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When did it stop being ok to laugh when someone falls?

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Malicious, no. Rude? Perhaps.

Maybe laugh if the fall was particularly comical...  and only after checking one is alright?

Personally, I wouldn't mind, but some people are sensitive and that's fair.

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You must have laughed at someone with a tender tush from the kaboom. :P:D 

The serious answer is much like Lasty's answer, it depends on the reason for the fall and what was going on before it happened which might determine what they are feeling like when it happened. 

Ex. of okay laugh - In high school after a Speech contest, we all stopped at McD's on the way home so everyone could grab something to recharge themselves. I got a strawberry shake because I frickin' wanted it. And on the way back to the bus, I hit a patch of ice and went totally ass-to-ground cartoon style in front of a rival school. Got a lot of laughs. And applause - I didn't spill a single drop of that shake. I wasn't happy it happened but I had to laugh too. Only my pride was bruised and I was able to nurse that boo-boo away with strawberrys. :P

Ex. of not okay laugh - Someone walking home in bad weather and obviously having a hard time navigating shitty sidewalks. They may have just finished an 8 hour shift on their feet, they may have gotten really crappy news, they may have already fallen on the walk and are currently trying to climb over yet another snowdrift on a street corner while potentially dealing with a new injury. Seeing someone summersault down a snowbank might look funny and they might even be able to get up and keep going after but it's probably not a good idea to be openly laughing at them. I will throw a rock at you.*


*disclaimer, I haven't summersaulted down a snowbank. Yet. But I have had to crawl over plow drifts way too many times and really don't appreciate assclowns in their mommy's cars laughing at my eventual intentional ass slide down into traffic. And I'm currently doing way too many crust-walks in areas that haven't been cleared yet, one wrong step and I could be seriously injured no matter how funny it might look to an outsider. But if I do a flat-ass spin-out in a parking lot and manage to not spill my drink, all the applause please.  

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It depends on the situation that led to the fall and also if said fall can have a laugh track and/or TikTok username placed at the end of it.


Old people falling makes me nervous. Even seeing old people around stairs in movies. 

One fall could cost them their mobility and independence. If they were pretty active in the first place and need to go to for a rehab or a hospital stay .... stuff starts going downhill fast. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last night at work I was right up close to a co-worker who slipped and fell and almost hit his head on a metal conveyer. Luckily he was ok, but goddamn it was unsettling just for me to see. That could've ended up a whole lot worse than it did.

Definitely wasn't funny.

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