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Made in Abyss center of K-Pop controversy when K-Pop artist is discovered to enjoy it

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Beserk is a fucked up story, but it really doesn't set off my sketch vibe. Made in Abyss on the other hand, definitely to the point it's on my DO NOT READ list. I think the anime censored some stuff from the manga(not gonna watch this either), especially the 1st season, so people should honestly just inform the person if they're posting about the show instead of trying to cancel them. 

There are too many creepy folks and their work to keep up with and sometimes you also gotta worry about folks raised on some weird shit who ruin their own really sweet manga and traumatize anyone who goes looking for summaries that take place after the anime adaptation. *Stares at Usagi Drop*


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Not to "give it to 'em" but my knowledge of Made In Abyss tells me there are multiple things there that would make normal people go "OH MY GOD WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!?"

  On 11/21/2023 at 12:41 AM, DragonSinger said:

I think the anime censored some stuff from the manga(not gonna watch this either), especially the 1st season, so people should honestly just inform the person if they're posting about the show instead of trying to cancel them. 


Made in Abyss is actually very faithful to the source material. Probably the only real censorship is the anime doesn’t show nipples. The movie does though, not directly though. But said scene also isn’t direct in the manga either. 

What does this person need to be informed about? “Stop liking what I don’t like!”? Things like this are why there is such animosity towards cancel culture. 

  On 11/21/2023 at 9:10 AM, Toonamiguy321 said:

Made in Abyss is actually very faithful to the source material. Probably the only real censorship is the anime doesn’t show nipples. The movie does though, not directly though. But said scene also isn’t direct in the manga either. 

What does this person need to be informed about? “Stop liking what I don’t like!”? Things like this are why there is such animosity towards cancel culture. 


That there are images and situations that are pretty sketch to see of kids, and the mangaka is probably a lolicon. Whine all you want, but there are plenty of folks put off by it or don't want to start anime/manga with that content. And yes, if you're in the public eye, you do have to be thoughtful about what stuff you're hyping up.

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  On 11/21/2023 at 11:41 AM, DragonSinger said:

That there are images and situations that are pretty sketch to see of kids, and the mangaka is probably a lolicon. Whine all you want, but there are plenty of folks put off by it or don't want to start anime/manga with that content. And yes, if you're in the public eye, you do have to be thoughtful about what stuff you're hyping up.


And? If you don’t want to watch/read it, don’t. You don’t have to drag down others who do. 

Imagine trying to shame someone for enjoying a series that a gaggle of normies voted as the best anime of the year at the Crunchyroll awards. It doesn’t get more casual than that. 

  On 11/21/2023 at 6:38 PM, Toonamiguy321 said:

And? If you don’t want to watch/read it, don’t. You don’t have to drag down others who do. 

Imagine trying to shame someone for enjoying a series that a gaggle of normies voted as the best anime of the year at the Crunchyroll awards. It doesn’t get more casual than that. 


Dipshit, where did I say shame folks? I was pointing out fucking reality if you're in the public eye. I am a very little known author, but I am still careful about what shows/movies/books I post about, and I keep an ear out for weird shit about their creators. And Kpop culture is way stricter about image.

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  On 11/21/2023 at 10:38 PM, DragonSinger said:

Dipshit, where did I say shame folks? I was pointing out fucking reality if you're in the public eye. I am a very little known author, but I am still careful about what shows/movies/books I post about, and I keep an ear out for weird shit about their creators. And Kpop culture is way stricter about image.


“Sir, you aren’t allowed to enjoy that manga, the author sniffs his Nanachi dolls daily. SIR! LISTEN TO ME SIR YOU CANT DO THAT I DISAGREE! IM GOING TO HAVE TO CANCEL YOU!”

Thats the behavior you are defending right now. And considering the person who started this has had to go ghost mode on twitter, I’m gonna take a wild guess that his take on the situation didn’t go over well. 

As a “very little known author”, of course you do that. Judging by how you act, the couple hundred people that follow you are probably exactly like you. If you step one pinkie toe out of line, your tiny following will drop you in a heartbeat. I don’t know a single thing about K-pop, but most of these guys seem to be in the 7-8 figure fan counts. If a couple hundred thousand drop him because of his favorite manga, I doubt he would even notice. And again, based on the response, seems like his fanbase came to a very aggressive defense of him. 

Manga is written primarily for its eastern audience. All too often to people from the west try to force their western sensibilities on manga, none of which is a positive improvement. Just look at the wasteland of crap that the west puts out these days. If you want more of that, by all means consume it. Someone has to. But don’t try to drag manga down in the mud with you, nor the people who enjoy it. 

I will reiterate, Made in Abyss was one of the most popular anime of 2017. That’s a very hard title to take for something that isn’t Shonen Jump. If “weird shit” was an issue, it wouldn’t be sitting on that title. 

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  On 11/22/2023 at 1:28 AM, Toonamiguy321 said:

“Sir, you aren’t allowed to enjoy that manga, the author sniffs his Nanachi dolls daily. SIR! LISTEN TO ME SIR YOU CANT DO THAT I DISAGREE! IM GOING TO HAVE TO CANCEL YOU!”

Thats the behavior you are defending right now. And considering the person who started this has had to go ghost mode on twitter, I’m gonna take a wild guess that his take on the situation didn’t go over well. 

As a “very little known author”, of course you do that. Judging by how you act, the couple hundred people that follow you are probably exactly like you. If you step one pinkie toe out of line, your tiny following will drop you in a heartbeat. I don’t know a single thing about K-pop, but most of these guys seem to be in the 7-8 figure fan counts. If a couple hundred thousand drop him because of his favorite manga, I doubt he would even notice. And again, based on the response, seems like his fanbase came to a very aggressive defense of him. 

Manga is written primarily for its eastern audience. All too often to people from the west try to force their western sensibilities on manga, none of which is a positive improvement. Just look at the wasteland of crap that the west puts out these days. If you want more of that, by all means consume it. Someone has to. But don’t try to drag manga down in the mud with you, nor the people who enjoy it. 

I will reiterate, Made in Abyss was one of the most popular anime of 2017. That’s a very hard title to take for something that isn’t Shonen Jump. If “weird shit” was an issue, it wouldn’t be sitting on that title. 


I don't read long ass ignant posts. You're gonna have to shorten that shit.

  • Haha 2
  • D'oh 1
  On 11/22/2023 at 3:33 AM, DragonSinger said:

I don't read long ass ignant posts. You're gonna have to shorten that shit.


Buddy you read every single word of my post. You have no retort, so you are trying to fall back on “h-heh, too long, d-didn’t read that”. 

  On 11/22/2023 at 2:29 AM, Daos said:

I'll come out and say it.

I didn't like S2 that much.


This is fair. It builds up so much over the season just to remind the audience that the abyss sux. The sense of adventure isn’t there because they stay in one place the whole time. 

  On 11/22/2023 at 4:22 AM, Toonamiguy321 said:

Buddy you read every single word of my post. You have no retort, so you are trying to fall back on “h-heh, too long, d-didn’t read that”. 

This is fair. It builds up so much over the season just to remind the audience that the abyss sux. The sense of adventure isn’t there because they stay in one place the whole time. 


Yeah I mean... I felt like it really dragged. And it was just depressing body horror type stuff dragged out for an entire season. Then everyone dies I guess? Meh!


Eh, I'm more on board with S2 for at least keeping on theme. I'm less invested in the adventure part, I see the story being more about finding the light of optimism amidst crushing despair, with a side helping of "sins of the past."

But, the criticisms are definitely valid. Took a while for the threads to really start weaving together, and all told, pretty light on "progress."


And it was just depressing body horror type stuff dragged out for an entire season. Then everyone dies I guess?


That's just, like... the whole show. =p

But, is also some of its appeal. It's far from tame. Edgy, some would say. But, the story still tries to make some good come of it all. I'd say it's that juxtaposition, the gap between gruesome and wholesome, that works for drawing people in.

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  On 11/22/2023 at 7:12 AM, rpgamer said:

That's just, like... the whole show. =p

But, is also some of its appeal. It's far from tame. Edgy, some would say. But, the story still tries to make some good come of it all. I'd say it's that juxtaposition, the gap between gruesome and wholesome, that works for drawing people in.


It doesn’t bother me so much that they all died, such is life for a character in this series, but more that it failed to build an attachment with the audience for any of the villagers. Most of them are nameless, goofy monster things. The few that do have names just don’t do anything memorable. And the one we are exposed to the most says literally one word over and over again, and has huge ass cheeks that really make it hard to take him seriously. So we reach the end of the season, and everyone is dead and it’s more a sigh of relief because them being dead means we are finally moving forward to something else. 

The manga releases chapters very slow so I can see why the anime staff wants to make as few cuts as possible, but this taking an entire season really made it feel like it was just spinning it’s wheels till the finale. 


Can't really refute any of that. I'm not so sure how much you were meant to be truly attached to any villagers, tho, as much as maybe just.. appreciating the village as a whole. An arc more about Irumyuui than anyone else.

But, I mean, in the end, I enjoyed it, so naturally I'm gonna try to spin it for myself as getting something worthwhile out of it. Still, not wrong, in the long run, likely not really much importance to the story as a whole.

I might also throw out, like.. it's definitely a funny series to get hung up on "attachment" to anything, really. Another thing the story does weird, the way Riko can just so casually toss everything aside and continue on deeper, knowing she'll never see any of these people again. There's a sadness in leaving and loss, but she's always able to look ahead with a smile. Knowing that, it's a bit of a feat that the show can manage to build up any attachment at all, flimsy as it may be.

  On 11/22/2023 at 4:00 AM, Top Gun said:

If you can't read a couple of paragraphs then I'd love to see the quality of writing that you produce.


If dude is demonstrating he still lacks the the ability to figure out what my words mean in the first few sentences, why would I waste my time? I stated a long time ago that I ain't doing 20-post back-and-forth responses with folks who have rocks in their head.

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Oh look, Made in Abyss is trending on Twitter. I'm oh so surprised this went beyond that first post and is in some news now. If only someone tried to explain to y'all how reality works, but I don't know anything. :indifferentsmile:

  • Haha 1
  On 11/22/2023 at 7:34 AM, Toonamiguy321 said:

It doesn’t bother me so much that they all died, such is life for a character in this series, but more that it failed to build an attachment with the audience for any of the villagers. Most of them are nameless, goofy monster things. The few that do have names just don’t do anything memorable. And the one we are exposed to the most says literally one word over and over again, and has huge ass cheeks that really make it hard to take him seriously. So we reach the end of the season, and everyone is dead and it’s more a sigh of relief because them being dead means we are finally moving forward to something else. 

The manga releases chapters very slow so I can see why the anime staff wants to make as few cuts as possible, but this taking an entire season really made it feel like it was just spinning it’s wheels till the finale. 


Not to mention all the intricate rules and backstories for the village and all the villagers. Only to have it all be wiped out at the end. The villagers don't even seem to care that they're about to die, so why should we?

If you tried to explain season 2 to someone they'd think you were having a stroke.

  On 11/22/2023 at 6:27 AM, Daos said:

Yeah I mean... I felt like it really dragged. And it was just depressing body horror type stuff dragged out for an entire season. Then everyone dies I guess? Meh!


Everyone but Faputa, who doesn't even join up with our protagonists when all's said and done! What a way to deflate what build-up wasn't already popped at that point, right?

  On 11/22/2023 at 9:57 AM, DragonSinger said:

Oh look, Made in Abyss is trending on Twitter. I'm oh so surprised this went beyond that first post and is in some news now. If only someone tried to explain to y'all how reality works, but I don't know anything. :indifferentsmile:


I know how this works, but I utterly despise Puriteen culture.  Gen Z has turned into the Conservative Parents Television Council of the 70s and shit sucks.  

  On 11/22/2023 at 11:33 AM, Jman said:

I know how this works, but I utterly despise Puriteen culture.  Gen Z has turned into the Conservative Parents Television Council of the 70s and shit sucks.  


I don't know if I would call it 'puriteen' culture. It's more like entitlement towards a Kpop star's life choices and other artist stans stirring up trouble mixed with anitwitter drama. The piling onto a bunch of other anime with dark themes does make it messy enough that even though places like Daily Mail are using it for clickbait, the drama can still die out quickly. 

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  On 11/22/2023 at 2:29 AM, Daos said:

I'll come out and say it.

I didn't like S2 that much.


Idk I was relishing in that world just because of how unique and out there it was.

Also the double-edged sword of immeasurable cutesiness vs. The Most Fucked Up Shit Ever™ still gets to me. Vibes-wise it gives me X-rated Land Before Time lol (but they do need to tighten things up for the next season, sure).

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  On 11/22/2023 at 1:28 AM, Toonamiguy321 said:

I will reiterate, Made in Abyss was one of the most popular anime of 2017. That’s a very hard title to take for something that isn’t Shonen Jump. If “weird shit” was an issue, it wouldn’t be sitting on that title. 


While I'm not a huge fan of Sorce's argument, I have to point out the blatantly pro-pedophilia Mushoku is one of the most popular isekai. It's not even subtle, so I'm not convinced this argument holds much water.

  On 11/22/2023 at 6:46 PM, naraku360 said:

While I'm not a huge fan of Sorce's argument, I have to point out the blatantly pro-pedophilia Mushoku is one of the most popular isekai. It's not even subtle, so I'm not convinced this argument holds much water.


This is the type of show that's the reason why I don't go into anime without vetting it through multiple people first. I would have been pissed if I went into that with no warning.

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  On 11/22/2023 at 7:20 PM, DragonSinger said:

This is the type of show that's the reason why I don't go into anime without vetting it through multiple people first. I would have been pissed if I went into that with no warning.


Mushoku legit pisses me off. It's the type of thing where people will defend the content purely out of personal need to feel like they only like good things.

Sorry guys, but a redemption arc requires a bare minimum of a redemption and an arc, neither of which Rudy ever has.





Fuck, I brought up Mushoku and now I'm tilted over it when the thread has little-to-nothing to do with it.

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  On 11/22/2023 at 7:51 AM, rpgamer said:

Another thing the story does weird, the way Riko can just so casually toss everything aside and continue on deeper, knowing she'll never see any of these people again. There's a sadness in leaving and loss, but she's always able to look ahead with a smile. Knowing that, it's a bit of a feat that the show can manage to build up any attachment at all, flimsy as it may be.


There are some theories about this. It’s stated early on that things taken out of the abyss will always find their way back into it. As Riko was born in the abyss, and owes her life to an abyss item, it’s theorized she has the same insatiable desire to return to the abyss at any cost. 

  On 11/22/2023 at 6:46 PM, naraku360 said:

While I'm not a huge fan of Sorce's argument, I have to point out the blatantly pro-pedophilia Mushoku is one of the most popular isekai. It's not even subtle, so I'm not convinced this argument holds much water.


I have only watched the first season, so if something happens in S2 (or the manga and was cut) feel free to correct me, but is the issue here he gets to pork his waifu? 

  On 11/22/2023 at 9:12 PM, Toonamiguy321 said:

There are some theories about this. It’s stated early on that things taken out of the abyss will always find their way back into it. As Riko was born in the abyss, and owes her life to an abyss item, it’s theorized she has the same insatiable desire to return to the abyss at any cost. 

I have only watched the first season, so if something happens in S2 (or the manga and was cut) feel free to correct me, but is the issue here he gets to pork his waifu? 


Partially, not entirely though. Just as an example, we can look at that sequence of events:

  Reveal hidden contents

When you break down the series into the core narrative surrounding Rudy's interactions with young girls and attempt to apply the supposed redemption arc, the result is very disturbing since he really doesn't redeem himself while the series treats him as if he does.

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  On 11/22/2023 at 8:53 PM, naraku360 said:

Mushoku legit pisses me off. It's the type of thing where people will defend the content purely out of personal need to feel like they only like good things.

Sorry guys, but a redemption arc requires a bare minimum of a redemption and an arc, neither of which Rudy ever has.





Fuck, I brought up Mushoku and now I'm tilted over it when the thread has little-to-nothing to do with it.


I knew this show would piss me off too if I watched it. I was annoyed because there were awesome looking clips online and a bunch of positive reviews that didn't mention any of that shit. The only reason why I stuck to my guns about asking around about it was because earlier Isekai releases had some weird ass problems and made me distrustful. One thing in common with Made in Abyss is that I didn't find out about the sketch stuff either until long after the anime had been out. I dodged that bullet because I didn't want to watch kids getting murked and had it on my 'get around to it in a decade' list.

Posted (edited)
  On 11/22/2023 at 10:04 PM, DragonSinger said:

I knew this show would piss me off too if I watched it. I was annoyed because there were awesome looking clips online and a bunch of positive reviews that didn't mention any of that shit. The only reason why I stuck to my guns about asking around about it was because earlier Isekai releases had some weird ass problems and made me distrustful. One thing in common with Made in Abyss is that I didn't find out about the sketch stuff either until long after the anime had been out. I dodged that bullet because I didn't want to watch kids getting murked and had it on my 'get around to it in a decade' list.


I'm pretty baffled by the regular comparisons to Re:Zero. Mushoku represents everything Re:Zero criticizes and they're actively antithetical to each other.

The only things they have in common are isekai and protagonists that aren't always likable, but Rudy is just rewarded for his bad behavior while Subaru gets absolutely brutalized for his and has to change just to survive.

I'm pretty sure when I watched Made in Abyss initially I wasn't as cognizant of its sussy elements, though I'd probably get quite a bit more frustrated with it now. You're not the first person I've seen point it out, in fact.

Edited by naraku360
  On 11/22/2023 at 10:24 PM, naraku360 said:

I'm pretty baffled by the regular comparisons to Re:Zero. Mushoku represents everything Re:Zero criticizes and they're actively antithetical to each other.

The only things they have in common are isekai and protagonists that aren't always likable, but Rudy is just rewarded for his bad behavior while Subaru gets absolutely brutalized for his and has to change just to survive.

I'm pretty sure when I watched Made in Abyss initially I wasn't as cognizant of its sussy elements, though I'd probably get quite a bit more frustrated with it now. You're not the first person I've seen point it out, in fact.


I'll never watch Mushoku, so I won't know how they compare. It doesn't help that some scenes in Re-Zero gave me such strong second-hand embarrassment that I could only watch them from the corner of my eye.

  On 11/23/2023 at 12:32 AM, DragonSinger said:

I'll never watch Mushoku, so I won't know how they compare. It doesn't help that some scenes in Re-Zero gave me such strong second-hand embarrassment that I could only watch them from the corner of my eye.


Not missing much on Mushoku.

Subaru was definitely written with that intent, especially season 1. 🫤

  On 11/23/2023 at 1:28 AM, naraku360 said:

Something more interesting than Made in Abyss.



It's more interesting than the actual topic, at least, which I only care for a little. Also, while this thread may have gone Type II, at least it's tangentially related to the topic. Better this than people bitching about Star Wars again.

[woah, avatar/post]


I am so late on this haha been really busy the last couple of weeks. 

I am biased on this because MiA is one of my favorite manga/anime, but I do not see what the big deal is here. If someone is personally uncomfortable with the content in MiA, then they are free to not like it and to stop reading or watching. 

I mean there are tons of worse material out there. I was a big King fan when I was a teen/young adult and remember reading It when I was like 15. And that book has a literal child gang bang scene it. But that source material got a movie adaptation and even a reboot. They both tame down what is obviously some of Kings fetishes, but no one bats an eye either way. People in this thread have already mentioned other material like MT and Berserk and it just shows that there is much worse out there.

There is also the fact that a lot of the Kpop fandom is insane and will use anything they can get their hands on to attack other Kpop members that they do not like or align with. 


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  On 11/20/2023 at 6:01 PM, Jman said:

Lol.  Lmao, even.  Still, it’s an endorsement.


A pretty crazy thing to try to cancel someone over.  Though I've heard K-pop fans can be extremely psychotic and tribalistic.  They might make anime fans look sane, haha.

There is one thing about Made in Abyss. A lot of fucked up shit happens, but the people doing the fucked up shit aren't treated as good people.  

I haven't seen them and refuse to watch them, but the sadistic rapist in Redo of Healer and the pedo in Mushuko Tensei aren't treated that way.  We're actually supposed to root for these scumbags? 

And from what I understand, it's definitely not the unusual setup like Death Note, where the villain is the protagonist, and the heroes are the antagonists, and the villain ultimately gets his comeuppance.

And I saw some clips, where apparently Redo of Healer tries to turn into a cutesy harem after all the fucked up shit happens?  What the fuck?

Still, it's not like the guy was watching snuff films or propping terrorists.  It's a damn anime.

  On 11/26/2023 at 8:25 AM, ben0119 said:

I haven't seen them and refuse to watch them, but the sadistic rapist in Redo of Healer and the pedo in Mushuko Tensei aren't treated that way.  We're actually supposed to root for these scumbags? 


I've only seen some of Mushoku, so I can't comment on Redo.

The Mushoku fanbase will tell you it's a redemption arc and you're not supposed to root for him at first but he grows and changes to not see women purely as sexual objects.

But, like, he still bangs a 15 year old he already molested when she was like 12.

Then marries her and 2 other girls he had similarly inappropriate interactions with.

So the redemption arc was going from a sad, fat, and ugly shut-in who consumes CP (anime implies it, I've heard it's unambiguous in the light novel - the Yen Press English release apparently censored that detail) in one life to successfully grooming 3 girls while not sad, fat, or ugly in the next.

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