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In case the name isn't a clue this is Caesar, aka Giuliano. I'm here because Rouge wouldn't shut up about it and because I miss some of you, those of you I don't already have on facebook.


Nautius Maximus is my barfleet name, its a social club I joined recently.


So... I missed the end of the boards, what was that like? I see you made your own, I approve, me and the mods had some disagreements at my 2012 birthday party and that is the reason I left way back when, well the old gods are dead so long live the new gods... er mods... mods.


I have existed before the morning of the world and I shall exist until the last star falls from the night.


Also nice to see you too...


Oh, you are a massive faggot. Got it.




I used to post on asmb between 2008 and 2012, got banned on my birthday, decided fuck it I'll do my own thing. fast forward to 2017, I suddenly have a lot of free time on my hands, a good friend of mine asked, so here I am.


stillgar hates me for some reason, I long ago forgot why and I hold no grudges, but I don't recognize you so consider this a formal introduction.


I see you on FB a lot because we have mutual friends.  I sometimes read your stuff and I'm like "that's one sharp cookie, this man is a thinker"


Then I see your pic of you adorned in a table cloth and tiara and it just tickles the fuck out of me.....I'm like "Jesus Christ this dude is a tool".......I've never respected a man and at the same time wanted to tie his shoelaces together.


I guess in your case those would be sandals tho.......Well played.


I see you on FB a lot because we have mutual friends.  I sometimes read your stuff and I'm like "that's one sharp cookie, this man is a thinker"


Then I see your pic of you adorned in a table cloth and tiara and it just tickles the fuck out of me.....I'm like "Jesus Christ this dude is a tool".......I've never respected a man and at the same time wanted to tie his shoelaces together.


I guess in your case those would be sandals tho.......Well played.


I like cosplay and ancient roman history, I make no apologies for that. The pic in question was taken at a cosplay picnic during a costume contest, I competed, didn't win but I did get a lot of compliments and as I liked how the picture turned out I kept it as my profile pic.


'Sup, dude?


Nothing much, had a pretty fun time getting wasted on cam with rouge and a few other ibers last night. This forum came up in conversation and I had been meaning to join for a while now so I figured, well now would be a good time, of course rouge kind of insisted on it.


i remember you,

you are the one guy that had a hard on for rome  :D


Yup that would be me, I even celebrated Lupercalia last night. These days I mostly use the roman theme as an excuse to throw parties, and as a basis for my cosplay activities at conventions. Though I am planning my first non roman cosplay for nauticon this year, its a spy theme so I bought a dr evil costume.


I used to post on asmb between 2008 and 2012, got banned on my birthday, decided fuck it I'll do my own thing. fast forward to 2017, I suddenly have a lot of free time on my hands, a good friend of mine asked, so here I am.


stillgar hates me for some reason, I long ago forgot why and I hold no grudges, but I don't recognize you so consider this a formal introduction.


Stilgar hates everyone. Didn't you used to get into a bunch of political debates?




And it's spelled rogue.


Here12241255_729402260525095_3646011572634594752_n.jpg?oh=10d123a075bd7d57a63f0f6edc09eb90&oe=59337CA4 is a pic of me and railroad from Connecticon 2 years ago, somehow we ended up on the front page of the Hartford current.


I made it myself, although I just ordered an actual grecco-roman Brest plate, which should arrive next week. The leather armor in that pic is getting kind of worn out from me wearing it at conventions. I figured a steel costume would be more durable, plus cooler looking.


Stilgar hates everyone. Didn't you used to get into a bunch of political debates?


Back when I was a republican yeah, but that was a long fucking time ago. I'm closer to an anarchist these days. I registered as an independent in 2009 and by the time I got banned from the old boards I was already super liberal.


Looking back, a lot of the things I used to say were pretty dumb and a product of me being uninformed and immature. But life goes on, I grew up, best to leave old grudges in the past. At least thats my opinion.


Finally you came

Sad though rouge beat me to the punch


I first heard about this place when a bunch of my contacts from the boards on facebook started talking about the end of the boards, saw a lot of people I hadn't spoken to in a queen's age in those threads. It made me a tad nostalgic. As for why it took until just yesterday, well, I'm easily distracted and kept losing the link.


I my defense I was really drunk last night and am really tired now.


It is ok I should have just ignored it. I remember you always being pro-unions, you seem cool now that you're presumably no longer a neoconservative Republican/independent.


I remember your great wars w westpark where cryptonazi and fascist labels were bandied about and insulting Hitchens was your biggest trigger.


Anyway welcome back


Here12241255_729402260525095_3646011572634594752_n.jpg?oh=10d123a075bd7d57a63f0f6edc09eb90&oe=59337CA4 is a pic of me and railroad from Connecticon 2 years ago, somehow we ended up on the front page of the Hartford current.


I made it myself, although I just ordered an actual grecco-roman Brest plate, which should arrive next week. The leather armor in that pic is getting kind of worn out from me wearing it at conventions. I figured a steel costume would be more durable, plus cooler looking.


So, is the other guy actually doing adult stuff or is he cosplaying an adult.


I used to post on asmb between 2008 and 2012, got banned on my birthday, decided fuck it I'll do my own thing. fast forward to 2017, I suddenly have a lot of free time on my hands, a good friend of mine asked, so here I am.


stillgar hates me for some reason, I long ago forgot why and I hold no grudges, but I don't recognize you so consider this a formal introduction.


Lol, we already know each other actually....


When old users finally come here we all (well some) like to act like we don't know.

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