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I was first suspicious when he literally fucking me told "FACTS DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS" when I told him he debates unfairly out of context. 🤣 But we just had our Computer Sci Midterm, which is infamously hard for  a majority of students who signed up. We both think we failed because we aren't strong students so far. XD Anyways he wanted to come to smoke my weed after the midterm And my dumb ass brought up how I thought Ben Shapiro's arguments kinda reminded me of the alt right. And he kinda flipped out ranting how I was wrong and how he is constantly a target of anti semitic attacks. Which is true. He was like pacing in my tiny room. And I said do wanna go for a walk? And he was like yeah, I should go home. >__> I should have not said that, but oh my god I am becoming less attracted to him more the more we work on homework and he continually insists arguing on politics. 😅

Edited by jackiemarie90
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1 minute ago, lupin_bebop said:

Yeah. Drop his ass. Move on. Called it. 

I'm technically stuck with him all semester for my Computer Sci class cause he is my project partner. Oh my god, I'm also friends with his room mate cause we also had the same class. >__>

  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, Distortedreasoning said:

ben shapiro? anti semetic? facts dont care about your feelings? 

this is getting better and better B|

I''m glad my melodrama is entertaining to others as well as myself. I'm high laughing at this shit right now. But I feel bad I hurt his fanboy feelings. XD

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1 minute ago, scoobdog said:

Good thing you took it slow.

Right!? Oh my god, I said I was sorry too but he seemed really hurt. I think he spends a lot of time watching these debaters. Through youtube if feels like they are close to the person. Idk Honestly he was making fun of Alexandria O'casio Cortez who I STAN very hard and I didn't react that badly. I just whined at him that it was unfair to call her stupid. Idk, I knew he was right leaning but he kept hiding it. >__>

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16 minutes ago, jackiemarie90 said:

I''m glad my melodrama is entertaining to others as well as myself. I'm high laughing at this shit right now. But I feel bad I hurt his fanboy feelings. XD

hes wrong tho so not your fault about him getting his feelings hurt. shapiro is most definitely alt right. tho i never really listened to his show. i do think there is some hate directed at the jews. so maybe he has been discriminated? but yes this story has been entertaining so far. cant wait to see where it will lead to.

3 minutes ago, jackiemarie90 said:

Right!? Oh my god, I said I was sorry too but he seemed really hurt. I think he spends a lot of time watching these debaters. Through youtube if feels like they are close to the person. Idk Honestly he was making fun of Alexandria O'casio Cortez who I STAN very hard and I didn't react that badly. I just whined at him that it was unfair to call her stupid. Idk, I knew he was right leaning but he kept hiding it. >__>

Well the camo was kind of a hint in retrospect.  Anyway, you were really nice about it and he was a real baby.

  • Thanks 2
2 minutes ago, Distortedreasoning said:

hes wrong tho so not your fault about him getting his feelings hurt. shapiro is most definitely alt right. tho i never really listened to his show. i do think there is some hate directed at the jews. so maybe he has been discriminated? but yes this story has been entertaining so far. cant wait to see where it will lead to.

Well no, actually Ben Shapiro receives the one of the most hate mail and anti semitic  threats just because of his polarizing views and how people choose to unfortunately react. But he does say a lot of fucking dumb race baiting shit too. 


4 minutes ago, scoobdog said:

Well the camo was kind of a hint in retrospect.  Anyway, you were really nice about it and he was a real baby.

I try to be opened minded how I view others but leave being disappointed. 

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, jackiemarie90 said:

I'm technically stuck with him all semester for my Computer Sci class cause he is my project partner. Oh my god, I'm also friends with his room mate cause we also had the same class. >__>


  • Haha 4
5 hours ago, scoobdog said:

Well the camo was kind of a hint in retrospect.  Anyway, you were really nice about it and he was a real baby.


5 hours ago, jackiemarie90 said:

I try to be opened minded how I view others but leave being disappointed. 

I shoot to be open minded but then I also I have my suspicions. I didn't trust the camo from the start 

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2 hours ago, Vamped said:


I shoot to be open minded but then I also I have my suspicions. I didn't trust the camo from the start 

I really need to tread carefully, I wish I could meet other older students cause I think we are sick of each other. >__> Its hard being old out here. 

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Just now, Chapzilla_2000 said:

If he ever asks about your favorite Shapiro video, tell him it’s his BBC interview. 

I hadn't watched a lot of shapiro videos cause he argue so annoyingly. >__>

10 minutes ago, jackiemarie90 said:

I hadn't watched a lot of shapiro videos cause he argue so annoyingly. >__>

I hadn’t watched a lot of them because they often have garbage thumbnail graphics that want to remind us that college girls are getting DEESTROIYEED with FACKTS & LAWGJICK

  • Like 1
8 hours ago, jackiemarie90 said:

I'm technically stuck with him all semester for my Computer Sci class cause he is my project partner. Oh my god, I'm also friends with his room mate cause we also had the same class. >__>

You know what I’m going to say here.
Maybe you should try just doing the school thing for now. 

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, jackiemarie90 said:

Me when i can't find other people who are also 30 years old at this school . lol


34 minutes ago, Kudasai said:


Those are real feels man. Then you don't know  if you should feel insulted or flattered when your classmates are like ... we thought you were our age XD

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8 hours ago, Lytbryt said:

Most closet conservatives are also closet potheads go figure

I just feel weird about him now, there were a few times he was defending Trump and he has no intention of listening to my ideas.

  • Like 1
8 hours ago, Chapzilla_2000 said:

I hadn’t watched a lot of them because they often have garbage thumbnail graphics that want to remind us that college girls are getting DEESTROIYEED with FACKTS & LAWGJICK

Yaass I hate this type of arguing and just kinda shut down mentally when dealing with it. lol

  • Like 1
8 hours ago, lupin_bebop said:

You know what I’m going to say here.
Maybe you should try just doing the school thing for now. 

For real, fuck dating, I just need to survive this fucking semester. 

Just now, jackiemarie90 said:

I just feel weird about him now, there were a few times he was defending Trump and he has no intention of listening to my ideas.

Eh just be open and honest with him. Explain why you believe what you believe and have him present his beliefs to you. Agree to disagree, or have some polite debate. Idk tho

  • Haha 1
7 hours ago, Vamped said:


Those are real feels man. Then you don't know  if you should feel insulted or flattered when your classmates are like ... we thought you were our age XD

I always feel flattered, but feel also forever alone when I never run into people my age. There is suppose to be a grad student in the anime club that transferred from MIT around my age but haven't met him yet. 

1 minute ago, jackiemarie90 said:

I should but he has shared his weed with me before and I want him to give me more. lol >__>

Can share weed w/ me pl0x?

  • Like 1
4 minutes ago, Lytbryt said:

Eh just be open and honest with him. Explain why you believe what you believe and have him present his beliefs to you. Agree to disagree, or have some polite debate. Idk tho

I have been trying but he likes to get passionate when he argues and kinda aligns everything he hates with the left on me. And takes his frustrations on me.

10 minutes ago, jackiemarie90 said:

I just feel weird about him now, there were a few times he was defending Trump and he has no intention of listening to my ideas.



  • Like 2

just throwing this out there, ben shapiro and people like him base literally everything they think and say on emotion. its all feels over facts with them, if you press them hard enough they have no objective scientific basis for anything.

Also there is another Ben, (Ben Burgis) and he's better with the logic stuff


  • Like 1
15 minutes ago, Lytbryt said:

Eh just be open and honest with him. Explain why you believe what you believe and have him present his beliefs to you. Agree to disagree, or have some polite debate. Idk tho

What's so funny @Admin_Raptorpat🤨

3 minutes ago, Quackers said:

He's more into vicodin and xanax 

Wut? Nah I don't do any pk and wtf is a xanxax? i only dabble w/ herb every once in ai while

3 hours ago, GaiusIuliusCaesar said:

just throwing this out there, ben shapiro and people like him base literally everything they think and say on emotion. its all feels over facts with them, if you press them hard enough they have no objective scientific basis for anything.

Also there is another Ben, (Ben Burgis) and he's better with the logic stuff


As much as this guy likes to think he is a logical debater, he totally isn't. XD And looking back I actually appreciate our debates in comparison. I think this guy just really loves defending the people who watches on youtube all day. Which makes sense, but it's frustrating cause he will never hear out my points and has his mind made up before I even speak.

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