HardcoreHunter Posted October 23, 2020 Author Posted October 23, 2020 On 10/18/2020 at 4:24 AM, -Ninja_Jesus- said: I'm very happy with it so far. Not the way I thought it'd be, and I hope to god there isn't another jewel hunt, but so far I haven't been let down by anything. A lot of people seem to be pissed about the series because their not being given answers to everything in 3 episodes. I think the series is pretty comfy so far and am interested to see how it's going to play out. Also love how Inuyasha's daughter is in a chuunin phase. 1 Quote
ben0119 Posted October 25, 2020 Posted October 25, 2020 I'm not sure why no one replied to this thread for the first few weeks the show was on but all of a sudden decided to post now. I also saw this thread was made for the show's announcement, so for both of those reasons is why I made a separate thread. But if we are going to use this thread after all (well after show has already started airing,) I guess I will put my posts over here too. I'll put the first two under spoiler markers for spacing reasons. Ep 1 - Spoiler Man, that OP, it's very vague and you can't derive anything from it at all! Only thing I could glean was the stars in one of Towa's eyes. She potentially could use the Meido? So, this episode really wasn't an episode of Yasha-Hime. It was an episode of InuYasha. We only got a tease of the new characters and state of the world as it currently sits. But it was still nice to have one more adventure with the original Yasha Gang. I like the part where Miroku said "this gives a nostalgic feeling," after Kagome used the Sit command on Inuyasha. Of course, the whole episode was nostalgic. I love that they kept the same look of the old series and original score, and I believe all the original VAs were back. I'm glad we finally have names for Sango and Miroku's children. You know Rumiko Takahashi never even gave names to Kagome's 3 school friends? The anime did that. I did think it was funny we got captions telling us who everyone else was, as if we could ever forget, but then if someone had never seen InuYasha before, they would have no idea what all these attacks were. And I gotta say I have a hard time remembering some of them as well myself, haha. I thought it was funny Miroku was introduced as "delinquent Monk." I guess Inuyasha and Kagome are still going to have arguments here and there, heh. When Sango gave Hisui to Kohaku and he was like WAIT WHAT. Shippo being tortured by Sango and Miroku's daughters haha. (Yeah their names were too weird for me to remember. It didn't help how the caption text popped up at the same time as dialogue and made it hard to read everything fast enough.) I don't know why the whole thing of changing the past came up. That really did not seem to be a thing at all before. Kagome ran around with her bicycle, dressed in modern clothes, brought Inuyasha ramen, etc. And I can't remember too many instances of a time travel mechanic being used, either, something being done in the past and it affects the future. It was more traveling between worlds. So, the show just started and Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha are already reunited. So that means that won't be the main plot of the show. Unless the rest or a good chunk is a flashback arc, which I don't see being the case. That makes me wonder what the plot WILL be, then. And yep, Moroha is just like Inuyasha and Sentsuna is just like Sesshomaru. I wonder if Kaede being on the poster is from this flashback. There's no way she is still alive and looks exactly the same right now, right? Ep 2 - Spoiler Ok, so maybe what we saw last episode with all three of them together was more of a flash forward. At the very least, it looks like it might take us a while to get to that point in time in the story. Here, Towa is living in the present, and Setsuna and Moroha live in the feudal era. I don't like that Towa and Setsuna are just living by themselves in the forest. That means they got separated from Sesshomaru somehow. Towa's eye started to glow, and she got sucked through a portal? In present day. Of course you were not going to find Setsuna there. Ok, not only is Buyo the cat still alive (how old must he be at this point?!,) but so is Grandpa Higurashi and Kaede?! And they look exactly the same?! Some nostalgia from getting into fights with other students. Not from InuYasha of course. Reminds me of Ichigo. And did Yusuke get into fights like this too? But why are these bullies dressed like a whole bunch of retro wanna be Yakuza thugs? No one probably saw you, Towa, but a security camera surely did! Lul, that teacher. By the way, what was the mother's name on the sign? Is it that girl Sota went on a "date" with in that one episode? That isn't the same Mistress Centipede, is it? Isn't she supposed to be dead? Demon Slayers after the wrong target lol. But surely Sota should recognize something about Moroha here? Not sure what Moroha was planning there. Maybe put on that rouge make-up like war paint and then she becomes Beniyasha, haha. No idea what a rainbow pearl is. Maybe it is similar to the one Inuyasha had. These can open portals too, but also looks like they can give power ups. This has gone from bullying to straight up serious criminal behavior. Taking family members hostage. Uhhh did Towa take that sword from a museum or what?! And it broke! So it was just an ordinary katana after all! So much for that being Towa's signature weapon! Ep 3 - LOL Moroha says that sword is a fake! A spirit sword... nice. Kagome's mom says looks "just like Kagome," but she looks just like Inuyasha, to me. Though maybe she does have some features of Kagome, now that you mention it. Possessed by the root head thing, right? Just like that?! But at least we get to see more of what these two can do. Rite of Courage and Cowardice. I've never heard of lions doing this. Maybe Kaede is referring to mountain lions. Even still, I've never heard of that. That is pretty lame if Sesshomaru just booted his kids like that. And Kaede said he picked up his newborn twins from this village. So they born to a woman who lived in the village. I really hope it wasn't Rin that was the mother, because that means we've got a Woody Allen situation on our hands. How could the demon slayers not know Setsuna is a half-demon? Any decent half-demon should be able to tell that. Uuhhh I don't think all half-demons have a pearl. Inuyasha specifically had one to be able to access his father's grave. Maybe Moroha just thinks that is the case. But I have no idea what is the deal with pearls these three girls have. There's Sota's wife. Moe. I can't remember if that is what girl was called he went on the date with when he was a little kid. Setsuna can't sleep at all? Or have dreams? Really? Even if she's a half demon I don't see how that would work. You HAVE to sleep some time! And of course this dream butterfly also took her memories away. Ep 4 - Has anyone figured out what is going on in that return from commercial break sequence with Towa riding the bicycle in place and then Buyo and Kilala get started for some reason? Setsuna looks good in that dress. Oh god, Moroha doesn't know Kagome at all? It really annoys me that none of these girls know their real parents. Sota is dealing well with giving up the daughter he raised for 10 years. Probably putting on a strong front for Towa. And yeah, this day was bound to come eventually. LOL Moroha actually likes the gift from grandpa. Backpack just like Kagome's and crammed with more stuff than even Kagome's was! I like the streak of gray they added to Kagome's mom's hair. Again, worrying about changing history was never a thing in the old show. I don't know why it is now. This damn history text book is being treated like the sports almanac from Back to the Future. Oh god fucking Kikyo-- no, that's the Tree of Ages taken on her form to communicate? But I still would rather have not seen Kikyo again. She caused so much trouble and annoyance in the original series. Plus, let her rest in peace! What? What and what? If there was another great demon like Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's father, what was he doing in the original series when Naraku was wreaking havoc? And if he is defeated then Sesshomaru will emerge? If Sesshomaru is defeated then Kirinmaru will emerge? Both have to be defeated at the same time? That makes no sense. I don't know if we can trust this tree! UUUGGGHHH Kagome is asleep stuck in the fucking tree for some reason. And there is what is probably the Dream Butterfly, on whatever plane of existence this is. And Sesshomaru is there, too? What is going on here? I want answers damn it! And going by next episode preview it looks like we won't be learning the answers any time soon. Looks like random demon of the week. But Miroku is going to show up? In the preview, it looks like we finally see Moroha go into demon killer mode. She put the lip stick on and her eyes changed to gold like Inuyasha's. And she looks vicious! Moroha is a fun character. Her personality isn't exactly like Inuyasha's after all, since he was more "serious" than this and was usually the one getting bothered by other characters acting more silly lol. Moroha may have the best personality out of the three girls. Quote
Distinct Lunatic Posted October 25, 2020 Posted October 25, 2020 On 10/20/2020 at 6:58 PM, Jiro_Dreams said: I found my new obsession in the form of Souta’s wife who is just as unphased as he is about all this “fighting time-traveling demons with priceless artifacts” nonsense. She must be related to Brock from Pokemon Quote
Distinct Lunatic Posted October 25, 2020 Posted October 25, 2020 9 minutes ago, ben0119 said: I love and adore Moroha, I want to pet her and feed her and take her on walks, and give her belly rubs. As for the whole changing history thing. If I had to take a guess why that wasn't a concern with the original series. If I remember correctly the reason why Kagome ended up in the past in the first place was it was the desire of the shikon jewel, when it came to time travel in the original one it never seemed to matter how often Kagome returned home. You would think it'd be a case where without her present if she left it could fuck over the future entirely, but you could say the time travel used in the original series was a case where everything that happened was destined to happen, and because of that it didn't matter if Kagome dicked around in modern day, and didn't have to worry about changing the past, perhaps if that was the shikon jewels influence. So with the shikon jewel no longer in existence, perhaps there's nothing keeping the past in line any more, and it's possible to make changes to it if careless. I still don't like how most of the OG characters completely disappeared. Sessh is implied to still be around, but he's doing his own thing. I think that one makes sense for the type of character he is, not going to coddle anyone. It being like with dogs and other animals that don't take care of their offspring after they're old enough to walk and eat on their own. As for the others, I get that they want to leave things to be discovered but with Kaede and Kohaku being around and having screen time, as well as Kagome's family meeting Moroha and talking about Kagome, I find it just shitty writing that not one single character asked about what the other is doing or what happened to them. Not even a vague conversation that doesn't give anything away but gives us a little to go off. 1 Quote
ben0119 Posted October 25, 2020 Posted October 25, 2020 On 10/13/2020 at 5:05 AM, Jiro_Dreams said: Another thing that throws me off is how aging works in the feudal era. It takes longer for those like Inuyasha to age, but it’s been confirmed that since Kagome decided to live in the past for the next 500 years, she’ll be biologically 18 for the next 500 years. Inuyasha is also over 200 years old so on a physical sense, he’s somewhere in his 20’s. It’s easy to see that it’d be creepy on Inuyasha’s end for being more than 172 years older than Kagome, but that would also mean that they tend to scale around 10 human years per 1 feudal year. Under this logic, it had to be a little less than 140 years that Sesshomaru and Setsuna have spent without Towa while Towa is trapped in the human aging process under Souta’s care in the human world. On top of that, Kohaku also manages to biologically age within these 140 years, but he isn’t enchanted like the other characters and ages normally throughout the original series. With all this in mind, do anti-aging rules only apply to Inuyasha, Kagome, and their offspring? Would Towa’s biology be altered by the present day so much that she would age more rapidly than Setsuna? On 10/13/2020 at 12:19 PM, HardcoreHunter said: Time isn't going to freeze for anyone in the past....I don't know why you're thinking that. Kagome for one was 15 not 18, and she still ages. I'm just really confused as to why you thought that she wouldn't age in the past. Inuyasha just ages slower because he's a half demon. Sesshomaru is like 900+ years old. I assume what could be brought into question to some degree is the aging process of young demons and half demons. Like does aging only slow down when they reach a stage in puberty? It's probably just one of those things that you aren't really supposed to think about, like with baby yoda. As for how much demon the girls have it can actually be more difficult to figure out. For the most part it appears that their Demon and Human sides are not equal. As shown with Jininji sometimes the demon blood is more dominate in an individual than their human blood. Moroha as well is at best only a quarter demon This also brings into question about what happens to them under a full moon. Are they going to be more like werewolves who become more demonic on a full moon as opposed to Inuyasha who became more human under a full moon. On 10/13/2020 at 1:00 PM, Distinct Lunatic said: That would be an interesting spin on things, if instead of losing her power once a month, if her being quarter demon instead had an effect where she's more similar to Inuyasha back when the tessaiga broke. On 10/13/2020 at 7:25 PM, HardcoreHunter said: Genetics works in an odd way compared to how we may think of it in terms of math. In reality we deal with Whole, Half, None. In this case it would be Full Demon, Half Demon, Human. Even though Inuyasha is a Half demon, there is still a chance that his child will be born as either a Full Demon, Half Demon, or Human. Quarter more shows the likelihood of them actually being born a full demon. Each line of a human being born though will dilute the chances. This can happen in breeding dogs. This is why the AKC will only recognize a dog with a standard consistent breed. So if I bread a new dog from using a Lab as a base. For a time there will actually be puppies born that will just be Labs, or Labs that pop up in a litter. It isn't until multiple generations of breeding to get a breed standard is the likely hood of a lab being born is diluted to being nearly impossible. I really don't know where you guys are getting your information from. Inuyasha isn't 200 years old and doesn't age slower because he's a half-demon. That is nonsense from one of the movies, which of course, isn't canon. Even the wiki has this screwed up. For some reason it is treating that 3rd movie like it is canon. That movie was good and it was good fan service, but it's not canon. Human characters wouldn't age slower either, of course. Here are the ages of the characters from Takahashi - Many of the fan letters I receive ask the question “How old are Inuyasha and the other characters?” Some fans make guesses. The character with the greatest range is Miroku, with guesses ranging from the late teens to late twenties… I basically think it's all right for the readers to view the characters as whatever age they see fit, but since so many people ask this, I'll answer with the ages I have in my head as I work. It is clearly stated that Kagome's age is 15, so for balance, Sango is about 15 or 16, and Miroku about 17, 18. I think of Kikyo as having died at about age 17… Demons such as Shippo, Sesshomaru and Koga live anywhere from tens to hundreds of years, so I'll leave it up to the readers to decide. Inuyasha is a half-demon—and was sealed away for 50 years—so I'm not sure how to figure his age out. But if he was sealed away for 50 years, then… Emotionally, I'd say he's about the human equivalent of 15 years old, the same as Kagome. So there you have it. If you see this, tell all your friends in your class! Now goodbye, everyone! Setsuna, Moroha, and Towa all clearly aged at the same human rate, as the human characters around them, such as Kohaku, Hisui (Miroku and Sango's son,) and Sota are the age you would expect them to be for the time that has passed. What makes less sense are Kaede and Grandpa Higurashi all being alive and looking exactly the same! And Inuyasha doesn't turn human under a full moon. He turns human under a new moon, or no moon. It's when you can't see the moon at all. It's the complete opposite of a full moon. I don't recall if anything happened specifically during a full moon in the series. I would not try to apply the real world science of genetics to demons and half-demons in the world of InuYasha/Yashahime. As for characters being underage and whatnot. For me, as has mentioned, they are fictional drawn characters. And of course, most characters that are supposed to be in their teens look like twenty-somethings, such was the case for Bleach. Only if a character looks "too young," like some of the MHA characters do for me (Uraraka and Tsuyu look young, plus Tsuyu is off-model, Momo and Nejire don't look so young and bright eyed,) would I veer off of seeing them in that way. But that can be subjective. Unless of course if the character looks like or is literally a child. When I saw "Age 14" for Towa, I was like... GOD DAMN IT. LOL. Of course, Kagome had only just turned 15 when the original series started hahaha. As for Japanese consent laws, as I understand it, it depends on where in Japan it is, and some laws may supersede others, and it still wouldn't be considered acceptable for an adult to bang a 13 or 14 year old. But, I am not going to look that up and have it in my search history for my ISP and the authorities to see. I will leave that to others. Although the funny thing is, unless someone actually did something with a minor, the would get a slap on the wrist, like Kenshin's author Watsuki did. He still had child porn, though. Hopefully they were just pictures being taken and not worse going on in the stuff he had. Some other mangaka that actually did stuff with a minor recently got in big trouble, and had his manga canceled. I don't remember who the author was or what the series was. But if you get in trouble for drugs, you get blacklisted and erased Stalin-style, like what happened to that actor from the Yakuza games that was doing coke. Talk about messed up priorities! Quote
ben0119 Posted October 25, 2020 Posted October 25, 2020 32 minutes ago, Distinct Lunatic said: I love and adore Moroha, I want to pet her and feed her and take her on walks, and give her belly rubs. As for the whole changing history thing. If I had to take a guess why that wasn't a concern with the original series. If I remember correctly the reason why Kagome ended up in the past in the first place was it was the desire of the shikon jewel, when it came to time travel in the original one it never seemed to matter how often Kagome returned home. You would think it'd be a case where without her present if she left it could fuck over the future entirely, but you could say the time travel used in the original series was a case where everything that happened was destined to happen, and because of that it didn't matter if Kagome dicked around in modern day, and didn't have to worry about changing the past, perhaps if that was the shikon jewels influence. So with the shikon jewel no longer in existence, perhaps there's nothing keeping the past in line any more, and it's possible to make changes to it if careless. I still don't like how most of the OG characters completely disappeared. Sessh is implied to still be around, but he's doing his own thing. I think that one makes sense for the type of character he is, not going to coddle anyone. It being like with dogs and other animals that don't take care of their offspring after they're old enough to walk and eat on their own. As for the others, I get that they want to leave things to be discovered but with Kaede and Kohaku being around and having screen time, as well as Kagome's family meeting Moroha and talking about Kagome, I find it just shitty writing that not one single character asked about what the other is doing or what happened to them. Not even a vague conversation that doesn't give anything away but gives us a little to go off. Yes she is great! I thought it was because Kagome and Inuyasha were bound by the red thread of fate or something, they were naturally drawn to each other. There is even at least one ED with that in it. Though the Shikon Jewel may have had something to do with it, too. Well, the time in the past and time in the future seemed to pass concurrently. If Kagome left the past for 3 days to stay in the present, she was only gone for 3 days. So it really was like traveling between worlds more than it was traveling between time. She had her bicycle but it was treated as an oddity and no one really freaked out about it. I think Miroku was even able to ride it? Lol. I believe the characters just thought her school uniform was some kind of short kimono. It was that scene with the bandits in like the first or second episode. She brought instant ramen and other modern snacks but just gave them to Inuyasha and her other friends. She had her school books but no one really ever tried to steal them or anything. It just... wasn't a thing. But then you had that Noh Mask. It was sealed and stayed sealed and locked up until present day. So this means Naraku or anyone else never found that shikon piece it had. But, it was defeated in the present and then its shikon piece was brought back to the feudal era. Not sure if that causes a paradox or not. But yes, maybe whatever happened was what was going to happen anyway, sort of like the Harry Potter time travel. But either way, it just... was not a concern and not a thing at all in the original series, this idea of changing history. So it seems odd to throw that in with this series. It makes sense for Sesshomaru but kind of doesn't, since he had a lot of character development over the course of the original series. It doesn't really make sense for him to abandon his children willingly with how he was when we last saw him. But yes the excuse could be made more for him than the others. Well I believe Kagome's mother or maybe it was Sota or Grandpa, asked Moroha to say hi to Kagome for them or something which is when she said "ok but I don't really know her at all." Then we saw Kagome was trapped inside the Tree of Ages for some reason. Maybe another conversation like that will happen when they all meet up. Setsuna lost her memories after all so there's no reason she would ask about Sesshomaru or anyone else. But it seems pretty dumb that the demon slayers didn't know Setsuna was a half-demon and couldn't tell Moroha's obvious lineage when they first ran into her. Quote
Distinct Lunatic Posted October 25, 2020 Posted October 25, 2020 (edited) 43 minutes ago, ben0119 said: As for Japanese consent laws, as I understand it, it depends on where in Japan it is, and some laws may supersede others, and it still wouldn't be considered acceptable for an adult to bang a 13 or 14 year old. But, I am not going to look that up and have it in my search history for my ISP and the authorities to see. I will leave that to others. Although the funny thing is, unless someone actually did something with a minor, the would get a slap on the wrist, like Kenshin's author Watsuki did. He still had child porn, though. Hopefully they were just pictures being taken and not worse going on in the stuff he had. Some other mangaka that actually did stuff with a minor recently got in big trouble, and had his manga canceled. I don't remember who the author was or what the series was. But if you get in trouble for drugs, you get blacklisted and erased Stalin-style, like what happened to that actor from the Yakuza games that was doing coke. Talk about messed up priorities! Pretty sure the whole 13/14yo thing in Japan is more so that they can get married at that age. For some reason people have some misconception that when it comes to the whole 13yo thing in Japan as well as incest (it fitting the subject, also something that's legal in Japan though only cousins can get married) is if you do those things, don't expect to receive any acceptance. Though for age of consent I'm pretty sure the lower age is only for rural parts of Japan, modernized ones like the Tokyo area and so on have the standard 18 year. The Japanese are nonconfrontational by nature, people assume they're alright with those things because most wouldn't say anything about it, but in reality you won't find acceptance for incest couples or doing it with a 13yo. Edited October 25, 2020 by Distinct Lunatic 1 Quote
Distinct Lunatic Posted October 25, 2020 Posted October 25, 2020 (edited) 41 minutes ago, ben0119 said: Yes she is great! I thought it was because Kagome and Inuyasha were bound by the red thread of fate or something, they were naturally drawn to each other. There is even at least one ED with that in it. Though the Shikon Jewel may have had something to do with it, too. Well, the time in the past and time in the future seemed to pass concurrently. If Kagome left the past for 3 days to stay in the present, she was only gone for 3 days. So it really was like traveling between worlds more than it was traveling between time. She had her bicycle but it was treated as an oddity and no one really freaked out about it. I think Miroku was even able to ride it? Lol. I believe the characters just thought her school uniform was some kind of short kimono. It was that scene with the bandits in like the first or second episode. She brought instant ramen and other modern snacks but just gave them to Inuyasha and her other friends. She had her school books but no one really ever tried to steal them or anything. It just... wasn't a thing. But then you had that Noh Mask. It was sealed and stayed sealed and locked up until present day. So this means Naraku or anyone else never found that shikon piece it had. But, it was defeated in the present and then its shikon piece was brought back to the feudal era. Not sure if that causes a paradox or not. But yes, maybe whatever happened was what was going to happen anyway, sort of like the Harry Potter time travel. But either way, it just... was not a concern and not a thing at all in the original series, this idea of changing history. So it seems odd to throw that in with this series. It makes sense for Sesshomaru but kind of doesn't, since he had a lot of character development over the course of the original series. It doesn't really make sense for him to abandon his children willingly with how he was when we last saw him. But yes the excuse could be made more for him than the others. Well I believe Kagome's mother or maybe it was Sota or Grandpa, asked Moroha to say hi to Kagome for them or something which is when she said "ok but I don't really know her at all." Then we saw Kagome was trapped inside the Tree of Ages for some reason. Maybe another conversation like that will happen when they all meet up. Setsuna lost her memories after all so there's no reason she would ask about Sesshomaru or anyone else. But it seems pretty dumb that the demon slayers didn't know Setsuna was a half-demon and couldn't tell Moroha's obvious lineage when they first ran into her. Honestly I'd prefer it if Inuyasha was more isekai like (if it was made in the past decade it probably would have ended up that way), like some kind of other world that parallels Japan's history, instead of making it something that happened only 450-500 years ago. I feel like that'd give the series more room to go further into fantasy-like scenarios without coming across as bullshit. When it comes to time travel, the whole thing where everything that happens is meant to, it not being possible to change anything seems to be the safest way to do time travel in shows and etc. Even when it comes to the story in Yashahime is even though they bring up the possibility of history being changed, more likely than not it's just pointless babbling. When it comes to real life theories for time travel, there are two ideas I think have the most support in the scientific community. Either A: It's not possible to change the past because everything that happened was meant to, that the universe won't allow paradoxes to be made. Or B: Even if you changed the past, your future would stay the same, you'd just create a divergent timeline where whatever you changed plays out, but your future won't change. I think they say even if you did the whole killing your past self, you wouldn't disappear, instead you'll just create a new future where you're dead. Edited October 25, 2020 by Distinct Lunatic 1 Quote
Hidden Posted October 25, 2020 Posted October 25, 2020 (edited) i love how moroha seems to be somewhat less impulsive then sesshys daughters. at least in this ep. i also like what we have here so far. i think its nice. fun to watch, looking forward to it every weekend...at this point, i wouldnt mind if it was long running. oh and i agree that no one asking--or even wondering--about kagome, is just odd. the whole "i never met my parents" thing is starting to catch up to me too...😴obviously theres a good reason why kagome/inuyasha didnt meet their kids (i hope), but its so hard to envision a world where kagome doesnt end up spending a memorable amount time with the young one before she disappears. Edited October 25, 2020 by Hidden 1 Quote
ben0119 Posted October 25, 2020 Posted October 25, 2020 (edited) 4 hours ago, Distinct Lunatic said: Pretty sure the whole 13/14yo thing in Japan is more so that they can get married at that age. For some reason people have some misconception that when it comes to the whole 13yo thing in Japan as well as incest (it fitting the subject, also something that's legal in Japan though only cousins can get married) is if you do those things, don't expect to receive any acceptance. Though for age of consent I'm pretty sure the lower age is only for rural parts of Japan, modernized ones like the Tokyo area and so on have the standard 18 year. The Japanese are nonconfrontational by nature, people assume they're alright with those things because most wouldn't say anything about it, but in reality you won't find acceptance for incest couples or doing it with a 13yo. Yes exactly. And isn't pretty unusual for people to even have sex that young in Japan anyways? Like I mean, peers that are teens. 3 hours ago, Distinct Lunatic said: Honestly I'd prefer it if Inuyasha was more isekai like (if it was made in the past decade it probably would have ended up that way), like some kind of other world that parallels Japan's history, instead of making it something that happened only 450-500 years ago. I feel like that'd give the series more room to go further into fantasy-like scenarios without coming across as bullshit. When it comes to time travel, the whole thing where everything that happens is meant to, it not being possible to change anything seems to be the safest way to do time travel in shows and etc. Even when it comes to the story in Yashahime is even though they bring up the possibility of history being changed, more likely than not it's just pointless babbling. When it comes to real life theories for time travel, there are two ideas I think have the most support in the scientific community. Either A: It's not possible to change the past because everything that happened was meant to, that the universe won't allow paradoxes to be made. Or B: Even if you changed the past, your future would stay the same, you'd just create a divergent timeline where whatever you changed plays out, but your future won't change. I think they say even if you did the whole killing your past self, you wouldn't disappear, instead you'll just create a new future where you're dead. Well it kind of already is an isekai. It is inspired a bit by Alice in Wonderland. Kagome falls down a hole into this whole other world. The series is literally called "InuYasha: A Feudal Fairy Tail." I'm not sure what you're getting at as far as the "bullshit." People in Japan used to believe in all these mythological creatures, stories, and legends. Kagome's grandfather still does and has all those knicknacks. Then Kagome goes back in time and finds out they're real and Grandpa wasn't full of it after all. Yes indeed. That may be how it works here, but it's hard to tell. Like I said before, it was never brought up as an issue in the original series, so it's odd this show is doing it. Maybe it is pointless babbling, but we have the whole plot about Towa being captured and interrogating her about her history book. Then again that could end up just leading to nothing and was just used as a way to introduce Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha. We should be catching up to that part of the flash forward soon. Yes it is one of those, it's what I have seen in various documentaries, and it makes the most sense. Which means that Dragon Ball had the most scientifically accurate version of time travel all this time. Who knew Toriyama was such a scientific genius? Edited October 25, 2020 by ben0119 Quote
Jman Posted October 26, 2020 Posted October 26, 2020 FUNi has announced the dub cast. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2020-10-26/funimation-announces-inuyasha-spinoff-anime-yashahime-dub-cast/.165607 1 Quote
ben0119 Posted November 1, 2020 Posted November 1, 2020 Ep 5 - So now I am hearing the woman that is trapped in the tree is Rin and not Kagome? That's not as dumb as Kagome being trapped in there, but still pretty dumb! There's that owl again. LOL Setsuna doesn't want Towa to come with her. Son of Tokatsu. I thought that was one of the Seven Man Army members at first, but it's not. He does remind me of one them, though. But, this guy is a demon. Haha called him a bishounen! The Four Perils. And they are Kirinmaru's minions. If they defeat them then Kirinmaru will show up, then they have to defeat him, then Sesshomaru will show up and they have to defeat him? Why do they have to fight Sesshomaru? It makes no sense. And Myoga didn't think the story about Kirinmaru sounded right. I don't know if we can trust the Tree of Ages, IF that is actually the Tree of Ages who sent them on this quest. Purification salt. Not bad. Didn't Miroku used to use that? That rouge make-up is a gift from Inuyasha's father to Inuyasha's mother, it revives Toga's memories and Moroha gets a power up? But she can only go like this for one minute and then she is out for a day. Ah so it sounds like it really was Moroha that decapitated Tokotsu. Maybe she forgot she did it because she used that make-up? Also the red rainbow pearl came from Tokotsu. She stole it from him. Not sure how Setsuna and Towa got theirs, then. Even with the power up from the rouge, this guy seemed like a pushover for one of the FOUR PERILS. Unfortunately no remains means no reward. But at least it seems like this racoon character won't be as major of a character as we feared. Was awesome to see super powered Iron Reaver and Blades of Blood, though. Wow what a tease. That preview was of a brief flashback. Setsuna came across a traveling monk. But why is Miroku traveling and not raising his children? And where is Sango?! Towa, you can't be that soft in this world. Showing respect to the demons though. Wtf. Did Miroku ever do that? That next preview haha. Another bounty. This is almost like a videogame. But so was the first show lol. Quote
ben0119 Posted November 1, 2020 Posted November 1, 2020 (edited) On 10/26/2020 at 1:25 PM, Jman said: FUNi has announced the dub cast. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2020-10-26/funimation-announces-inuyasha-spinoff-anime-yashahime-dub-cast/.165607 On 10/26/2020 at 1:28 PM, PokeNirvash said: So much for the Canadians. What the heck? Are they really going to recast everyone? That would be awful. Sure, the original characters probably won't be in the show that much, but still. Even for that 1st episode it would have been nice to have them all back. But all we were given were the voices of Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha. Maybe there is still hope for the old cast. Although, since Monica Stori has fallen off the face of the Earth, and Kira Tozer didn't do such a stellar job in Final Act, I would not mind a new VA for Kagome. Edited November 1, 2020 by ben0119 Quote
malon_loves_link Posted November 3, 2020 Posted November 3, 2020 I am so stoked for this anime but I can't wait it one episode a week...I watched the first 2 and now I'm going to wait until the episode that explains what happens to the og cast airs. I have been spoiled by the anome binges....and I bet whenever sesshy meets up with towa his first comment will be to disparage her tomboyish looks bc he is a judgy little pretty boi Quote
Distinct Lunatic Posted November 3, 2020 Posted November 3, 2020 4 hours ago, malon_loves_link said: I am so stoked for this anime but I can't wait it one episode a week...I watched the first 2 and now I'm going to wait until the episode that explains what happens to the og cast airs. I have been spoiled by the anome binges....and I bet whenever sesshy meets up with towa his first comment will be to disparage her tomboyish looks bc he is a judgy little pretty boi I highly doubt Sessh will comment on her appearance at all. Considering how Sesshomaru has a detached and uncaring personality, I expect their first meeting to go something along the lines of him flat out ignoring them. Moroha likely getting on him about that 1 Quote
ben0119 Posted November 4, 2020 Posted November 4, 2020 (edited) On 10/26/2020 at 1:28 PM, PokeNirvash said: So much for the Canadians. Boy, you sure wee fuckin' wrong! https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2020-11-03/viz-announces-inuyasha-spinoff-anime-yashahime-new-returning-dub-cast/.165935 Wow, who would have thought David Kaye would come back? He doesn't even work in anime anymore. I thought for sure it would be the Final Act guy. Michael Daingerfield did a great job was almost indistinguishable from Kaye's voice. Looks like they are bringing back Kira Tozer as Kagome. Has Moneca Stori joined a cult or become a recluse or what? I also heard the theory back during Final Act that toxic subbie fans ran her off. Kira Tozer did not do the best job, she kept using that theatre style acting that really didn't work, and it was especially bad whenever she had to raise her voice. It has been a long time since then though, so hopefully she has improved. Glad to see everyone else back. Some of these people do little or no voice acting these days or moved on to different sorts of voice acting, out of anime. It is very cool to have them back. Looks like Aleks Le has played Zenitsu from Demon Slayer and Lilpilin (the pig general guy from SAO:A,) characters I have heard along with other Toonami viewers. He will have to put in a decidedly different performance as Hisui. Though he hasn't has a ton of lines and screen time yet, Hisui is way more chill than Zenitsu lmao. It looks like I haven't seen anything Alan Lee was in, so I'll have to see how he does, or maybe someone else can speak on that. In any case, this isn't any of the child actors that played Kohaku. They would be grown up by now of course and who knows if they would fit grown up Kohaku. Edited November 4, 2020 by ben0119 1 Quote
PokeNirvash Posted November 4, 2020 Posted November 4, 2020 (edited) Hey, don't get me wrong, I'm just as pleasantly surprised about this as you are. Edited November 4, 2020 by PokeNirvash 2 Quote
ben0119 Posted November 4, 2020 Posted November 4, 2020 8 minutes ago, PokeNirvash said: Hey, don't get me wrong, I'm just as pleasantly surprised about this as you are. Fair enough. I glad you and a lot of other fans were wrong. People had assumed because of the studios involved and locations, and union arcana etc that it was a longshot the old cast would return. And that the original character castings weren't announced simultaneously because of backlach over recast would overshadow the three leads' VAs, or Bang Zoom was hunting for soundalikes. You know what happens you assume. Quote
Top Gun Posted November 5, 2020 Posted November 5, 2020 Moneca Stori retired from VA work years ago, which is why she wasn't in Final Act and isn't in this. Quote
DangerMouse Posted November 7, 2020 Posted November 7, 2020 (edited) Damn good to see so many of the old cast are going to be back! The three new leads sound really good and fitting in their first brief scene clip released yesterday along with the first ep, though I didn't have time to watch the ep just yet since I didn't realize it was going up last night: Edited November 7, 2020 by DangerMouse 1 Quote
Distortedreasoning Posted November 7, 2020 Posted November 7, 2020 hey where you guys watching this? i was able to see the first episode on youtube but cant find it anywhere without having to join a subscription website. first episode was pretty much another inuyasha story but the 3 new girls all look good. Quote
helpme Posted November 7, 2020 Posted November 7, 2020 Seems to be an update on the English cast https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2020-11-03/viz-announces-inuyasha-spinoff-anime-yashahime-new-returning-dub-cast/.165935 Quote
ben0119 Posted November 8, 2020 Posted November 8, 2020 23 hours ago, Distortedreasoning said: hey where you guys watching this? i was able to see the first episode on youtube but cant find it anywhere without having to join a subscription website. first episode was pretty much another inuyasha story but the 3 new girls all look good. It's like literally everywhere dude. Funimation, Crunchyroll, and Hulu. 1 Quote
ben0119 Posted November 8, 2020 Posted November 8, 2020 On 11/5/2020 at 9:35 AM, Top Gun said: Moneca Stori retired from VA work years ago, which is why she wasn't in Final Act and isn't in this. Where is the source for this besides people just saying it? I looked it up just now, and Wikipedia says she is retired. Their "source" is a link to the ANN review of the Final Act blu-ray where the reviewer guesses Moneca Stori is retired from voice acting because she didn't return as Kagome for Final Act. And that reviewer is full of shit saying you can barely tell the difference between Stori and Tozer. Quote
ben0119 Posted November 8, 2020 Posted November 8, 2020 (edited) On 11/7/2020 at 2:08 AM, DangerMouse said: Damn good to see so many of the old cast are going to be back! The three new leads sound really good and fitting in their first brief scene clip released yesterday along with the first ep, though I didn't have time to watch the ep just yet since I didn't realize it was going up last night: I heard about the preview but hadn't seen it yet. I like Towa and Setsuna but not sure on Moroha. I need to hear more. They already dubbed the first episode and put it up?! I gotta check that out! Edited November 8, 2020 by ben0119 1 Quote
ben0119 Posted November 8, 2020 Posted November 8, 2020 Ep 6 - All 3 on that bike. That is impressive to keep the bike stable and Towa to be able to peddle it. All three have demon ability though, strength, agility, balance etc. I wonder if there are some stunt cyclists that could pull this off? LOL ignored daughter to dote after cats. Very horrible mother indeed! Haha, cat village just like the modern day cat islands! Hmm, it seems everything is not as it seems, though. They're "ghost cats." I'm not familiar with this concept. Juan... not the same or pronounced the same as the Spanish name I am guessing. And he looks like a modern day pop star? I don't get what is handsome about this guy. He looks weird with no hair. There was another "handsome Monk" like this in the original series, who had his face stolen by that one demon. Lul Moroha didn't like Julian's music. Hahahaha tried to give the earbud to Setsuna and she batted it away. OF COURSE the Monk was possessed. A giant demon cat! I don't remember Tessaiga being able to absorb demon energy, but it has been a while. How did Towa manage to pull that off? Well look at that, Setsuna proven wrong. They were able to kill the demon without harming the monk. LOL go and become Julian's ancestor. Ah that preview. So that guy is not Shippo grown up after all then. But he is in the poster and the OP, so he must be important, right? Riku is his name, we now know. Aaaannnd it looks like the story is finally catching up to that flash forward we saw earlier, where Towa gets captured. Next week should be interesting. Quote
Top Gun Posted November 8, 2020 Posted November 8, 2020 4 minutes ago, ben0119 said: Where is the source for this besides people just saying it? I looked it up just now, and Wikipedia says she is retired. Their "source" is a link to the ANN review of the Final Act blu-ray where the reviewer guesses Moneca Stori is retired from voice acting because she didn't return as Kagome for Final Act. And that reviewer is full of shit saying you can barely tell the difference between Stori and Tozer. Her IMDB page shows her not doing any anime roles since 2006, and her only voice work of any kind since then is an Italian-made children's series that was released in Canada in the early 2010s. Even then it looks like her role was recast some way into the series. It's hardly a stretch to assume she isn't acting anymore. Quote
ben0119 Posted November 8, 2020 Posted November 8, 2020 17 minutes ago, Top Gun said: Her IMDB page shows her not doing any anime roles since 2006, and her only voice work of any kind since then is an Italian-made children's series that was released in Canada in the early 2010s. Even then it looks like her role was recast some way into the series. It's hardly a stretch to assume she isn't acting anymore. Sure she is not acting anymore. But there was never any announcement, statement, speech or anything by her. She just... stopped appearing in things. No reason given. It is concerning. Quote
ben0119 Posted November 8, 2020 Posted November 8, 2020 Watched the first episode dub. Some of the English VAs' voices have noticebly changed. Probably mostly due to age. They also have not played these characters in years, so they might be out of practice. I need someone to make a comparison video side by side of the original series, Final Act, and this Yashahime episode. Heck, maybe one has already been made. Not only does Kira Tozer still not sound like Moneca Stori, her voice sounds different than in Final Act. Deeper and older. Kirby Morrow's voice sounds the most different and has changed the most over the years. Almost sounds strained at times. Does anyone know if he is a smoker or had health issues with his throat or lungs? David Kaye sounds different too. Sesshomaru already had a deep voice, but it's even deeper now. I cannot tell if that is the same Jaken or not, but sounds good. Kelly Sheridan sounds almost exactly the same and Richard Cox sounds EXACTLY the same, so that's good. The new Kohaku sounds fine. Don't know if this will be same VA for him as an adult, but if so the actor is obviously going to have to change his performance up for that. The Rin VA did a good job as well. As I understand it, Kohaku and Rin were voiced by child actors so they would have had to be changed. And I think this is like the third or fourth VA Kohaku has had? Kaede's VA did a good job. I had thought they kept the same VA for Final Act and Kaede sounded different due to the actress' aging, but apparently they did not and it was someone else? Whoever did the voice this time sounds closer to the original than the Final Act voice. I got to hear more of Towa and she sounds good. Setsuna sounds good. I did not get to hear any more of Moroha than I did in that clip, and I am still undecided on her. It feels like Moroha has been "toned down" for the dub, I dunno. David Kaye is 56. Thought he would be older. Kirby Morrow is only 47, not sure why his voice changed so much then. Kira Tozer only 36. Richard Cox is 47 too. Kelly Sheridan is 43, so is Jillian Michaels. Quote
ben0119 Posted November 15, 2020 Posted November 15, 2020 Ep 7 - Ah YES we have finally caught up to the flash forward and gone past it, so we are fully in the "present" of the story, now. So wait, Kirinmaru was just chilling on a boat this whole time? I thought he would be a sealed away or hiding on another plane of existence or something lmao. But Kyuki thinks she can overpower and overthrow her boss if she gets those pearls? Bad move! Not sure what to make of Riku. He obviously isn't Shippo grown up. I wonder if he has any connection to Kirinmaru. Kirinmaru wears a mask and this guy's face was covered at first when he was sitting in the tree. AND he was eating grapes just like Kirinmaru. This surely wouldn't be Kirinmaru in disguise, or his son or something? He said his master abandoned him. Hahahaha stole the REAL Kikujumonji sword and then left it with Towa. But I wonder if his reason was really just getting the heat off himself and making Towa get caught for stealing the sword? Hmm lol. Again with the changing history stuff. Worried about the seeds from the apple core starting a forest of invasive apple trees in feudal Japan. Stop with that nonsense damn it! It was never an issue before haha. What was with all the fruit eating in this episode anyway? Also kind of surprised that demons would even eat fruit? What do they eat anyways? Jyubei is receiving orders to take out high level demons from someone he can't say no to. I wonder who that is. Hmm Could it be Sesshomaru? Could this be his way of training the girls? Good to hear Setsuna and Moroha praising Towa, even if she didn't hear them, and even if she causes them the most trouble haha. Either way, they had good team work in this episode. I loved how the racoon girl got frozen and they just left her there. Ahh next episode preview looks very tantalizing. We see InuYasha, Kagome, and looks like Sesshomaru in the distance, possibly standing beside Kirinmaru, even if an illusion from some spell. It could allude to something. And Rin inside the tree again. ~ The second dubbed episode is out too. Are they going to be released weekly? We got to hear more of Morgan Berry as Moroha and I think she is doing a decent job. I think maybe it would have been difficult for Moroha to be as over the top in English, I don't know. Robbie Daymond's name does not ring a bell right off the bat, but Toonami viewers would know him as Gaelio from Gundam IBO, Mumen Rider, Haganezuka (the swordsmith) from Demon Slayer, Mitsuki from Boruto, Ide in FLCL Progressive, Smokey Brown in JoJo, among others. And of course lots of other anime. He is quite prolific actually.https://www.twitter.com/brennaobrien/status/1325920081675628544 It is actually the same voice actress for Rin, Brenna O'brien. I did not realize that. So she was a child actress when she played Rin originally, and continued to play her. Well, it would be easier for a woman to play a child than a man, of course. (She is pretty, by the way.) Kohaku's VAs kept being cycled out as they got too old to play him. So it makes enough sense to get yet another actor to play him as an adult, and I'd say Alan Lee did a good job here. Still no info on who is playing Kaede. No info on Kagome's mother or grandfather. But here it sounds like they got Aramaki's VA for Grandpa. According to what I was able to find, French Tickner, the original VA is 90, and was last in something in 2016, so he may be retired. William Frederick Knight is Amaraki and likely Grandpa, he is 87 and still working, so good for him. Quote
ben0119 Posted November 20, 2020 Posted November 20, 2020 I know, I couldn't believe it when I saw it. Very shocking and sad. Here's my post from the thread about it - I offhand saw this on Twitter when I was checking for something else (which I don't use much as I don't care for the format for interface, much less the discourse,) and did not believe it. We JUST had the announcement of his return as Miroku and got to hear him there again very recently. I remember seeing him active on his Twitter recently too. This is surreal. RIP to a great voice actor. So many good memories! There is more info about it in these articles. I did not know he was in Stargate. I loved the Stargate movie but could not get into the series. I recall that Richard Cox was also in it? I remember talking to a guy on the ASMB about it eons ago who was an Inuyasha and a Stargate fan. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2020-11-19/voice-actor-kirby-morrow-passes-away-at-47/.166520 https://www.thewrap.com/kirby-morrow-stargate-atlantis-dies/ https://www.gateworld.net/news/2020/11/actor-kirby-morrow-stargate-daedalus-bridge-officer-dies-at-47/ 1 Quote
ben0119 Posted November 22, 2020 Posted November 22, 2020 Ep 8 - Aaaahhh hell I knew should have been more suspicious of Riku. So HE is the client. And he only kills the people he loves?! Look out, Towa! Maybe this guy is actually the main villain and not Kirinmaru. And there are SEVEN Rainbow Pearls? I thought Kyuki was a griffin but she is actually a giant tiger with wings. And has a bell collar? LOL. Three dreams but they aren't seeing their own dreams. I think things still quite as they seem. I can't think of any good reason why Sesshomaru would turn on Inuyasha and Kagome to work with Kirinmaru. The dream butterfly is taking Setsuna's dreams and giving them to Rin? Maybe this is to keep Rin alive in some sort of suspended animation, but I can't think of why this would have to be done in the first place. Not sure if the dream butterfly is acting on its own, either. It could be this is just something it does. Makes it so some people can't sleep or dream and others can't wake up. So the Tanooki girl is Hachi's daughter. I should not be surprised. Everyone is related to someone after all! But man, if some parts of those dreams are actually accurate, it is pretty sad if Inuyasha and Kagome had nothing to do Moroha since she was a baby. So Towa has a specific power to absorb/steal demonic energy, and then use it. I wonder if maybe the hilt of the fake broken Kikujumonji sword is not even needed and she could just make the energy sword grow from her hand. Azure Dragon Wave. Doesn't Moroha have a Crimson Dragon Wave? You would think Setsuna would have the other dragon wave since she is Towa's sister. Man I know Towa was more concerned with Setsuna's well-being, but she knew Kyuki was using that Rainbow Pearl the whole fight, and it plainly fell on the ground as she was defeated. It would have taken two seconds to pick it up and then run to Setsuna! They also didn't notice Riku killing Kyuki and taking the pearl lmao. You guys need to pay more attention! Aww cute band-aid. ~ I watched the third episode dubbed. So far seems like they are coming out weekly. Seems like all the VAs are doing a good job. I will say it is generally easier for me to follow a show in English. I still think I am no closer to understanding the Towa and Setsuna's pasts though haha. Quote
Hidden Posted November 22, 2020 Posted November 22, 2020 sesshy playing games. im gonna assume he had no choice but to team up with kirin--surely because of rin. ill cast some doubt on the notion of him being controlled, but i suppose its always possible that kirin isnt your average demon. Quote
ben0119 Posted November 29, 2020 Posted November 29, 2020 Ep 9 - LOL the way Moroha started sulking and pouting when Towa and Setsuna wouldn't go with her on the bounty hunt for Konton was hilarious. Was kind of sad though. She lived all alone this whole time up until now?! Is Takechiyu actually male? This is at least the second time someone has referred the character this way. I could have sworn he was a girl this whole time?! Then again we thought the same thing about Shippo! Put out a bounty on the Dream Butterfly. Pay for it using the money from getting Konton's bounty. This plan is too logical to fail. Heh sped up when Towa and Setsuna caught up to Moroha and wanted to join. So Konton is not only a member of the Four Perils, but is from China. I feel like that has not been emphasized that Kirinmaru and the Four Perils are from China, but maybe I missed something. There was also another demon with a strong shell in the original series. Naraku killed it and took its shell. Interesting, Konton's sword seems to have the same ability as Gin Ichimaru's. In the preview, I'm pretty sure those conjoined twin demons were in the original show. By the way, does anybody know how many episodes this series is supposed to be? ~ After watching the 4th episode dubbed, the description of Kirinmaru does not make it seem like he is from China. Or maybe just the 4 perils are. Or maybe just Konton is. After hearing the explanation again I still don't quite understand what's going on with Sesshomaru and Kirinmaru. I just remembered that when Setsuna was wearing that dress, she didn't have the fur boa. Meaning it is a garment and not a part of her body like with Sesshomaru. That does definitely sound like the same voice for Kikyo. I can't tell with Myoga from just the small clip from the preview. Quote
ben0119 Posted December 6, 2020 Posted December 6, 2020 Ep 10 - Kinka and Ginka were in the original series or Final Act, weren't they? Or at least very similar characters. LOL Moroha taking credit for chasing the demons away and then eating all that food. Aaahh possessed AGAIN? Chocolate gummies sound gross. This situation is causing Setsuna to recover some memories. Still not sure what caused her to lose them in the first place. Was it the Dream Butterfly, or just repressed from the trauma? YES Setsuna of course it was Towa who tried to save you back then! Setsuna jumped into the fight but for some reason Towa didn't. Maybe because Towa couldn't get up there? It looks like Setsuna has the ability to fly for short distances, or at least can leap very far. She seemed suspended in air for a while there. Maybe it is just anime physics haha. That fire attribute was a pretty badass power-up Setsuna got in this episode. I don't suppose it will be permanent? Aww Setsuna didn't answer Towa when she asked her about the memories. Hahahaha oh god. Moroha trying to recover some ashes to get the bounty. It's so fucked up but so funny for some reason. Moroha ruining the emotional moment and desecrating their deaths lmao. Of course she wasn't here for everything that happened, but still. ~ Just watched the 5th episode dubbed. And hearing Myoga's explanation again in English, the Four Perils are all definitely from China. Maybe Kirinmaru is too, but I'm not sure. Myoga also called him a valiant beast king and found it hard to believe he wanted to do what the Tree of Ages claimed. We definitely have to wait and see because things may not all be what they seem. And I am almost certain that is Paul Dobson playing Myoga again. Sounds exactly the same. But I can find no confirmation of this. He may not be able to play Naraku anymore, but at least he can continue as Myoga. I don't remember him saying "boing boing" before though. Wasn't is just a sound effect? Quote
ben0119 Posted December 13, 2020 Posted December 13, 2020 Ep 11 - Doesn't this OP feel more like a Fairy Tail OP? I mean, the actual song itself. Except for that one stringed instrument that is used. Not sure what it's called. I would best describe it as a feudal Japan banjo lol. Moroha hahaha got to test the pancakes for poison and then eats them all in one go. That was almost like Luffy hahaha. Then starts choking! Ah here is yet another pair of siblings for Towa and Setsuna to relate to. I still wonder what that loan was Jyubei gave to Moroha. Moroha should have bitch-slapped Takechiyo. Man, Setsuna really is great with that violin. Hmm, this is giving me flashbacks to the infinite pond slime monster from Star Trek lol. Hmm, so Towa and Setsuna both each have resistances to two different kind of poisons, due to being Sesshomaru's daughters. Pretty clever how they beat these two demons. Setsuna was pretty funny in this episode. Moving out of the way from Towa laying on her lap, and stopping short of the high five, haha. Next episode preview. New moon, and Towa losing her demon powers. Since Setsuna is her twin sister, shouldn't it be happening to both of them? Unless maybe Towa was born just before midnight and Setsuna was born after? Also not sure why Setsuna doesn't have the white hair, but Towa does. It makes me wonder how it would be shown visually that Setsuna has lost her powers, if that happens. ~ In the dubbed version of episode 6, they pronounced Tessaiga/Tetsusaiga with no t sound in the middle. I listened back to that part in Japanese and it sounded pretty close to "Tet-saiga" to me, that was always used on the original series dub. So probably the old pronunciation would have been better. It definitely sounds weird to hear it this way after years of hearing it the other way. Quote
ben0119 Posted December 20, 2020 Posted December 20, 2020 (edited) Ep 12 - So someone can turn into a demon, or rather, an apparition, as they called this guy, just from "wicked thoughts?" Ok. Setsuna being worried about Towa was cute in this episode. So it didn't happen to Moroha because she's a quarter demon (and maybe half-priestess?), or Setsuna, because of the Dream Butterfly? But I don't know how they would show the visual change with either of these two. In any case, the red streak didn't disappear. Still not sure what that's all about. Why did Towa's hair not only turn black but get longer? I could've sworn Inuyasha's hair was shorter when he turned human, or at least laid flatter. Burn the whole mountain down. That sounds like a great idea! Just keep chopping Nikosen's head off over and over for infinite bounties lmao. Towa, concerned about Setsuna possibly losing her demon powers as well - "No matter what era you live in, what girls feel will never change!" What?! Next ep preview, it looks like we are finally seeing Miroku. He is doing some 1000-day training to get some kind of power. So, he's just been doing this for the past three years? And will we see Sango too?! Oh crap, what is that grave... I hope their twins didn't die. And how is there another a Peril left? I could have sworn three were already killed and "distasteful" guy was all who was left? ~ What in the... did Viz just randomly decide to start calling the demons apparitions? How is that even working with the mouth movements? And after all these years you change that, and part-way into this new show? It was like this on both the new dubbed and subbed episode. I thought it was because Nikosen used to be a human sage that they used the term in his case, but if was used in the dubbed episode 7 for the polar bear and the owl. Edited December 20, 2020 by ben0119 Quote
Hidden Posted December 21, 2020 Posted December 21, 2020 ^i was hoping the same thing with the grave scene haha. im just gonna assume its her fathers grave. i love seeing how versatile moroha is whenever shes fighting. that is all. 1 Quote
Hidden Posted December 28, 2020 Posted December 28, 2020 so Spoiler im going to enjoy this regardless but miroku just stays silent? how come? the forced mystery is just so bizarre--i dont get it lol. why does he not mention their parents? why doesnt he explain how he knows setsuna, and then question her amnesia? he has no reason to be so silent. im not sure why they went with this style of storytelling. just feels so unecessary right now. Quote
ben0119 Posted January 3, 2021 Posted January 3, 2021 Episode 13 - Miroku doesn't have anything to worry about because he isn't a virtuous monk LOL. It's pretty dumb that Hisui thinks Miroku is being a coward for going through training, even if he isn't guaranteed to get crazy powers from it. Like Miroku said, no training is useless! I'm glad that was resolved by the end of the episode. Miroku looking rugged. When Totetsu took that orange rainbow pearl out, I thought it was a Dragon Ball at first! AND he's flying on a cloud! Then Towa mentioned Journey to the West when she saw him hahahaha. Totetsu flew right over the temple Moroha was guarding lmao. Totetsu can create a Wind Tunnel-like effect, but he can also blast out a tornado! That's quite an ability! Made him eat Habanaro sauce lmao. Interesting, so Setsuna has had a seal on her this whole time. Poisonous blood, and her demon power can be difficult to control. Looks like she is at risk of going into Demon InuYasha mode without the seal. And there are the red markings on her face and arms like Sesshomaru has. Which I now realize neither one of them have them, except Setsuna in this state. Maybe the red streaks in the hair is supposed to be an extension of those face and arm markings? I never made that connection until now. Gyokuto is cute. She liked the cheetos lol. Not sure where Kinu is. I hope she wasn't killed by a demon or something and that is why Miroku is doing the training, because he couldn't save her from that demon. Probably not. Maybe she just doesn't want to be involved in the demon fighting lifestyle. I'm sure if she was dead that would have been mentioned in this episode? Can anyone read the memorial marker? That's probably for her father and the villagers that got killed by Naraku's demons, right? NOT Kinu? Sango is BEAUTIFUL AAAHHH! 😍 Aww Setsuna still pushing Towa away haha. At least the demons weren't called apparitions this week by the subtitles. Though, interestingly, the first monk called Totetsu an "ayakashi" in his actual dialogue, the term Kekkaishi uses. Hmm. Next ep preview - Someone is actually a responsible for the forest fire? It wasn't a random natural fire that happened? ~ In the dubbed version of episode 8, thankfully the term demon was used again as well. I don't know what possessed whoever was in charge of last week's sub and dub releases to use "apparition" instead, but I'm glad it didn't continue. And we got a small sample of Richard Ian Kox and Kira Tozer again. I wish Kiyuki would have filled us in on what she figured out from watching those dreams. Too bad we will never know since she's dead! Thanks a lot, Riku! Also, I guess this does confirm that only two have been killed out of the Four Perils so far. Not sure how I got that mixed up. ~ Also there is no episode tonight, because of the holidays, I guess. Quote
ben0119 Posted January 3, 2021 Posted January 3, 2021 On 12/28/2020 at 2:24 AM, Hidden said: so Hide contents im going to enjoy this regardless but miroku just stays silent? how come? the forced mystery is just so bizarre--i dont get it lol. why does he not mention their parents? why doesnt he explain how he knows setsuna, and then question her amnesia? he has no reason to be so silent. im not sure why they went with this style of storytelling. just feels so unecessary right now. Miroku definitely seems like he knows more than he's letting on. And possibly Setsuna wants some things to stay private for some reason. I have no idea lol. I'm just glad Miroku and Sango are okay. 1 Quote
ben0119 Posted January 17, 2021 Posted January 17, 2021 Forgot to post last week. Episode 14 - We have a new OP. Where the last one felt like a Fairy Tail OP, the new one feels like a Bleach OP to me. The visuals too. And well, I suppose it doesn't help that all the characters have swords. Some interesting possibilities being hinted at in that OP too. Tamano getting all those marriage proposals from creepers. Gross. UGLY BASTARD ALERT! Whoof, kidnapped Tamano and forced her to live with him. This Homura dude is bad news! Riku getting more and more sleazy and suspicious lol. Well, I am just glad he didn't do anything to Tamano. I don't know why he kept suggesting she go back to Homura though. But I'm glad she didn't listen. Riku kept saying how he didn't understand the love affairs of humans. But then why did Riku say before he only kills the ones he loves, and wants to kill the half-demon princesses? At one point Riku says the thing about not understanding human love affairs out loud to Tamano. Is he not even trying to hide the fact that he's a demon? Or is that not even meant to be a secret? Is it just his power and motives that he's hiding? And Riku said it ended badly for Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's father, as well as Sesshomaru, loving humans. Why did Towa and Moroha not bring warmer clothes to the snowy mountain?! But Setsuna didn't seem to be affected at all. Again I will say I am surprised that someone actually burned down the forest, and it wasn't natural. Some beautiful female demon ordered Homura to do this. And Sesshomaru was there and was fine with it?! Just what the hell is going on here. Is it possible there was a shape-shifter involved that disguised himself as Sesshomaru for some of these moments? Something here is not what it seems. I did not expect Homura to go mad and burn himself up. It doesn't look like the three girls would have been able to defeat him, though. This guy seemed a lot stronger than any of those Four Perils. Towa was LIVID though. I'm glad Setsuna checked later to see that she was okay. It is confirmed that is the fire-rat robe that Moroha has. And it's still fire proof! Snowball Moroha was cute and hilarious! Moroha is is in debt because of some master? What? Towa giving up her phone. Besides the fact she can't contact anyone or get on the internet, it is bound to run out of battery eventually. She should hold on to it for when she goes back to the modern world, though, at least. She did promise that to Mei. Even if is just for a visit. But yeah, no point in carrying it around everywhere. We got a sad ED like some of them back in the old days. Uh-oh. Next ep preview. We will be learning more answers, it looks like. Just after Towa and Setsuna were born, there was an incoming meteor? I can't say I saw that one coming. Looks like Sesshomaru was after that pearl in InuYasha's eye again. And yep, it is probably going to be confirmed that Rin is indeed the mother of Towa and Setsuna. Bleh. Very Woody Allen-like. It's just... ugh. There was no new dubbed episode. The dubbing team must have had time off for the holidays. Quote
ben0119 Posted January 17, 2021 Posted January 17, 2021 Episode 15 - So, we are finally diving in to what happened the night Towa and Setsuna were born. Though it seems some was still left out. Seems kind of odd that the method was literally to just have Riku tell the audience. Could be imagination, but did Inuyasha's voice actor change? He sounds different in this episode. A new black pearl was made, interesting. Yep, Rin is their mother. Bleh. I said my piece on this earlier. Moving on. Sesshomaru literally did do the rite of courage and passage thing? So odd. And Rin is ok with it apparently. What was the reason for Jaken to raise the children in Rin's place? And Rin was going to be taken to the barrier too? I guess we don't know everything because it's still not determined how Rin got into the state that she is, or how Towa escaped the fire. It was cool to see Toga in his humanoid form in the anime, even if in brief still shots. Ah, so now we see that Sesshomaru actually saved Inuyasha, Moroha, and Kagome from Kirinmaru. So InuYasha and Kagome have been stuck at Toga's grave this whole time? Does anyone remember if that is a different dimension or just a different location far off somewhere? Does time pass differently there? I sure hope there is some food and stuff there. But man, that sure does suck. They don't get to see their daughter grow up. And why was Moroha taken to some friend of Koga's? Why not Miroku and Sango? Was it to hide her from Kirinmaru like she's a Skywalker baby or something? Also Kirinmaru really needs to get with the program because we all know Inuyasha, Moroha, Setsuna, and Towa are FAR from the only half-demons running around! He's got a lot more work to do if he wants to get rid of all of them. It is confirmed Kirinmaru and Riku are two different people. But I don't know why Kirinmaru's face is being hidden. I think the two are definitely connected somehow though. Maybe Riku is his son? And we now know that green earring Riku wears is a rainbow pearl. Interesting about the comet and that Toga and Kirinmaru destroyed the fragment 500 years ago. But why the hell were their demons inside the piece Sesshomaru and Inuyasha destroyed? Very odd that that demon's name is Zero. I think that is the only Demon that doesn't have a Japanese name in the whole show. I bet she had something to do with the dream butterfly and whatever happened to Rin and Setsuna. Very nice. In the next episode, we will see Moroha's life and backstory. Quote
atomicinumatt Posted February 8, 2021 Posted February 8, 2021 I need to watch this. I remember reading about it a few months ago but seem to have forgotten it! Gotta rewatch Inuyasha first though. It used to be one of my faves back in the day but I have not watched in years. 1 Quote
ben0119 Posted February 15, 2021 Posted February 15, 2021 (edited) Damn, I wrote my posts down after finishing the episodes but forgot to post them again! I guess I'll put most of these behind spoiler tags for space purposes. Ep 16 - Spoiler So, apparently this whole situation Moroha finds herself in, having to worn for Jyubei and pay off a debt, is because of her master's gambling problem. No wonder Moroha spoke not so kindly of her before lol. Wait, the robe of the fire rat was literally made a by a village of rat demon armorers? I could have sworn it was made from the hide of a fire rat demon which is what protects the wearer and gives them resistance to fire. But I could be wrong on that. I'll check up on that later. Anyway, Konton is an asshole for arranging this whole situation. But I'm not sure what Yawaragi would have done with that key, since it someone else has to use it and then they get stuck with the cursed armor. A never ending cycle. Interesting, so the more Moroha uses that rouge to turn into Beniyasha, the more she will lose herself, and eventually just become a mindless monster permanently. Well, it is kind of a cheat power. It makes sense there would be a drawback besides just being asleep for 2 days afterward or whatever it was. But, ah, Moroha learned the Crimson Dragon Backlash Wave. Very cool. But it really wasn't explained what the Crimson Dragon Wave was in the first place. That's right. You have Setsuna and Towa now, Moroha, you aren't alone anymore! Ep 17 - Spoiler Kirinmaru still won't do anything. Is this guy just lazy or WHAT? Riku is one of your most trusted retainers. Are you sure about that? I think Riku is more of a threat than Kirinmaru himself. He's sneaky! Yep Towa gave away Moroha's position to Totetsu. How come with beast and monster characters, the animators won't animate their mouth when they talk, or barely animate it? It's like that with Totetsu here. Moroha seems especially freaked out by this endless ravine and being lost. I would think she would be more composed here. She's gotten tired fast, too. Ah yes, the rift of colliding demon energy. Well done, Setsuna and Towa. LOL Konton why is it "disgusting" that they got out of your trap and broke your spell? Next ep preview. Wow. Kirinmaru and Sesshomaru are showing up already? The plot must be wrapping up soon. Maybe this show is only 26 episodes or so? It looks like Sesshomaru only has Tenseiga now. I wonder what happened to Bakusaiga. Interesting. Ep 18 - Spoiler Konton got his head bitten off by his own ogre shikigami. That's what he gets for using all those spells traps and shenanigans.It looks like Kirinmaru is on a whole other level from the Four Perils. Our three heroines are no match for him. Not even Moroha after she used the rouge.Why is Kirinmaru's demon energy harder to sense?If Kirinmaru is killed the Dream Butterfly will disappear. So he has some connection to it. Hmm.Annnnd Totetsu still gets away!It was short, but that fight between Sesshomaru and Kirinmaru was pretty epic.It was pretty cool that Sesshomaru stepped in to save the three half-demon princesses, but it was pretty lame that he then just left right after that.I also thought that if he left the tree that Rin would never wake up.I'm not sure what Kirinmaru meant by making Sesshomaru do what he wants.Then Kirinmaru leaves because he doesn't see Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha as a threat.In yet another example of why we shouldn't read too much into short clips, Sesshomaru still has Bakusaiga, and used it in this fight. He didn't have it in the shot that was shown in the preview because he threw it to the ground to break up the fight haha.Looks like we are stepping away from Kirinmaru for now. Next week, there is some sort of competition between demon slayers and bounty hunters. Well, if Setsuna, Towa, and Moroha are going to ever have a chance of beating Kirinmaru, they are going to need a lot of training. Maybe this competition could help with that. Ep 19 - Man, this princess is annoying. And turns out she's the daughter of that Shogun we met before. That... "Bounty Hunter Lady" is an unfortunate character. Thankfully he wasn't in the episode for very long. Or the other bounty hunters for that matter. So, this whole battle was fixed lol. I thought they were actually fighting. It could have been good training heh. Takechiyo disguised himself as Moroha to take the hit from Hiraikotsu to make it look like the Demon Slayers defeated Moroha. Would Moroha really he knocked out by that thing, though? I'm not sure why Towa thought so and fell for the trick. Yep the Demon Slayers will not be working for the Shogun. Kohaku says Demon Slayers are supposed to help people in need, and not be greedy. Well, Hisui and the others learned something I guess. LOL at Moroha and Setsuna being scared of Towa's reaction. Would've been better if she was mad. They feel guilty now hahaha. Ooh next episode we get to see how Setsuna grew up. Should be good. Edited February 15, 2021 by ben0119 Quote
ben0119 Posted February 15, 2021 Posted February 15, 2021 I realized I hadn't watched the dubbed releases is a while and caught up on those. Episode 13 came up which of course had Miroku heavily featured in it. Viz has announced Ian James Corlett as the new voice actor for Miroku. And there was this reply underneath - I started watching Ranma 1/2 recently. I probably won't gain any insight into Yashahime by watching it, but it is Rumiko Takahashi's other big franchise so it only made sense I watch it eventually. I will say it has a lot more in common with the original Dragon Ball than it does InuYasha, what with the martial arts, comedy (which is so stupid and ridiculous and HILARIOUS, by the way,) wackiness, zaniness, and pervertedness. I didn't realize til after I saw this tweet that yep, that is definitely Ian James Corlett as Dr. Tofu, the original voice of Goku. I haven't gotten to the point where Kirby Morrow replaces him yet. I remember Ian James Corlett as the original voice actor for Goku of course, but I never got to hear Kirby Morrow play Goku except in a few select clips years after the fact. Hearing those clips, I didn't think Kirby Morrow was suited to play Goku at all, but maybe I would think differently if I had heard him in the role for years instead of Sean Schemmel. With Corlett and Schemmel, they seem more suited and fitting to the character and his personality, and sounding enough like Masako Nozawa without being annoying and being played by an actual dude (Schemmel especially.) Here in Yashahime, Corlett really doesn't sound like Kirby Morrow at all, or Corlett's younger self, for that matter. I suppose it's to be expected that his voice would change as he got older. But when Kirby Morrow appeared as Miroku in the first episode he sounded different, almost strained. I'm not sure if Kirby was feeling under the weather that day or maybe his voice changed that much with age as well. I don't know if the guy smoked or anything like that. Apparently he was in the LEGO Ninjago show which I never watched, so I should check to see how Kirby sounds there for some more recent examples. But I noticed for the brief flashback in episode 13, Corlett sounded different there, assuming that is still him. Depending on which voice is closer to Corlett's real voice, he might be doing the older sounding voice to sound closer to Kirby's last portrayal of Miroku. Except in the first episode that was younger Miroku there, so that really doesn't make much sense. As it is, I guess Viz did this because Corlett and Kirby "tagged out" for each other in the past, as Dr. Tofu and Goku. Maybe they thought this was more appropriate than trying to find a sound-a-like for Kirby. Which may not have been possible anyway. The more I think about it, I really can't think of any voice actor that sounds like Kirby Morrow. *sigh* Quote
ben0119 Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 Ep 19 -Haha, Towa tried to hug Setsuna but stopped her. "It's ok, I had Miss Shiori." Shiori. I remember her appearing in the original series.So the barrier only works as long as Shiori's powers are active? I thought it was something just put in place.Jaken had Ah-Uhn bring Setsuna to the secret half-demon village. Sesshomaru is a deadbeat dad. Or I guess he has been in the Sacred Tree the whole time so that Rin doesn't go into a permanent sleep. I guess Rin is screwed now since Sesshomaru had to leave the tree to protect the girls from Kirinmaru. I don't know that Rin should have been prioritized over Setsuna though.So, Setsuna has only lost her memories from before the fire. How many people can remember much from age 0-4 anyway, though?Letters being sent. Probably from Jaken?Wow, Setsuna has been training since 4 years old.Cut the wind. Cut the water. Hmm.So Shiori loses her powers during a solar eclipse.Why is Miroku here by himself and didn't bring anyone but Hachi along?So that naginata came from this Gaga Gozen guy. Looks like he is a moth demon.Man that dude got sliced UP.So this is when the seal got put on, and it is tied to the naginata. I didn't expect that. So this means the theory that Setsuna went into a rage in her demon form and killed Miroku's daughter and wasn't able to stop her isn't true. Although I suppose she could have been killed by some random demon that Miroku wasn't able to stop. Although that memorial may not be for one of the twin girls. Who knows who it is for.That is just a plain human weapon. I wasn't expecting that. It's interesting that none of girls' weapons are family heirlooms or specially made for them. Towa's is a broken reproduction sword (I think Towa wouldn't even need this broken sword to create her energy sword,) and Moroha's sword came from Yawaragi. So now we have Setsuna's entire history. But we still weren't told what the scourge of swallows attack is or how it works. *sigh*Next week, Towa has lost her powers again, and Riku is on a "date" with her? Stay away from him, Towa! Why would the rainbow pearls have been born when the Great Dog Demon died? There was no new dub ep this week. I wonder if it got delayed because of the power outages in Texas. I am glad they are over myself. Probably some of the most unpleasant few days in my life. I looked and could not find any statement from Funimation about it. Quote
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