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Had ANOTHER stroke. Just as i was finally feeling normal. Now im getting ill again over him and all the other shit that bothers me.


Guess its a bad idea to lean on someone like that...like we talked every waking hour since last November.  This is really fucking me up. His wife says shell give him his phone monday but i dont believe her. She doesn't give a shit about him. I was helping him as much as he was helping me and i suspect she resents how close we've gotten.


How you turn something into being about you.


Im suffering too...not as much but its not something i know how to turn off. Im sad he stroked again but my meds prevent me from reacting strongly to it or appropriately. I miss my friend but i neeed him...i know its selfish. It wouldn't be so bad if my mom let me get a pet or something.


lol right thats what i was thinking....i mean...come on...that poor person


If he lived closer id be at the hospital with him but hes pretty far away and all i can do is wait until hes better and can talk or write again. Stroke vary..hes not totally out of commission.


Im suffering too...not as much but its not something i know how to turn off. Im sad he stroked again but my meds prevent me from reacting strongly to it or appropriately. I miss my friend but i neeed him...i know its selfish. It wouldn't be so bad if my mom let me get a pet or something.



If he's like recovering from a major stroke in the hospital and she has his phone... it might be best to let him recover. People in such situations are usually in a fragile state for weeks.


Looks like its national pick on fuggz day again.  ::]::


Shut the fuck up, phillies. You're a sad boy living in his mom's basement, holding onto the only pussy available to you. I know you found a connection through bed bugs and disgustingness, but fuck off, dickcheese.




Shut the fuck up, phillies. You're a sad boy living in his mom's basement, holding onto the only pussy available to you. I know you found a connection through bed bugs and disgustingness, but fuck off, dickcheese.


I need to put a golden crown on your head that says UEMB biggest bitch.  :|


Youve become a horrid bitch. Go post and pussy and dick and post nudes...its all your good for and thats all anybody wants from you.


It's funny because all anyone has ever asked for from you is that you stfu, but none of this is my business.....Carry on.....I broke my own rule.


I uh, I just don't know what to say. I don't think I've ever read something so self centered, outside of fiction, in my entire life.

I hope your friend recovers with as little permanent damage as possible.


I uh, I just don't know what to say. I don't think I've ever read something so self centered, outside of fiction, in my entire life.

I hope your friend recovers with as little permanent damage as possible.


Hes doing better than the first stroke. Poor baby. This was the last thing he needed.


No you didn't. I didn't get anything from you. Dont even know how to use a phone. Smh.


Yeah, sure....You are debating how I have you labeled in MY phone......You can't be this retarded.




Yeah, sure....You are debating how I have you labeled in MY phone......You can't be this retarded.


No im saying you didn't send me anything.  I know its hard to keep up when you can barely breathe.


I ran 3 miles yesterday......Can you get out of your bed without snorting.


You have sleep apnea. I sleep like a baby all thru the night without trouble. Are you sure youre not obese?


being obese isn't healthy nor is sleeping with multiple men.


Bacterial vaginosis.


Sex is healthy. Obesity itself isnt unhealthy. It may cause issues but not always. I have zero problems from my weight.


Hes doing better than the first stroke. Poor baby. This was the last thing he needed.

Well, at least you acknowledge someone else is suffering in all this. You had me thinking you were either

  A. A stereotypical blonde headed dumb chick


B. You're a sociopath


Lucky for us you're neither, hopefully  S:


Sex is healthy. Obesity itself isnt unhealthy. It may cause issues but not always. I have zero problems from my weight.

You know, this prompted me to look up the definition of obesity to see if it included a clause about being unhealthily fat.


Needless to say, I loled at the phrase "the condition of being grossly fat".


Fuggs is grossly fat and proud of it.


Still so fat you cant breathe at night lol


sleep apnea can affect anyone at any age, even children....although being overweight puts you within the risk category, it is NOT the defining condition that leads to sleep apnea...it can be ranges of things....just being male, or being over the age of 40, having a deviated septum or large tonsils...hell it can even be on a conditional basis....if you are suffering from severe allergies you can have it.......know yo shit before you spew it


you know what?....dont you suffer from depression?....you know if having sleep apnea means youre fat....and depression is a symptom of having sleep apnea.....maybe yo fat ass has it


Sex is healthy. Obesity itself isnt unhealthy. It may cause issues but not always. I have zero problems from my weight.


Oh, please, not the HAES party line. Obesity is always unhealthy; it just takes time. You don't notice anything yet, yet being the operative word. If nothing else, by the time you're 45 or 50, your knees, your ankles, and your back will tell you how unhealthy obesity is. That is, if you don't develop hypertension and/or diabetes before then.


Oh, please, not the HAES party line. Obesity is always unhealthy; it just takes time. You don't notice anything yet, yet being the operative word. If nothing else, by the time you're 45 or 50, your knees, your ankles, and your back will tell you how unhealthy obesity is. That is, if you don't develop hypertension and/or diabetes before then.


people at any weight can have joint issues. weight is not always a contributing factor. my moms knee goes out and shes a size 10.


You know, this prompted me to look up the definition of obesity to see if it included a clause about being unhealthily fat.


Needless to say, I loled at the phrase "the condition of being grossly fat".


Fuggs is grossly fat and proud of it.


wow you people are some of the dumbest people on the internet. it doesn't mean grossly as in nasty gross you fucking moron.


Joint issues are more prevalent in the obese, and, should an obese person need a knee or hip replaced, the outcome is almost always less successful than in a patient of normal weight.


Joint issues are more prevalent in the obese, and, should an obese person need a knee or hip replaced, the outcome is almost always less successful than in a patient of normal weight.


joint issues are prevalent in the elderly. its normal wear and tear.

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