partner when it comes to meeting her needs and my willingness to adhere to them. I just feel like trying to have this conversation in this age is almost futile because gender roles are no longer placed in a neat little box that you were forced to acknowledge as a societal norm.

Not to mention toxicity is also being seen as cute now. Men saying that if they pay all the bills etc, they should be able to take sex at will, and even going as far as to say they have a right to put their hands on her if she provides nothing other than sex. Obviously, not the mentality of a man....but it just opens the door for so many other cause/effect bullshit sentiments. 

TL;DR: To be a man you must have honor...honor and a peeeeeenis.

This is a tarp... there is absolutely no right answ.....


between the word count of you and scoob's post, I feel like I quantum leaped or something

The devil's lettuce may have something to do with that >.>

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30 minutes ago, molarbear said:

This is a tarp... there is absolutely no right answ.....


between the word count of you and scoob's post, I feel like I quantum leaped or something

The devil's lettuce may have something to do with that >.>

We can both be long winded af, it might come from my old college days for me. 

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4 hours ago, scoobdog said:

Let's go with that.  What do you feel your purpose should be?

I don't know every time I think I found my purpose in life I'm wrong so how in hell I'm supposed to fucking know

For a lot of us males, we call that masculinity 
I just called up my basic  Humanity that I felt due to my diagnosis was somehow robbed of me\\


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"This one's for the girls that couldn't understand what it's like to try to be a man...(lalalala)" - Todd Rundgren - "It Takes Two to Tango"

I think it's silly to try to "define" how anyone should be.  Just try to be a decent person to everyone, no matter how you perceive them.  And ignore how others try to apply labels to you or anyone else.  


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When I've said men are useless I don't even think it's commentary on what being man is specifically ... more commentary on their ability to be a full adult or an equal partner in a relationship. 


For alot of people a stay at home spouse isn't feasible so if both parties are working then both parties need to contribute to home life. You were at work all day? Well shit me too ... so you too can take your ass in there and do the laundry, make the meals, clean, shop, take off work to take the kids to school/parent teacher conferences/doctors appointments, if y'all not wearing lingerie to keep sex interesting keep your beard and hair up, pubes tamed, get on the internet and find out what a clitoris is and if that's still not helpful, purchase a quality rabbit 


Now if you wanna talk about what the aunties be talking about when they say men are useless 



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3 hours ago, ghostrek said:

I don't know every time I think I found my purpose in life I'm wrong so how in hell I'm supposed to fucking know

For a lot of us males, we call that masculinity 
I just called up my basic  Humanity that I felt due to my diagnosis was somehow robbed of me\\


That would suggest you might rely too much on others to give you purpose.  Your humanity can’t be taken away from you, but you can give it up.

The OP that instigated this thread is the female author’s exploration into the appeal of masculinity gurus and right wing influencers.  To sum it up, she’s positing that modern males lack a support network that these gurus provide, to the detriment of everyone.

Some men need to be told how to interact with others…

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4 hours ago, ghostrek said:

I don't know every time I think I found my purpose in life I'm wrong so how in hell I'm supposed to fucking know

For a lot of us males, we call that masculinity 
I just called up my basic  Humanity that I felt due to my diagnosis was somehow robbed of me\\


I wouldn't assume looking for a life's purpose is inherently masculine ... because why would only men be looking for purpose and meaning? 

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1 hour ago, Vamped said:

When I've said men are useless I don't even think it's commentary on what being man is specifically ... more commentary on their ability to be a full adult or an equal partner in a relationship. 


For alot of people a stay at home spouse isn't feasible so if both parties are working then both parties need to contribute to home life. You were at work all day? Well shit me too ... so you too can take your ass in there and do the laundry, make the meals, clean, shop, take off work to take the kids to school/parent teacher conferences/doctors appointments, if y'all not wearing lingerie to keep sex interesting keep your beard and hair up, pubes tamed, get on the internet and find out what a clitoris is and if that's still not helpful, purchase a quality rabbit 


Now if you wanna talk about what the aunties be talking about when they say men are useless 



And, that’s the subtext to this discussion.  To be blunt, not all men have sufficient EQ to read their partner’s needs on their own and that leads to an unbalanced relationship where the man has to be told what he needs to do.  That’s not an excuse for men being stupid, just a statement on the current reality:  it’s exactly as frustrating and destructive as it sounds.  Ostensibly, the goal of redefining masculinity is to set a standard that male role models can pass on to boys.  It would include teaching boys to not only explore their emotions but also deal with those emotions in a constructive way.

One thing it shouldn’t have to include, but is sorely lacking in your example is the concept of personal responsibility.  I’ve found that a lot of people are allergic to responsibility.  I’m sure it’s something you deal with on an hourly basis:  people that will immediately blame someone else when there’s a failure.  As such, the rules for manhood may serve another purpose:  to expect men to handle situations without having to be told.

A lot of times I get resentful at work because I’m taking on tasks that others are responsible for.  I can check myself because, in all honesty, no one really does it by themselves, so for ever job I take on above my duties, someone else is doing what’s necessary to turn my efforts into a complete project.  Nonetheless, it’s frustrating that people are quick to blame others rather than swallow their pride and focus on fixing the problem instead of defending themselves.  The thing is, if a guy at work can’t own up to making a mistake and offering a solution, what happens at home?

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2 hours ago, Vamped said:

When I've said men are useless I don't even think it's commentary on what being man is specifically ... more commentary on their ability to be a full adult or an equal partner in a relationship. 


For alot of people a stay at home spouse isn't feasible so if both parties are working then both parties need to contribute to home life. You were at work all day? Well shit me too ... so you too can take your ass in there and do the laundry, make the meals, clean, shop, take off work to take the kids to school/parent teacher conferences/doctors appointments, if y'all not wearing lingerie to keep sex interesting keep your beard and hair up, pubes tamed, get on the internet and find out what a clitoris is and if that's still not helpful, purchase a quality rabbit 


Now if you wanna talk about what the aunties be talking about when they say men are useless 



exactly all of this. 

and see, i was coming in here in full auntie mood. but, i've got my own house to clean. 


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I personally don't have time to raise an adult. I can do bad by myself. 


What I'm seeing the aunties/my mom's generation complain about is these men that demand a special level of respect for being the man of the house/head of the family but aren't putting in the work to earn it. 

You're not the sole bread winner, you're not protecting your family .... like what is it that you do that I don't that elevates your status higher than mine? That I should defer to you ... because you have a dick ... and the dick isn't even that good? 



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2 hours ago, -Kudasai- said:

You think maybe he might just be...never mind let me get out of there  :LithiumSmileyIndifferent:





see...you lost points in the masculine section of this quiz. 


and i am completely joking and don't you dare catch a b& by speaking the name we shall not speak.  or some shit. i'm high and making cakes and candies. ;)


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5 minutes ago, discolé monade said:





see...you lost points in the masculine section of this quiz. 

  Reveal hidden contents

and i am completely joking and don't you dare catch a b& by speaking the name we shall not speak.  or some shit. i'm high and making cakes and candies. ;)


Fuck it I want all the smoke, the attention seeking is strong in that one


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We aren’t far enough away from the days when women needed their husband’s permission for getting credit cards. There aren’t enough examples of functional families where responsibilities are equally shared. A lot of families have women being the breadwinner but they are still expected to take on the majority of childcare and rearing. Many men are lost in a world where marriage is no longer an excuse to find another mother but with benefits.  Especially when they can just look at their grandparents and see or hear some romanticized version of what life was like just 50 years ago. 

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Well, I guess it's ok for me to ignore the broad strokes now, touching only on the extreme ends of this whole thing...the men who want to ridicule equality into a spiteful game of "how do you like it" and the women who hold fast to the notion they ain't gotta do nothing but fuck.  Let's cut into the center....sweep those incels and the golddiggers to the side...let's bite into the independent women and the apathetic and emotionally unavailable men.

You have a woman with a career, a home and makes her own way financially, only for some dick toting charlatan to come in and promise the world, but his world is sports, bad hygiene, and community tallywacker. Well, I think it's evident that he's not a man, nor is he masculine. Can he reshingle the roof, snake a toilet, build a she shed.... likely, no. He's the worst of the worst and yet is also the most popular. It seems this guy somehow infects the lives of all women at some point. But one would ask.....HOW? Is it because he's the most attractive option, or is it because men of a higher caliber aren't looking to attach themselves to a headache that lacks any sort of accountability when it comes to choosing the right partner.

A single man with a career, assets, and potential isn't looking for a woman that is going to use  her career and assets as leverage.  Only lazy chuds that needs a new mommy are willing to perpetually hear the old "I can do bad by myself" chant.

But before I start fapping too hard here, I'll ask instead of just making anecdotal claims.

For a man, to be a man....how many of these must he be able to check off. 

Able to fix, build and repair things

Able to provide 

Able to protect (not calling the police... legitimately able to fight off an attacker that means his partner harm)

Able to be emotionally available at all times

Willing to listen and solve the problems of their partner 

Exhibit exemplary hygiene and organizational skills.

Able to plan and lead the partner or family into prosperity.

How many of these check marks can he miss and still be considered a man.



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1 hour ago, discolé monade said:





see...you lost points in the masculine section of this quiz. 

  Hide contents

and i am completely joking and don't you dare catch a b& by speaking the name we shall not speak.  or some shit. i'm high and making cakes and candies. ;)


We all knew where those posts were going to end up and none of it is a discussion on the modern concept of a man...it's always going to be a pity party....every single time 

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Just now, -Kudasai- said:

Where's the lie?

oh....none detected.

 it's one of those iykyk things. maybe. or not. 

iono...i think i might go get beer. and fuck that pansy fuck ipa shite. 

i'm thinking guiness on this fine cloudy day. 


how fucking masculine is that?

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3 minutes ago, discolé monade said:

oh....none detected.

 it's one of those iykyk things. maybe. or not. 

iono...i think i might go get beer. and fuck that pansy fuck ipa shite. 

i'm thinking guiness on this fine cloudy day. 


how fucking masculine is that?

I'm going do something even more masculine that, I'm going to play the Little Mermaid on NES

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, discolé monade said:

fucking ou:LithiumSmileyLaugh:ch, dude. 


I'll reel it in here a bit. But that just means I'm back to speaking on my situation since it's the one I'm most familiar with 

The kids mom and I get along sooooo much better separately. Because together it was a perpetual pissing match and we both had full bladders. She knows how to make money, she rarely asks me for anything.... conversely, she knows I don't need her to cook, clean, or iron a damn thing for me. I raised my sister as a child...I was my mom's stay at home husband (pause) so you can't win me over with domestics (I have long decided laundry can stay in the basket until I need it) and I couldn't win with her with money. But the difference is, she's still actively looking for a husband....for whatever reason, so I don't know what kind of "man" would fit into her world.

I'm cool with paying for a nurse when I start to shit myself

Edited by André Toulon
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1 minute ago, André Toulon said:

I'll reel it in here a bit. But that just means I'm back to speaking on my situation since it's the one I'm most familiar with 

The kids mom and I get along sooooo much better separately. Because together it was a perpetual pissing match and we both had full bladders. She knows how to make money, she rarely asks me for anything.... conversely, she knows I don't need her to cook, clean, or iron a damn thing for me. I raised my sister as a child...I was my mom's stay at home husband (pause) so you can't win me over with domestics (I have long decided laundry can stay in the basket until I need it) and I couldn't win with her with money. But the difference is, she's still actively looking for a husband....for whatever reason, so I don't what kind of "man" would fit into her world.

I'm cool with paying for a nurse when I start to shit myself

no, don't. it's truth. and it's been on a loop with a 'friend of mine'. trust. 

it's just nice to see that my friend shouldn't feel bad. 

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