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Posted (edited)

On one hand, I never cared for Thundercats so it's just been funny to see how much of a shitstorm CN caused by turning it into an obnoxiously quirky hipster comedy. And I might just watch it because of how much of an unrepentant asshole the director has been about rebooting Thundercats this way as well as the sentient hair-bun's attempt to pitch the show as something more.

On the other hand, I just found out that Ryuji and Futaba from P5 are starring in the reboot, and people will probably take it out on them for the show being an obnoxiously quirky hipster comedy. Hopefully, that's not the case, but it's just so odd to see them and Patrick Seitz connected to such a show.

Edited by imchapp.in
  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)

I'm actually mistaken because the hairbun guy is the producer, and probably likes the Thundercats. It's the director who's the unrepentant dickbag on Twitter.

Edited by imchapp.in
9 minutes ago, imchapp.in said:

Whatever is going on here




Please don't tell me and I am afraid to say it....

... that's an actual photo from a guy working on the Thundercats Roar show.

  • Haha 2
8 minutes ago, imchapp.in said:

I'm actually mistaken because the hairbun guy is the producer, and probably likes the Thundercats. It's the director who's the unrepentant dickbag on Twitter.






10 minutes ago, imchapp.in said:

Whatever is going on here


I mean, it's one thing for a long-haired man to tie up his hair, but when your hair is that short, what's the point? I guarantee every single woman who has hair that short has it for the exact reason that she doesn't ever have to tie it up/back.

  • Haha 1
1 minute ago, elfie said:

... wait a minute.

The director is Jeremy Polgar! I love his work! And he's friendly online too!

HE'S acting horrible to people on Twitter about all this!?

No, his friend did.  A painfully brain dead support of his bro went south.

  • Haha 1
  • Confused 2
  • Sad 1

Just great.

So not only do we have questionable people behind this cartoon, but we have AN IMAGE of one of them to mock!  The only thing worse for a creator's reputation than what he does is how he looks.  And because humans are more sensitive to what they see, they are commonly blinded by what the creator does, causing them to misunderstand what is causing the problem!  This show is crashing and burning before it even airs!

  • Haha 1
3 hours ago, Jman said:

They did do an AOT school parody show so it's not out of the question.

Back in the 80's we had stuff like Gi Joe, Tranformers, He- Man, and Thundercats. They were for children but they didn't look like absolute garbage. So when did it become the assumption that little kids want all their shows to look like shit? When did we start to assume that kids don't want action shows and want nothing but comedy?

8 minutes ago, Daos said:

They did do an AOT school parody show so it's not out of the question.

Back in the 80's we had stuff like Gi Joe, Tranformers, He- Man, and Thundercats. They were for children but they didn't look like absolute garbage. So when did it become the assumption that little kids want all their shows to look like shit? When did we start to assume that kids don't want action shows and want nothing but comedy?

When costs got too high to justify them compared to Japan.

1 minute ago, Jman said:

When costs got too high to justify them compared to Japan.

They can outsource the animation. Original Thundercats was animated in Japan. One of the reasons it looked 100x better than He-Man.

  • Like 3

Kids today watch a shitload of anime, most of which at least looks good aesthetically, so maybe US animators collectively decided "fuck it we can't compete with that let's make goofy pudgy balloon people."

(This is nothing against overly-stylized shows, there are any number of fantastic ones out there, many with great animation, but there has to be something else to back it up.)

  • Haha 2
  • Confused 1
3 hours ago, Doom Metal Alchemist said:

I mean, it's one thing for a long-haired man to tie up his hair, but when your hair is that short, what's the point? I guarantee every single woman who has hair that short has it for the exact reason that she doesn't ever have to tie it up/back.

He's one hair-bone away from classic cartoon 'greatness' . 


  • Haha 2
14 hours ago, Daos said:

Wow don't think I ever met an 80's kid that hated Thundercats.

Ok uhhh I don't want to call this guy a liar. But he's probably a liar. He's 33. Thundercats ran from 85 to 89. He was 4 when the show stopped airing. Unless it got a bunch of reruns on some channel after its run, there's no way he remembers a single damn episode of it. 

He's behaving like a typical shill. Acting like it doesn't look horrible when it clearly looks horrible. Acting like this comedic reboot is going to be better than the original. I wish people didn't feel like they have to lie just because someone at their company was making a shitty product.

It's a shameless attempt at finding another property to turn into another TTG and he knows it. 

He could remember it from Toonami's reruns. :|

And yeah the old ThunderCats has some silliness to it to it for sure, but it wasn't that bad.  He can talk about making a remake that improves on the original, but it sure as fuck isn't this.  ThunderCats 2011 was that show.

Yup he is towing the company line for sure.  He obviously can't just admit its shittiness so he should have just kept his mouth shut.

Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, Doom Metal Alchemist said:

I've never cared about either TC series, so I find this amusing. I echo a lot of the sentiments already said in this thread, such as they're trying to cash in on the popularity of Teen Titans Go by using the same format on another old action property... The art style does remind me of Steven Universe and does not serve an action show. And even the title of the show is direct copying of the Teen Titans Go format. Someone in the thread said they should've called it "Thundercats, Ho!" instead, and while that would be truer to the original show, it might make it a little TOO obvious they're just trying to cash in on TTG's popularity. :D

I don't even care about this one way or the other, but I can tell this is bottom of the barrel excrement cash grab... All the fans can hope for is the first few episodes don't center on shit like milk mustaches and sandwiches. :D

DeMarco does have a point about cartoons on day time TV being aimed at kids, so adults' opinions don't even matter to them... But I think this is a really regressive way of thinking. I really don't think cartoon audiences should be hardlined split into this dichotomy of kids shows vs adult shows that we currently have. There's plenty of animated "family movies" (not kids movies) that parents enjoy watching with their kids, like Shrek and Finding Nemo, for instance. I don't know why TV cartoons can't have a similar aim of appealing to both adults and kids. In modern times more than ever before have adults been watching cartoons by their own volition (as opposed to letting their kids pick what to watch while they sit in the room), but instead of embracing this new demographic, they just flat out write it off and effectively say, "You're too old for cartoons. Grow up." It just seems like bad business practices that could ultimately sink the network, especially if other networks eventually pick up on this strategy of purposely making cartoons that appeal to both kids and adults alike.

It is shortsighted and self-defeating to look at it that way for sure.  But Cartoon Network's ratings have been way down for a while, so I guess kids don't even like these shows either. :D

Edited by ben0119
4 hours ago, Daos said:

They did do an AOT school parody show so it's not out of the question.

Back in the 80's we had stuff like Gi Joe, Tranformers, He- Man, and Thundercats. They were for children but they didn't look like absolute garbage. So when did it become the assumption that little kids want all their shows to look like shit? When did we start to assume that kids don't want action shows and want nothing but comedy?

There were action cartoons in the 90's and into the 2000's too.  

I think the theory is that action cartoons have been supplanted by things like the Marvel movies and videogames.

As for the visuals I have no clue.  Seems like chasing trends to me.  A bunch of shows copied each other.  There was a bunch of stuff like Flapjack, Adventure Time, and Regular Show, very similar to each other.  Now Stephen Universe is being aped.  

The last of the Mohicans of action cartoons would seem to the the Star Wars animated series.  Resistance is about fighter pilots and is apparently anime-inspired, which sounds pretty cool.  Maybe the Marvel cartoons, but I think the last one I saw was Spectacular Spider-Man, not sure about the more recent ones.

Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, imchapp.in said:

Whatever is going on here


I told you guys he looked like a face-punchable douche!  Even Bayley would be ashamed of that ponytail!


Edited by ben0119
Posted (edited)
15 minutes ago, CountFrylock said:

lauren faust's thoughts

I call bullshit.

See half of CW's lineup right now.


Edited by Jman
2 minutes ago, CountFrylock said:

but the cw's target audience isn't children

Neither are the Marvel films, but there's still metric tons of toys for Infinity War that sold like gangbusters.

My point is...Lauren Faust is kind of a moron.  But she's saying this to defend the system she profits from.

  • Like 1
5 hours ago, Daos said:

They did do an AOT school parody show so it's not out of the question.

Back in the 80's we had stuff like Gi Joe, Tranformers, He- Man, and Thundercats. They were for children but they didn't look like absolute garbage. So when did it become the assumption that little kids want all their shows to look like shit? When did we start to assume that kids don't want action shows and want nothing but comedy?

FYI, at the time that the original Thundercats came out, people DID think it looked like shit! They said it was smearing the reputation of American cartoons.

Posted (edited)
32 minutes ago, CountFrylock said:

lauren faust's thoughts

She's forgetting Disney's live-action Marvel films, which not many people realize is the BIG reason why you don't see any action cartoons on linear cable TV anymore. ... why watch it on TV at a set time of the week with 2D less-impressive looking animation when you can just do it at a theater in live-action/state-of-the-art SFX with basically everything being presented in better quality? DeMarco said this very thing on a Pre-Flight ep.

Edited by elfie
  • Like 1
13 minutes ago, Jman said:

Neither are the Marvel films, but there's still metric tons of toys for Infinity War that sold like gangbusters.

My point is...Lauren Faust is kind of a moron.  But she's saying this to defend the system she profits from.

I think that's the point.  There's no reason for kids to watch action cartoons when they have Superhero movies.  And I would argue they are at least kid friendly, even if anyone could enjoy them.  Lots of kids bummed out by Infinity War though lol.

Who is Lauren Faust anyway?

  • Like 1
12 minutes ago, elfie said:

FYI, at the time that the original Thundercats came out, people DID think it looked like shit! They said it was smearing the reputation of American cartoons.

The only person I remember flipping out over it was Ranlsa, which doesn't say much.  "This isn't the Cheetara I pretended to be in the backyard when I was a little girl!"  Whatever that means.  Most people from what I saw enjoyed the show and were upset when it was canceled.  It did improve on the original unlike that friend of the showrunner seems to think Roar is doing LOL.  And if anyone really did think the 2011 series looked like shit they aren't worth taking seriously either.

Posted (edited)
17 minutes ago, elfie said:

She's forgetting Disney's live-action Marvel films, which not many people realize is the BIG reason why you don't see any action cartoons on linear cable TV anymore. ... why watch it on TV at a set time of the week with 2D less-impressive looking animation when you can just do it at a theater in live-action/state-of-the-art SFX with basically everything being presented in better quality? DeMarco said this very thing on a Pre-Flight ep.

that's like saying action movies are the reasons why adult animated shows can't be anything more than a comedy...it just seems like a crap answer when you get like a few hours of entertainment out of a movie and then gotta wait several years to hear of that characters continued journey as opposed to the seasonal approach that tv shows do where remembering what happened last time isn't a chore



Edited by CountFrylock
Just now, CountFrylock said:

that's like saying action movies are the reasons why adult animated shows can't be anything more than a comedy



I'm saying in this situation, that appears to be the case.

2 minutes ago, elfie said:

I'm saying in this situation, that appears to be the case.

what's next? video games just becoming nothing more than low budget flash games because why play a video game when you can watch the video game play itself on the big screen?

4 minutes ago, ben0119 said:

Oh, so she's what wrought that abomination upon the world.  She's no better than Pebbles Boy then.

A MLP Series that's basically a modernized MLP Series and nothing more is not the abomination of mankind like you think it is


if your gonna let the fandom of something dictate how something is seen then you might as well call nintendo gamers who aren't children basement dwelling virgins because they are playing little kids games

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
28 minutes ago, CountFrylock said:

what's next? video games just becoming nothing more than low budget flash games because why play a video game when you can watch the video game play itself on the big screen?

That has had many opportunities to replace video games yet it hasn't ever. Video games actually earn MORE than movies on a consistent basis, and the reason we don't see it happening or see any news about those numbers is because as movie/film/animation fans, we only read what we wanna read, and play/watch what we want to see/play. Movies will never replace games as far as I see, because in games you are connected to the gameplay. You can physically move, exercise, develop your problem-solving skills, develop your reflexes, learn how to make decisions, and be IN a new world, whereas in movies you only act as a spectator watching something you have no control over.

Whether or not a trend replaces another in a form of media is never predicted correctly until it already happens. Hell, Netflix is a perfect example. A service that started as a video rental place has now single-handedly earned Academy Awards, and cut the average Neilson ratings in half, something that NO one predicted would happen. People thought Google glasses would replace smartphones yet we're still using phones, and the glasses have disappeared from the face of the Earth for a few years now. 

Edited by elfie
  • Like 1
4 minutes ago, elfie said:

That has had many opportunities to replace video games yet it hasn't ever. Video games actually earn MORE than movies on a consistent basis, and the reason we don't see it happening or see any news about those numbers is because as movie/film/animation fans, we only read what we wanna read, and play/watch what we want to see/play.

Whether or not a trend replaces another in a form of media is never predicted correctly until it already happens.  People thought Google glasses would replace smartphones yet we're still using phones, and the glasses have disappeared from the face of the Earth for a few years now. 

God, I can only imagine having to get prescription Google glasses...

  • Like 1
  • Haha 1
41 minutes ago, CountFrylock said:

A MLP Series that's basically a modernized MLP Series and nothing more is not the abomination of mankind like you think it is


if your gonna let the fandom of something dictate how something is seen then you might as well call nintendo gamers who aren't children basement dwelling virgins because they are playing little kids games

The thing is most of those adults grew up with Nintendo games or videogames of some kind, and they can still be enjoyed by adults.  There's no reason for any supposed grown men to take interest in My Little Pony.  I don't even know of any grown women who would've grown up with the old Ponies that give a shit about it.  Even then, there's a difference between liking a little girls' show and being obsessed with it and shouting from the rooftops about how it changed your life.  I'm just glad that fad is dead and the show has no relevance anymore.

On 5/18/2018 at 11:12 PM, ben0119 said:


Also, They don't even look like cats.


And using a similar art style to Stephen Universe.

"This series is all about honoring the original.  As a fan, this is the show I want, so I hope others want it too."  AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

That creator looks like a total douche bag with that little girl pony tail on top of is head.  About as face-punchable as they get.

I immediately thought, "that doesn't look like a cat" but then I remembered that ThunderCats don't look much like cats in either the 80s or 2011 show. I'll just say they look even less like cats than they did before.

I also immediately thought the creator looked like a douche. He must be real confident in that man-bun / top-knot to actually be video recorded for a preview while sporting it. That confidence is misplaced.

At best this will be stylistically awful but well animated and similar to Star Vs. or Steven Universe and I hope that's the case but I'm leaning toward it being not very well animated or well written and just a disgusting display all around.

This is such a slap in the face to the people who supported the 2011 series. 1.4 up to 2 million people were watching that show in premieres on CN. That's hardly nobody. It just didn't sell toys (Bandai put out some real shit) and so help me God if this show DOES sell toys.

  • Like 2
6 minutes ago, Sketch said:

I immediately thought, "that doesn't look like a cat" but then I remembered that ThunderCats don't look much like cats in either the 80s or 2011 show. I'll just say they look even less like cats than they did before.

I also immediately thought the creator looked like a douche. He must be real confident in that man-bun / top-knot to actually be video recorded for a preview while sporting it. That confidence is misplaced.

At best this will be stylistically awful but well animated and similar to Star Vs. or Steven Universe and I hope that's the case but I'm leaning toward it being not very well animated or well written and just a disgusting display all around.

This is such a slap in the face to the people who supported the 2011 series. 1.4 up to 2 million people were watching that show in premieres on CN. That's hardly nobody. It just didn't sell toys (Bandai put out some real shit) and so help me God if this show DOES sell toys.

The original ThunderCats looked pretty cat-like, maybe even too much.  I thought the 2011 series struck a good cat/person balance.  These new ThunderCats' ears don't even look like cat ears.  More like rabbit ears or insect wings.  They don't have cat eyes or any other cat features either really.

Yeah lmao.  I still can't get over how he looks.  Must be some kinda' serious safe space bubble wherever he lives and works that he's not getting routinely mocked.

Star actually seemed somewhat appealing to me, whereas Stephen Universe is just annoying.  Gravity Falls is annoying too.  Never got around to watching Star though.  Seems like pretty bottom of the barrel scenarios they are going for here, yeah.

Demarco claimed there weren't enough kids watching the 2011 series, though I'm not sure how true that is.  But yeah the toys were crap I heard.  I can't see such squat figures of Roar characters being very dynamic. :P Are toys even in the pipeline?

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, elfie said:

She's forgetting Disney's live-action Marvel films, which not many people realize is the BIG reason why you don't see any action cartoons on linear cable TV anymore. ... why watch it on TV at a set time of the week with 2D less-impressive looking animation when you can just do it at a theater in live-action/state-of-the-art SFX with basically everything being presented in better quality? DeMarco said this very thing on a Pre-Flight ep.

Disney X.D. still has Marvel action cartoons though, and lots of them!

However, they sure aren't popular enough to get on regular Disney.


Yahoo best answer

 Best Answer:  It was cancelled for many reasons actually. 

Lack of viewers/ratings. The series went on a steady downhill slide in ratings after the pilot. 
Lack of merchandising sales. The toys really didn't sell well at all. Design and shipping problems added insult to injury. The DVD sales did worse than toy sales. Some Wal-Marts were putting the DVD's into their $5.00 bins within three months of release. 

Wrong crew for the job. Probably the biggest reason for the cancellation is the crew itself. The storylines were unoriginal rip-offs of other more popular media such as Star Wars, NeverEnding Story, The Dark Crystal, Moby Dick, Oliver Twist, HALO, Final Fantasy, Indiana Jones, and so on. The overall story never felt like it was Thundercats. As a matter of fact, one of the stated goals of the crew was to remove just about everything that made the 1980's Thundercats so popular and replace it with a "darker story." 
What they didn't understand was the target demographic of 6-12 year-olds weren't looking for a dark story. 
Of course we can't forget former WB art director Dan Norton (who worked on TC's) meltdown at fans on facebook and deviantart. He pretty much had a mental breakdown that went semi-viral and really hurt the show. 

Fans just didn't respond to the characters. For example, turning Tygra into a xenophobic prick who serves as a bigger antagonist to Lion-O than Mumm-Ra and the mutants combined upset more fans than it won over. Matt Mercer being an egotistical jerk didn't help either. 
Pumyra being a traitor was another big middle finger to the fans - both old and new. 
Cheetara was another thing that hurt the show. The crew took her from strong female lead with an interest in Lion-O to a cheerleading bimbo who forsakes her duty and friends for Tygra - who tried twice to kill Lion-O - all over a 30 second flashback about a flower. 

All in all, the Thundercats reboot serves as an example of what NOT to do in a cartoon.

  • Confused 3
6 hours ago, Sketch said:

I immediately thought, "that doesn't look like a cat" but then I remembered that ThunderCats don't look much like cats in either the 80s or 2011 show. I'll just say they look even less like cats than they did before.

I also immediately thought the creator looked like a douche. He must be real confident in that man-bun / top-knot to actually be video recorded for a preview while sporting it. That confidence is misplaced.

At best this will be stylistically awful but well animated and similar to Star Vs. or Steven Universe and I hope that's the case but I'm leaning toward it being not very well animated or well written and just a disgusting display all around.

This is such a slap in the face to the people who supported the 2011 series. 1.4 up to 2 million people were watching that show in premieres on CN. That's hardly nobody. It just didn't sell toys (Bandai put out some real shit) and so help me God if this show DOES sell toys.

The worst part?  2 to 1.4 million is now considered GOOD, so I hope they are kicking themselves.

  • Like 2
5 hours ago, OwlChemist81 said:

Disney X.D. still has Marvel action cartoons though, and lots of them!

However, they sure aren't popular enough to get on regular Disney.

The only reason those exist is because Disney has the money to sustain those without canceling them midway, and even then, the are wholly disposable. Disney lets those cartoons run for around a season and then ends them, because they're made only to promote the movies anyway.

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