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Just a heads up guys, there will be some ratings delays as Nielsen is located in Oldsmar, Florida (right down the road from me actually) and they evacuated due to the hurricane.




So we won't be partaking in our usual discussion for a few days probably.


Well, that's a shame! Oddly enough, we DO have this:




We beat the Con Man marathon, but lost to...wha!?


Well, that's a shame! Oddly enough, we DO have this:




We beat the Con Man marathon, but lost to...wha!?



We lost to the oprah winfrey network?


This is fucked up


Just a heads up guys, there will be some ratings delays as Nielsen is located in Oldsmar, Florida (right down the road from me actually) and they evacuated due to the hurricane.




So we won't be partaking in our usual discussion for a few days probably.


... you know I bet a ton of companies will move north permanently.


Super always has terrible retention then it's followed by a massive drop for Jojo.


Then a massive drop for Lupin.


Everything else retains somewhat well, but mostly because there's not many viewers left to lose after these massive drops.


My parents have been watching coverage of the hurricane like a fly attracted to shit. We can only hope that this morbid fascination (and not time instead spent calling their representatives) leads to [adult swim] writing off the night due to unforseen circumstances.


My parents have been watching coverage of the hurricane like a fly attracted to shit. We can only hope that this morbid fascination (and not time instead spent calling their representatives) leads to [adult swim] writing off the night due to unforseen circumstances.


For sure they will. Especially by Saturday, it was on every TV. A lot of people also evacuated or will called in to work (health care, national guard, and EMS workers)  and were away from their TVs




Due to not being aware that there was a hurricane, CN execs have cancelled Toonami and replaced it with marathons of Teen Titans GO.


Due to not being aware that there was a hurricane, CN execs have cancelled Toonami and replaced it with marathons of Teen Titans GO.

don't give them any ideas

My parents have been watching coverage of the hurricane like a fly attracted to shit. We can only hope that this morbid fascination (and not time instead spent calling their representatives) leads to [adult swim] writing off the night due to unforseen circumstances.


I wouldn't worry too much about the Toonami ratings.  Adult Swim is almost certain to be down overall for the entire night, so I'm sure Toonami won't get the blame.


True. Why would anyone do nothing watching a late-night cartoon block when your walls are in danger of being torn apart by Category 4 winds??


You're missing the big picture. If a tornado's coming straight for me, I'm not watching the weather channel; I'm watching LOCAL news weather. The Weather Channel has been known to contain lots of overblown sensationalism in addition to factual reporting. That's why I have a problem with it destroying cable.


That said, while large portions of the viewership was indeed affected by Irma, I daresay it will actually be College Football, namely the Auburn-Clemson game, which ruled cable on Saturday night. I also believe DBZ KFC will crack the top 20 if not the top 10.



Well since nothing else is going on here, how did you like Stein's Gate =P


Quite a lot, actually!  The first few episodes were a slow burn, but once it got to about episode 10 I really got hooked on it.  I binged through the rest of the series in two days after that.  The idea of time travel is something that I love (my favorite movie is Back to the Future), so this series was really satisfying for me.


Other random thoughts:

-I like how

the last two episodes of the series link back to the events in Episode 1.

  I thought this was going to be a mindscrew series when I first watched Episode 1, but I'm glad it became more straightforward pretty quickly.  I also like how

the series kinda comes full circle in using the last two episodes to explain the first one.

  I like when shows do that.

-I thought the dub was awesome.  All of the little name drops and references they made kept it really fun for me, and I thought the voice actors themselves did a great job. 

-I never actually heard of John Titor before watching this series, but it definitely got me interested in the guy.  Titor was obviously a fake, of course, but it's still interesting to read about.



Quite a lot, actually!  The first few episodes were a slow burn, but once it got to about episode 10 I really got hooked on it.  I binged through the rest of the series in two days after that.  The idea of time travel is something that I love (my favorite movie is Back to the Future), so this series was really satisfying for me.


Other random thoughts:

-I like how

the last two episodes of the series link back to the events in Episode 1.

  I thought this was going to be a mindscrew series when I first watched Episode 1, but I'm glad it became more straightforward pretty quickly.  I also like how

the series kinda comes full circle in using the last two episodes to explain the first one.

  I like when shows do that.

-I thought the dub was awesome.  All of the little name drops and references they made kept it really fun for me, and I thought the voice actors themselves did a great job. 

-I never actually heard of John Titor before watching this series, but it definitely got me interested in the guy.  Titor was obviously a fake, of course, but it's still interesting to read about.


Steins;Gate really is something special, and you don't even need to appreciate the other anime in this franchise to enjoy it. 

The last 2 episodes really make you wanna rewatch the first one again!

  It comes close to Cowboy Bebop as one of my all-time most favorite anime for me. And yes, rumor is that the author's research on John Titor is what inspired this story to begin with.


Good to hear, the first 10 episodes are all character and world building with no real plot to be found.... so a lot of people get bored and starting asking .. why is this considered one of the greatest anime of all time??


But then it answers that question.


If you watched the English Dub you did miss one of the best known moments in the series though.



Well, after that pop-up adventure, the ratings are out.


As expected, a brutal showing. It took until #36 for anything not related to Irma or college football to show up. DBZ Kai was at #47. However, if you look at the raw numbers compared to two weeks ago, most of it was stable. Lupin even rated over 500K and had its best individual performance since July. Now, I can't stop you from being mad at anything, but hopefully you all take my preferred path.


[8OOth post]


Kai got 849k... honestly... about the same?


654 for Jojo. The ratings aren't much different than normal.


Actually I think the ratings are higher than they were during the Mayweather fight.


And yes Jojo powerbombed the ratings again with 77 percent retention.


Nothing can replace Okabe's Engrish, but I think the dub did an excellent job localizing the entire dialogue exchange.


Patrick Seitz translated the dub along with Tatum.  The original seiya did some kind of broken, goofy,, loose Engrish, which was hilarious and cannot frankly be replicated. So Patrick just showed Tatum his idea of making Okabe speaking awkward jive, and said "I'm not sure how I feel about this out-there idea, but what do you think?"  :D


Kai got 849k... honestly... about the same?


654 for Jojo. The ratings aren't much different than normal.


Actually I think the ratings are higher than they were during the Mayweather fight.


And yes Jojo powerbombed the ratings again with 77 percent retention.


Is this going to be a thing for another 20+ episodes?

A couple times might not affect ad rates, six months will.

Time to move Jojo to 1:30 or later.



Is this going to be a thing for another 20+ episodes?

A couple times might not affect ad rates, six months will.

Time to move Jojo to 1:30 or later.


I'm sure that if they see it as a problem and they have something that will do better, they'll make the move. The question is, if not Jojo, what should air after DBZ? Is there anything in he current lineup, or would they need a new show?


I hope its not one of the situations where they have a timeslot commitment and they CAN'T move it.


Good to hear, the first 10 episodes are all character and world building with no real plot to be found.... so a lot of people get bored and starting asking .. why is this considered one of the greatest anime of all time??


But then it answers that question.


If you watched the English Dub you did miss one of the best known moments in the series though.



Believe it or not, I found out about the scene after I finished with the series and read through the TVTropes page, so don't worry, I found it :)


Him speaking jive in the English dub is just as funny, too. 


Damn, Kai #47!? Well, at least JoJo beat 8:30 Super for once.


The Weather Channel, I understand, but CNN Newsroom!? What the hell was up with CNN doing so well? Was there also a major geopolitical news story, or was this just for Irma??


I was right about Auburn/Clemson topping the chart though!


Also, two College Football games topped Men 12-34, but DBZ KFC was #3! And it looks like DBZ KFC was at least #6 in Adults 18-34, despite being #47 with 18-49!


Next week, things should be back to normal, and DBZ KFC and DBS should both be back in the top 10 if not the Top 5. Screw hurricanes and Kim Jong Un!


Last but not least, LOOK what happened on Sunday! http://www.showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-top-150-sunday-cable-originals-network-finals-9-10-2017.html


Rick & Morty conquered Weather Center Live!! And Fear the Walking Dead could only muster #17!


That's the power of evil Morty.


Btw there's also an epilogue special episode that's pretty good and an alternate episode 23 that sets up Stein's Gate Zero.


Updated: http://www.showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-top-150-saturday-cable-originals-network-finals-9-9-2017.html


11:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 912,000

11:30 PM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 849,000 (93.09%)

12:00 AM JJBA: Stardust Crusaders 654,000 (77.03%)

12:30 AM Tokyo Ghoul 567,000 (86.70%)

1:00 AM Hunter × Hunter 553,000 (97.53%)

1:30 AM Lupin The 3rd 513,000 (92.77%)

2:00 AM Naruto: Shippuden 531,000 (103.51%)

2:30 AM Outlaw Star HD 417,000 (78.53%)

3:00 AM Cowboy Bebop HD 374,000 (89.69%)

3:30 AM Attack on Titan Season 2 362,000 (96.79%)



Toonami's seen better days, but that 912K for DBS at 11 is a welcome sight. It makes me believe if Toonami just stays the course and doesn't do any crazy schedule re-arrangements, brighter days are ahead.


Plus, of course, either DBS or DBZKFC is likely to take a break for FLCL next year!


Right now, stability is the key. 11:00P has a chance to do better if they just let it grow an audience organically.


And as for FLCL 2... you know, JoJo's Part 3 was spread out into two seasons of 24 episodes each. I have to wonder if the Toonami run will take a break then. They could fit that in the open slot, or they could play a different show of around twelve episodes.


Updated: http://www.showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-top-150-saturday-cable-originals-network-finals-9-9-2017.html


11:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 912,000

11:30 PM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 849,000 (93.09%)

12:00 AM JJBA: Stardust Crusaders 654,000 (77.03%)

12:30 AM Tokyo Ghoul 567,000 (86.70%)

1:00 AM Hunter × Hunter 553,000 (97.53%)

1:30 AM Lupin The 3rd 513,000 (92.77%)

2:00 AM Naruto: Shippuden 531,000 (103.51%)

2:30 AM Outlaw Star HD 417,000 (78.53%)

3:00 AM Cowboy Bebop HD 374,000 (89.69%)

3:30 AM Attack on Titan Season 2 362,000 (96.79%)



Toonami's seen better days, but that 912K for DBS at 11 is a welcome sight. It makes me believe if Toonami just stays the course and doesn't do any crazy schedule re-arrangements, brighter days are ahead.


Plus, of course, either DBS or DBZKFC is likely to take a break for FLCL next year!


JoJo needs to be moved

Lupin needs the death slot Bebop should take lupin


Well so far we already know JoJo and lupin shit the bed more times than any other show


Updated: http://www.showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-top-150-saturday-cable-originals-network-finals-9-9-2017.html


11:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 912,000

11:30 PM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 849,000 (93.09%)

12:00 AM JJBA: Stardust Crusaders 654,000 (77.03%)

12:30 AM Tokyo Ghoul 567,000 (86.70%)

1:00 AM Hunter × Hunter 553,000 (97.53%)

1:30 AM Lupin The 3rd 513,000 (92.77%)

2:00 AM Naruto: Shippuden 531,000 (103.51%)

2:30 AM Outlaw Star HD 417,000 (78.53%)

3:00 AM Cowboy Bebop HD 374,000 (89.69%)

3:30 AM Attack on Titan Season 2 362,000 (96.79%)



Toonami's seen better days, but that 912K for DBS at 11 is a welcome sight. It makes me believe if Toonami just stays the course and doesn't do any crazy schedule re-arrangements, brighter days are ahead.


Plus, of course, either DBS or DBZKFC is likely to take a break for FLCL next year!


They need to keep it at a consistent time for at least 6 months to a year to regrow that audience.


The start time has changed 4 times this year already


Updated: http://www.showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-top-150-saturday-cable-originals-network-finals-9-9-2017.html


11:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 912,000

11:30 PM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 849,000 (93.09%)

12:00 AM JJBA: Stardust Crusaders 654,000 (77.03%)

12:30 AM Tokyo Ghoul 567,000 (86.70%)

1:00 AM Hunter × Hunter 553,000 (97.53%)

1:30 AM Lupin The 3rd 513,000 (92.77%)

2:00 AM Naruto: Shippuden 531,000 (103.51%)

2:30 AM Outlaw Star HD 417,000 (78.53%)

3:00 AM Cowboy Bebop HD 374,000 (89.69%)

3:30 AM Attack on Titan Season 2 362,000 (96.79%)



Toonami's seen better days, but that 912K for DBS at 11 is a welcome sight. It makes me believe if Toonami just stays the course and doesn't do any crazy schedule re-arrangements, brighter days are ahead.


Plus, of course, either DBS or DBZKFC is likely to take a break for FLCL next year!


Yay Super got into the 900K's!  We still have that rock-solid drop after Kai though.


JoJo needs to be moved

Lupin needs the death slot Bebop should take lupin


Well so far we already know JoJo and lupin shit the bed more times than any other show


Lupin did well this week though. JoJo, not so much, which is a damn shame!



Americans don't care for jojo yet Demarco does


It's unconventional.


Unconventional = bad ratings (once again, look at Mr. Robot and Twin Peaks). However, there should be a place in television for such things, and I'm glad the crew is flipping off advertisers by letting it air in its slot.





8:00 PM Dragon Ball Super (NPOT) 207,000

8:30 PM Dragon Ball Super (NPOT) 386,000 (186.47%)


10:30 PM Family Guy (NPOT) 703,000

11:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 539,000 (76.67%)

11:30 PM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 501,000 (92.95%)

12:00 AM JJBA: Stardust Crusaders 393,000 (78.44%)

12:30 AM Tokyo Ghoul 330,000 (83.97%)

1:00 AM Hunter × Hunter 336,000 (101.82%)

1:30 AM Lupin The 3rd 295,000 (87.80%)

2:00 AM Naruto: Shippuden 311,000 (105.42%)

2:30 AM Outlaw Star HD 246,000 (79.10%)

3:00 AM Cowboy Bebop HD 213,000 (86.59%)

3:30 AM Attack on Titan Season 2 193,000 (90.61%)





assuming april 14th for flcl2 under the assumption they will air all 6 episodes before memorial day.


and i would guess flcl3 sometime after labor day.


april 14th works with a halloween preemption but not both that and an april 1st preemption. one or the other though.

and if there aren't any for either, it could easily just replace IBO.

with only one preemption aside from the last two weeks in december, if they can air mob psycho 100 they probably will at 12:30 and IBO s02's second half will move to 1:30. let's assume they do this:


the new flcl seasons should air at 11, flcl2 pushing super, kai, and jojo back. kai and jojo would finish at 12 and 12:30, and since attack on titan season 3 should be ready by the time flcl2 ends, that's a likely replacement.


and flcl3 could air as early as the week after labor day weekend if aot s03 is 12 episodes and they have a july 7th preemption. they've never preempted the block one week after the first episode of a premiere, it's always at least two.


can't really say for sure without knowing what's going on on halloween and april fool's.

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