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Buu is Helper Elf.  If you need help with something, ask him and he might do it if you give him a snacky food.


Mix is Mixologist.  So he will be looking for ways to make you have moar fun (or else).


They will also possibly be newsposting in the media folders and whatever else.


acting as Human Shields for admins when board server goes slow.  stuff like that.




(more to come prolly)

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hey so finally got around to misaka, who's been bugging me a lot for an expanded role.


took me awhile to set it up because it has a bit to do with a phase we're not quite at yet with the board.


but basically misaka will be helping us keep track of board info (like with the rank thread) and eventually posting a daily thing in the announcements folder that tells what all happened on the board that day.


eventually we'll be using those daily posts as a central linkpoint to advertise board more.


but we're not there yet.  we have a bit more to do before we toss the doors open to attempt to bring in more people. 


that's not to say you shouldn't continue to feel free to invite friends and comrades if you want.  But I'm not going to start attempting to get the word out on a larger scale than word of mouth til we're more ready for that.



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hey so finally got around to misaka, who's been bugging me a lot for an expanded role.


took me awhile to set it up because it has a bit to do with a phase we're not quite at yet with the board.


but basically misaka will be helping us keep track of board info (like with the rank thread) and eventually posting a daily thing in the announcements folder that tells what all happened on the board that day.


eventually we'll be using those daily posts as a central linkpoint to advertise board more.


but we're not there yet.  we have a bit more to do before we toss the doors open to attempt to bring in more people. 


that's not to say you shouldn't continue to feel free to invite friends and comrades if you want.  But I'm not going to start attempting to get the word out on a larger scale than word of mouth til we're more ready for that.




sorry about that

but will do everything I can within my power

unless real life gets involved

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to everyone's credit in this thread, not once was pringles mentioned...


until now '>.>


Pingles are a potato powder mixed with water turned into a mush, that is pressed and baked into its shape. A chip has to be sliced from a potato, there was actually a court case over this back in the day. Some countries actually have a law that won't allow them to be sold if it says potato chip on the container. I think in the UK they call them Potato crisps on the package, I have also seen Potato snacks. 

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