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I still don't get what's so great about Skyrim

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Posted (edited)

I've been trying to figure out why people prefer it over Morrowind and Oblivion for years. So what if it has a bigger open world and better graphics? The quests are boring, there are no puzzles, NPCs have very little dialogue, that open world feels so empty and, personally, I can't find any reason to care about Nord politics and rebellion.

Edited by Pheels
43 minutes ago, Cau said:

Morrowind > Skyrim > Oblivion

I'll agree with Morrowind being the best, but what's so bad about Oblivion? Besides the enemy and loot leveling thing.

Guest The Hound
3 hours ago, Cau said:

Morrowind > Skyrim > Oblivion

That's about right.


I can't really get into Open World Games .... and Skyrim has too much shit to do ... I need a solid story to play a game or atleast like a loose story because I like Fable so .... fuck I dunno. 


The lack of good spells and short faction questlines were big flaws for me while playing skyrim. Also annoying that you can become the leader of every guild. Morrowind had it where guilds would conflict, or you would need a skill level to even advance to the next rank. 

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15 hours ago, Pheels said:

I'll agree with Morrowind being the best, but what's so bad about Oblivion? Besides the enemy and loot leveling thing.

"I saw a mudcrab the other day."

"Stop talking!"

Ok, lets break it down.

Artistically, oblivion has not aged well. It was near impossible to create a character who did not look like a potato. If you wanted facial hair, you had the option to give yourself a blue-black shadow across the bottom of your face or a blindingly white shade in the same general area. No matter what you did, it would cut off abruptly at the neck where the face shader ended and the waxy flesh of the body began. There was very little variation in environments, with the entirety of the province being rolling hills covered in differently colored grass and trees, swamp, or snow. The dungeons were likewise repetitive, the planes of Oblivion themselves consisting of six maps that would spawn randomly when you opened the portal. Leveling was broken; once you hit the requisite level items from lower levels no longer spawned; at level 20 every enemy wore full daedric or glass armor and every enemy was a minotaur lord. With a few exceptions, the enemies, armors, and weapons were entirely generic, and the questlines, though longer than skyrims, were not nearly as interesting.

Oblivion was not a bad game; i do not have hate for it. It just did not live up to the high standards set by morrowind and later achieved by Skyrim.

It is quite litterally bethesda's middle child.

6 hours ago, HardcoreHunter said:

The lack of good spells and short faction questlines were big flaws for me while playing skyrim. Also annoying that you can become the leader of every guild. Morrowind had it where guilds would conflict, or you would need a skill level to even advance to the next rank. 

This is because you are a dragon in skyrim, and have the insatiable need to devour the world. It makes sense in morrowind that the nerevarine would be loyal to a single great house, or would join with the fighters or the thieves and not both. The dragonborn though, has no true loyalty. The dragonborn is an uncaring mercenary, going from job to job collecting gold and influence, not caring who they killed along the way or who they saved. Because it isnt about the people of skyrim, its about you cutting their heads off for a laugh.

36 minutes ago, SwimModSponges said:

This is because you are a dragon in skyrim, and have the insatiable need to devour the world. It makes sense in morrowind that the nerevarine would be loyal to a single great house, or would join with the fighters or the thieves and not both. The dragonborn though, has no true loyalty. The dragonborn is an uncaring mercenary, going from job to job collecting gold and influence, not caring who they killed along the way or who they saved. Because it isnt about the people of skyrim, its about you cutting their heads off for a laugh.

Except you can get married and make choices that show empathy. I would say that the best outcome to explain the Dragonborn being able to lead all these guilds is tied to the Septim's. The last rulers of tamriel were also Dragonborn. It would stand to reason that people with the DB blood are natural leaders. This could allude to the DB becoming the new king of tamriel, or laying groundwork for their descendants.  


Except you fight Alduin so your theory makes no sense. It isn't like Jyggalag where the DB is either himself or Alduin, they are separate entities. Not to mention there have been countless Dragonborn. Dragonborn are essentially the reincarnations of dragons. At the time Alduin was alive so he could not be reincarnated into mortal flesh. 


It was my first Elder Scrolls game, so that plays a lot into why I love it so much.

Plus, I spent a lot more time on the sidequests before I completed the game's primary quest. A lot of it has to do with nostalgia, at least for me.

On 12/19/2017 at 1:29 PM, That_One_Guy said:

I love Skyrim but I agree it is a tad overrated. It's a watered down version of Witcher 3 to me. Witcher 3 for king!

It's 4 years older than witcher 3. You can't really be a watered down version of something if you predate it. 


If Morrowind and Oblivion didn't feel so horribly obsolete they'd probably be considered better games.

Skyrim's game engine was just well done, the graphics are incredibly impressive for something now a decade old and it's an open world game so you never really run out of stuff to do.


I can't get hooked on Bethesta games. The Elder Scrolls and Fallout games I've played of theirs feel barren, lifeless, and generic. Personality and umph is streamlined away from them for mass consumption so that it meshes well with other AAA games on the market. 


You know what bugs me about Skyrim?

It would have been  so incredibly easy for Bethesda to make Elder Scrolls 6 using it as a base.

SE engine works great, just throw in official versions of some of the more important mods (like SkyUI), then re-use like half the assets to create the province of High Rock.

Whip together a couple of quest lines, set it directly after the events of Skyrim, wham, cash cow.

I mean, they're still milking it with just re-releases of the same game, a whole new game made with half the effort would have been phenomenal.

Posted (edited)
23 hours ago, HardcoreHunter said:

The game came out 11-11-11 not 2012. 

November 11th was literally less than 2 months away from 2012. I am pretty sure you remember the intense Skyrim memeing and dickriding that went on in 2012. Shit was made even worse when people had to insert their MLP characters into that shit too.

Edited by Kang Edward IV
removed video

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