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Celebrities that would wouldn’t want to piss off

Still Me

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Denzel Washington. Because he could kick my ass and make it look awesome at the same time. To the point where after he kicks my ass, I beg to be his best friend, because he's so damn cool.

And Jason Bateman. Because he seems like he could go from chill to kill in .2 seconds.

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2 hours ago, Mini_Ghost said:

Steven Seagal. you could fuck around with him and he could have his best friend Vladimir Putin send someone to come kill you with radiation poisoning 

He's just going to chase after you with the speed and ferocity of a 6th grade girl. 


Well he would have, had you done this during his prime. Now he's just gonna be grumpy about the whole ordeal and have a little snack.



And if you're lucky, his protege Anderson SIlva won't use the secret training Seagal gave him to perform the secret kick that won Silva UFC 148. 


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