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I'm pretty unhinged with my opinions today (a lot going on in my real life having me on edge), so sorry if I've been over pessimistic.


Who said I was being negative about it? Well, mostly the first part.


I see your point, I just don't like it when people say that those who so much as watch an illegal stream should be sent to prison to get anally raped, or something just as scathing but not as vulgar.


But, seeing how I bought this just a few weeks ago, by your logic I'm in the clear. :-D


Hmmmm.  Save that same amount for a single weekend ticket to a major anime con to possibly get a ton MORE entertainment??  Or ONE DVD? ....yeah I'm gonna go with the former.


Reposting, because IT GOT BURIED!!!




12:00 AM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 853,000

12:30 AM Attack on Titan Season 2 656,000 (76.91%)

1:00 AM Tokyo Ghoul 553,000 (84.30%)

1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter 474,000 (85.71%)

2:00 AM Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn 430,000 (90.72%)

2:30 AM Naruto: Shippuden 438,000 (101.86%)

3:00 AM Ghost In The Shell HD 380,000 (86.76%)




Bad when compared to how Toonami has done in the past, but what of the rest of TV? DBZ Kai, AOT, TG, and Gundam all won their timeslots among cable originals!


I HOPE: Jack still got over a million, because if not, this will be the first time in my memory that a Jack Season 5 episode DID NOT reach a million


I HOPE NOT: it would mean that a total of 1,500,000 individual neilson boxes got switched off between Jack and DBS!  NOT good!


There's not 1.5 million Nielsen boxes in existence; probably only about 10,000.


But Jack did not reach a million.





8:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 807,000


10:30 PM Family Guy 1,222,000

11:00 PM Samurai Jack S5 #1 909,000 (74.39%)

11:30 PM Dragon Ball Super 839,000 (92.30%)

12:00 AM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 853,000 (101.67%)

12:30 AM Attack on Titan Season 2 656,000 (76.91%)

1:00 AM Tokyo Ghoul 553,000 (84.30%)

1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter 474,000 (85.71%)

2:00 AM Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn 430,000 (90.72%)

2:30 AM Naruto: Shippuden 438,000 (101.86%)

3:00 AM Ghost In The Shell HD 380,000 (86.76%)





8:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 408,000


10:30 PM Family Guy 703,000

11:00 PM Samurai Jack S5 #1 516,000 (73.40%)

11:30 PM Dragon Ball Super 492,000 (95.35%)

12:00 AM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 517,000 (105.08%)

12:30 AM Attack on Titan Season 2 402,000 (77.76%)

1:00 AM Tokyo Ghoul 353,000 (87.81%)

1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter 316,000 (89.52%)

2:00 AM Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn 290,000 (91.77%)

2:30 AM Naruto: Shippuden 309,000 (106.55%)

3:00 AM Ghost In The Shell HD 260,000 (84.14%)





Total Viewers

Dragon Ball Super (8 PM) - 878,050 (20 episodes)

Samurai Jack - 1,361,100 (10 episodes)

Dragon Ball Super (11:30 PM) - 1,120,250 (20 episodes)

Dragon Ball Z Kai: Final Chapters - 1,022,429 (21 episodes)

Attack On Titan Season 2 - 807,500 (6 episodes)

Tokyo Ghoul - 716,556 (9 episodes)

Hunter × Hunter - 813,094 (53 episodes)

Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn - 659,524 (21 episodes)

Naruto: Shippuden - 851,716 (160 episodes)

Ghost In The Shell HD - 505,235 (16 episodes)


Adults 18-49

Dragon Ball Super (8 PM, Estimate) - 426,800 (20 episodes)

Samurai Jack - 853,700 (10 episodes)

Dragon Ball Super (11:30 PM) - 679,250 (20 episodes)

Dragon Ball Z Kai: Final Chapters - 618,524 (21 episodes)

Attack On Titan Season 2 - 484,000 (6 episodes)

Tokyo Ghoul - 444,667 (9 episodes)

Hunter × Hunter - 484,642 (53 episodes)

Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn - 401,429 (21 episodes)

Naruto: Shippuden - 472,893 (143 episodes)

Ghost In The Shell HD - 313,588 (16 episodes)


Adults 18-34 (Estimated)

Dragon Ball Super (8 PM) - 273,947 (19 episodes)

Samurai Jack - 569,500 (10 episodes)

Dragon Ball Z Kai: Final Chapters - 416,762 (21 episodes)

Attack On Titan Season 2 - 308,000 (6 episodes)

Tokyo Ghoul - 293,778 (9 episodes)

Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn - 272,381 (21 episodes)


Turn the page...


So to the surprise of absolutely no one, Samurai Jack reruns couldn't carry the block.  This, along with the Attack on Titan fiasco three years ago, goes to show that just because a show is really hot in fandom at the time, doesn't mean that it can continue to be hot in reruns.  The hype surrounding both Samurai Jack and Attack on Titan was immense, and both shows did well in their initial airings.  Rerunning AoT at the top of the block, however, showed that it wasn't able to keep that hype and momentum, and contributed to the decision to cut Toonami in 2015.  This appears to be the case with Samurai Jack as well, a case which I think everyone here predicted and expected. 


I would like to point out, however, that Toonami has said multiple times that the decision to air AoT reruns at the top of the block was not theirs, but Adult Swim's choice.  Perhaps the same could be said for Samurai Jack reruns.  Maybe (like the theory I've heard around the board) Samurai Jack is a placeholder for something coming soon that will take over the top slot.  Maybe Adult Swim doesn't care about the ratings, and just wants to air a freebie show they don't need to pay for.  Or maybe they'll learn from their mistakes and pull Jack from the top slot in the coming weeks.  Only time will tell.


However, unlike 2014, I don't think Toonami is in danger of being cut.  Well, not by much, at least.  In 2014, it was fun having the block at 6.5 hours, and I really do wish the block could return to that length, but even I have to admit the block was a mess.  There were a lot of factors other than the Attack on Titan rerun fiasco that contributed to the block being slashed.  Most of those factors aren't present here.  The most I see happening is the outright loss of 11:00 PM.  It seems that DBS needs to play at 11:30, so I doubt they would lose that, so the block will probably just go back to being 4 hours long. 


As for the lower ratings as of late, we need to remember that, at the end of the day, Adult Swim is still airing anime because they want to, not because they get stellar ratings.  Adult Swim could have gotten rid of all their anime after Bleach ended in 2014, and made it all comedy all the time, and would probably be getting better ratings right now, airing Saturday night marathons of Rick and Morty.  As long as the ratings remain decent, I think anime will remain a presence on Adult Swim.


These ratings, however, are not decent.  Even barring the ratings lost from Jack being rerun, the retention rates are awful.  AoT holding less than 80% from DBZ Kai is terrible, and if I had to attribute it to anything, it would have to be the difference in tone between the two shows.  Barring the top of the slot rerun, at least everything else manages 80%.  Shippuden even gains on Unicorn, which is embarrassing for Unicorn, given how much I like the show, and makes me wonder if Shippuden shouldn't be earlier in the block like it was before. 


It's the end.


It's NOT the end! Though the time to make a deal for something better at 11 PM is NOW!!


(Or at least, you know, to rearrange the schedule so as to put premieres first. June 17th is the perfect opportunity!)


It's NOT the end! Though the time to make a deal for something better at 11 PM is NOW!!


(Or at least, you know, to rearrange the schedule so as to put premieres first. June 17th is the perfect opportunity!)


And if they can't do that, I'd be OK if they just gave it back to Family Guy.


On one hand, I wouldn't expect great numbers on a night when Family Guy only gets 1.2 million and 0.55 18-49. Still, like most people thought, leading Toonami with an hour of reruns doesn't look like its going to pay off. Jack lost a quarter of the audience after FG, and DBS also split strongly with its primetime airing. The only saving grace is that some viewers did come back for Kai afterwards. Unfortunately, Titan continues to disappoint ratings-wise, and the rest of the night was low.


Now that could just be an off-week and the numbers recover this week, but I'm not quite sure what they would do to change the line-up if the low numbers continue. I don't see them cutting the block in a big way since Adult Swim's regular line-up wouldn't do that much better as evidenced by the ratings of the non-FG shows on Saturday.


Losing 11:00 to FG wouldn't be a huge deal, and depending on whether or not Super has to contractually air at 11:30, they could try leading the block with Kai. Of course this all assumes they don't have something big planned for 11:00 sooner rather than later. The ship has sailed with Titan, so no point moving that until it finishes next month. Moving up HxH might help a little, but I don't see it doing gangbusters this late in the game. I believe Naruto could also help the middle of the block if they moved that up too, but they've got too many newer shows to do that.




You know, I would be all for DB Super airing at a later timeslot, possibly even 12:30 or beyond. If it's not doing well enough when the usual crowd comes in, why not try it later so it has the opportunity to attract a different audience?


What makes zero sense is having Super air before Kai.


Kai is obviously a better show and gets better ratings.


I'll ask this as kindly as possible: IS PROGRAMMING FUCKING RETARDED?!


I don't get how [AS] doesn't see the error of running Super twice or not learning from history with Jack.


They sold out to TOEI, who doesn't care what it does to the rest of the night. Super could have brought bigger ratings if the 11:30 was the only airing, how much who knows? But giving people an excuse to watch it outside the block and not come back later for the rest was not a good idea. We may even start seeing 8 beat 11:30! Then I wonder what they would do?


It's clear Toei has more pull than DeMarco with this lineup.


You could blame On Demand but it has never been this pronounced.


What makes zero sense is having Super air before Kai.


Kai is obviously a better show and gets better ratings.


Their logic is "Super is newer and thus has is hotter in the trending".  Ignoring how the actual CONTENT of the two shows is.


They sold out to TOEI, who doesn't care what it does to the rest of the night. Super could have brought bigger ratings if the 11:30 was the only airing, how much who knows? But giving people an excuse to watch it outside the block and not come back later for the rest was not a good idea. We may even start seeing 8 beat 11:30! Then I wonder what they would do?


Let's say Toei becomes dissatisfied with what Toonami is doing to their shows on American cable TV.  What I fear is that Toei will force Toonami to drop BOTH, which means there go Toonami's two saving graces for getting good ratings!


I just think this is a hard off-night.  It wasn't any kind of holiday, I don't think there was much strong competition.  It will be interesting to see how this coming week is going to go so I can compare ratings.


Let's say Toei becomes dissatisfied with what Toonami is doing to their shows on American cable TV.  What I fear is that Toei will force Toonami to drop BOTH, which means there go Toonami's two saving graces for getting good ratings!


I gotta be honest, if Toei nuked the Dragon Ball contracts and left Toonami Dragon Ball-less they would probably be doing better than they are right now as long as they started at midnight and lead with a dub premiere. Though apparently the right show for that is NOT Attack on Titan season 2 which can't even freaking retain DBZ Kai for shit.


Well those ratings suck.


Gonna be interesting to see if they try to ride it out or if they pull the Jack reruns in a week or two.


On the bright side, Super retained Jack exceptionally well. Unfortunately, Jack retained Family Guy quite badly. That was about to be expected but 0.4 18-49 is not a good place to start Toonami's night.


And the bleeding didn't stop there. Attack on Titan proceeded to lose over 100,000 the modest 18-49 viewers DBZ Kai dragged in. You might expect that kind of drop when DBZ gets 600,000 or 700,000 but not when it got 517,000 18-49. You'd think with a smaller base the drop-off would be minimal but that certainly was not the case. After that the retention between shows was alright but the ratings themselves were disturbingly low across the board. Then to add insult to injury the comedy after Toonami which usually doesn't do great managed to gain on Toonami showing that the right shows can make a difference in those early morning slots.


If this persists and they leave it alone I don't know what to think anymore. We can always hope the on-demand, DVR and streaming numbers are balancing the books and keeping Toonami from looking like a money pit. I have a hard time believing things wouldn't be looking better if they had dropped the Jack rerun to the backend and shifted earlier or put Family Guy back at 11pm. Don't waste 11pm on a a serialized rerun, that's insanity.


My advice to everyone here is this: enjoy the shows and encourage your friends to watch the block. That's all we can and should do.


It was interesting to see the results of the exact same Samurai Jack season 5 episode being played two weeks in a row at 11pm


Maybe some people tuned in to Toonami, saw Samurai Jack was episode 1 of season 5 again and figured it was another marathon and got the hell out.


I gotta be honest, if Toei nuked the Dragon Ball contracts and left Toonami Dragon Ball-less they would probably be doing better than they are right now as long as they started at midnight and lead with a dub premiere. Though apparently the right show for that is NOT Attack on Titan season 2 which can't even freaking retain DBZ Kai for shit.


I like Kai, but think it would be worth it to lose Kai if we got rid of Super.


Right now the starting lineup is...




Kai.........Rerun... yes Kai is basically a 20 year old rerun.


And AOT which is my favorite show on the block... but S2 just isn't anywhere near as good as S1.


So long story short... fresh blood is needed stat.



They probably won't do it, don't get me wrong, but how would y'all feel about Lupin the 3rd premiering at 11 PM, Shippuden moving back up to 2, and Samurai Jack down to 2:30 on June 17th?


They probably won't do it, don't get me wrong, but how would y'all feel about Lupin the 3rd premiering at 11 PM, Shippuden moving back up to 2, and Samurai Jack down to 2:30 on June 17th?


I'd love it but there's no freak'n way they're doing that.


Best thing we can hope for, for Lupin's sake, is Super shifts to 11pm and the rest of the line-up shifts up with in roughly the current order or perhaps they leave HxH at 1:30 and give Lupin 1AM.


Though what I'd like to see within reason is this.


11:00 PM - Draogn Ball Super

11:30 PM - Dragon Ball Z Kai

12:00 AM - Attack on Titan

12:30 AM - Hunter x Hunter

1:00 AM - Lupin the 3rd

1:30 AM - Tokyo Ghoul

2:00 AM - Naruto Shippuden

2:30 AM - Ghost in the Shell or Samurai Jack

3:00 AM - Whichever wasn't at 2:30


I suggest finishing the night with Jack because it flows into comedy a lot better than GITS for dang sure and it's free and has prime time on Sunday so it doesn't matter where it airs really. They could even just drop it entirely and make Toonami 11PM-3AM but I figure they may as well play it.


Then to add insult to injury the comedy after Toonami which usually doesn't do great managed to gain on Toonami showing that the right shows can make a difference in those early morning slots.


Wait, what? Sorry to burst your bubble, but it really only gained on Ghost in the Shell, which is a rerun anyway. It doesn't happen every week, and in fact at one time Gundam Unicorn was sadly the lowest-rated show of the night, but this time both 2 AM shows beat the 3:30-6 AM time frame by between 11K and 52K in adults 18-49. However, GITS wasn't even the lowest rated show of the entire night as Cleveland Show (which might have been a more idiotic choice for post-DBS and post-Toonami than Bob's Burgers) only managed a 257K at 3:30 AM.


In terms of overall viewers, however, the 5 AM KOTH hour beat everything after Hunter x Hunter. Maybe that's what you were talking about?



Let's say Toei becomes dissatisfied with what Toonami is doing to their shows on American cable TV.  What I fear is that Toei will force Toonami to drop BOTH, which means there go Toonami's two saving graces for getting good ratings!


Maybe then they'll accept the reality that DB does better with Adults and just let them run it later. It's all about the merchandise for them. If that doesn't sell, they may see that.


Kai is just "best of DBZ" and that's it.


The fact is the shows they have are old or can be seen elsewhere.  There's no getting around it.


Call me crazy, but I think things will get better next week. There won't be any major sporting events, it would seem, no UFC, no NHL, and no NBA. There will be Belmont Stakes but that probably won't affect Toonami since it airs at like 6:30 PM ET. Might hurt Dragon Ball Super at 8 PM though.


Maybe, just maybe, Gundam Unicorn will get a half-decent sendoff after all. But rumblings are about on Twitter that they might already be re-thinking the schedule for June 17th. If so, just hope it's in time for our DVRs to catch the upheaval!


I don't think DB Super is going to air at 11:00P if only because it never did great holding onto ratings from Samurai Jack S5 or even Family Guy before it. Not to mention, it would be airing at the same time as the 8:00 rerun on the west coast. I assume only if they remove that one, it would be plausible.


On the other hand, I'd love to see a schedule with no Dragon Ball at all for the first time since the Fall 2014 lineup (GOAT), but that's not likely. But removing one of them (probably Super) for a hot shit anime like Re:ZERO would almost instantaneously reinvigorate my interest in the block.


When? Where? This part of Kai never aired on Nicktoons Network.


KFC is just the Buu saga from DBZ 20 years ago with tons of filler cut out, and better voice acting.


But worse music.


They probably won't do it, don't get me wrong, but how would y'all feel about Lupin the 3rd premiering at 11 PM, Shippuden moving back up to 2, and Samurai Jack down to 2:30 on June 17th?


Of course I'd feel quite happy if Lupin The Third's premiere was given the same crown jewel slot and push that Jack season 5 is still getting


If they had an intention to air something brand new specifically for the 11pm slot nine weeks from now (The big reason they still could be giving us 11pm Jack season 5 reruns), then they could do a quick block switch up


Of course I'd feel quite happy if Lupin The Third's premiere was given the same crown jewel slot and push that Jack season 5 is still getting


If they had an intention to air something brand new for specifically for the 11pm slot nine weeks from now (The big reason they still could be giving us 11pm Jack season 5 reruns), then they could do a quick block switch up


"We will always put a rerun at the end of the block whenever we can."  *puts  the Samurai Jack rerun at 11 PM*


"We will always put a premiere in as early in the day as we can." *puts the Lupin The III Part 4 dub premiere at 2 PM*


Of course I'd feel quite happy if Lupin The Third's premiere was given the same crown jewel slot and push that Jack season 5 is still getting


If they had an intention to air something brand new for specifically for the 11pm slot nine weeks from now (The big reason they still could be giving us 11pm Jack season 5 reruns), then they could do a quick block switch up


I don't get why they won't do it. It's an older show, but it's NOT a rerun and it's NOT like they couldn't yank it whenever FLCL is ready to premiere, and then when it's over, CONTINUE IT! There's NOTHING that says they HAVE to air all of the episodes of Lupin in a row! Just ask Hellsing Ultimate, InuYasha: The Final Act, Dragonball Z Kai, Gurren Lagann, or practically any long-running shonen that took multiple weeks off for a Month of Movies or a pair of marathons in a row! Hell, Toonami could also package it as a "mid-season finale" when the last episode of Lupin would premiere before FLCL replaces it. Then again, would Lupin even get topicals? It would probably be expected if it were at 11, but not at 1 AM or later, including its planned timeslot of 2 AM. That's WAY too late for topicals!


Let's say Toei becomes dissatisfied with what Toonami is doing to their shows on American cable TV.  What I fear is that Toei will force Toonami to drop BOTH


Part of me actually hopes this will happen.  I'm not a huge fan of Super and as much as I like DBZ Kai, I already have all of DBZ.  To be completely honest, I can't wait for the day when Dragon Ball is gone from Toonami, if that day will ever come.


The most logical place to drop DB Super in the short term would be after Episode 26, when the movie arcs are done. But then people would start complaining that we never got the TV-exclusive material. ::]::



There's not 1.5 million Nielsen boxes in existence; probably only about 10,000.


But Jack did not reach a million.





8:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 807,000


10:30 PM Family Guy 1,222,000

11:00 PM Samurai Jack S5 #1 909,000 (74.39%)

11:30 PM Dragon Ball Super 839,000 (92.30%)

12:00 AM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 853,000 (101.67%)

12:30 AM Attack on Titan Season 2 656,000 (76.91%)

1:00 AM Tokyo Ghoul 553,000 (84.30%)

1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter 474,000 (85.71%)

2:00 AM Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn 430,000 (90.72%)

2:30 AM Naruto: Shippuden 438,000 (101.86%)

3:00 AM Ghost In The Shell HD 380,000 (86.76%)





8:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 408,000


10:30 PM Family Guy 703,000

11:00 PM Samurai Jack S5 #1 516,000 (73.40%)

11:30 PM Dragon Ball Super 492,000 (95.35%)

12:00 AM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 517,000 (105.08%)

12:30 AM Attack on Titan Season 2 402,000 (77.76%)

1:00 AM Tokyo Ghoul 353,000 (87.81%)

1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter 316,000 (89.52%)

2:00 AM Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn 290,000 (91.77%)

2:30 AM Naruto: Shippuden 309,000 (106.55%)

3:00 AM Ghost In The Shell HD 260,000 (84.14%)





Total Viewers

Dragon Ball Super (8 PM) - 878,050 (20 episodes)

Samurai Jack - 1,361,100 (10 episodes)

Dragon Ball Super (11:30 PM) - 1,120,250 (20 episodes)

Dragon Ball Z Kai: Final Chapters - 1,022,429 (21 episodes)

Attack On Titan Season 2 - 807,500 (6 episodes)

Tokyo Ghoul - 716,556 (9 episodes)

Hunter × Hunter - 813,094 (53 episodes)

Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn - 659,524 (21 episodes)

Naruto: Shippuden - 851,716 (160 episodes)

Ghost In The Shell HD - 505,235 (16 episodes)


Adults 18-49

Dragon Ball Super (8 PM, Estimate) - 426,800 (20 episodes)

Samurai Jack - 853,700 (10 episodes)

Dragon Ball Super (11:30 PM) - 679,250 (20 episodes)

Dragon Ball Z Kai: Final Chapters - 618,524 (21 episodes)

Attack On Titan Season 2 - 484,000 (6 episodes)

Tokyo Ghoul - 444,667 (9 episodes)

Hunter × Hunter - 484,642 (53 episodes)

Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn - 401,429 (21 episodes)

Naruto: Shippuden - 472,893 (143 episodes)

Ghost In The Shell HD - 313,588 (16 episodes)


Adults 18-34 (Estimated)

Dragon Ball Super (8 PM) - 273,947 (19 episodes)

Samurai Jack - 569,500 (10 episodes)

Dragon Ball Z Kai: Final Chapters - 416,762 (21 episodes)

Attack On Titan Season 2 - 308,000 (6 episodes)

Tokyo Ghoul - 293,778 (9 episodes)

Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn - 272,381 (21 episodes)


Turn the page...



What did I say?  WHAT DID I SAY?!


Amazingly there's no dub for Konosuba, RE Zero, or Kabaneri yet. Maybe they can dub premiere one of them one day?


Funimation is apparently the only company that can get dubs out quickly. MHA.. dubbed. Tanya the Evil? Dubbed. Worldend? Dubbed. Akashic? Dubbed.


SAOII got dubbed and on Toonami pretty fast.  They actually started dubbing it before it even finished airing in Japan.


Top anime by State for Spring.




So the question is... in the next year or two how many of these top anime will Toonami acquire, not counting Titan which they're already airing of course.


My guess will be none of them. And that's kind of the problem with Toonami.


Hmm, for TX... Attack on Titan Season 2.  Fine.  *looks up Akashic Records* What the fuck is wrong with you people?


And yeah I wouldn't be surprised if the Toonami bungling continues.


Hey see I told you that one was good back on the old boards, you didn't want to watch that one because Meliodas looked dorky =P


It didn't help that Moose was one of the people hard-selling it.  I also was iffy on the art style but got over that pretty quickly.  And Meliodas looking dorky has a reason in the context of the story. :P

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