Sandstone Posted October 27, 2017 Author Posted October 27, 2017 Whether you're gay, straight or bi, it's all a romantic lifestyle that's a part of you. Even if you're bi, you still have no choice about who you're attracted to. You have more options. This is exactly right.
Sandstone Posted October 27, 2017 Author Posted October 27, 2017 And my thread got slightly derailed Now more juicy secrets... bring them forth.
fuggnificent Posted October 27, 2017 Posted October 27, 2017 No meant the little brat that blackmailed you. Kids are so mean and malicious sometimes. I never did either actually.... though I my feelings manifested as emotional attachments for other boys starting around middle school (so about 9ish). I was 14 in 9th grade, yep that tongue shoved down my throat was both awkward and brings back feelings of panic and embarrassment to this day. Mostly just embarrassed that I wasn't excited by it and realized I was supposed to be, and awkward cause I didn't want to hurt her feelings... Pretty much all of my attempts with girls or girlfriends in HS went in this manner. oh no...bitch stressed me out until the end of the school year lol that girl shouldn't have kissed you if you didnt like her. same thing kinda happened to me when i was 17 and the kid got upset that i didnt become his gf after he smooched me.
Sandstone Posted October 27, 2017 Author Posted October 27, 2017 oh no...bitch stressed me out until the end of the school year lol that girl shouldn't have kissed you if you didnt like her. same thing kinda happened to me when i was 17 and the kid got upset that i didnt become his gf after he smooched me. I mean she didn't know, I don't hold it against her cause she probably thought I did like her. I am a VERY good actor as a result of necessity... and good at lying too, unfortunately, though I try not to these days. I can sell most things if I really have to. There was no one that had any significant suspicions of me until I actually started telling people. The fact that I kept it so well hidden probably made me more tense and neurotic as I knew a lot of people were going to be shocked.... There are plenty of guys ore girls I have talked to or am friends with either online (couple in person) who are lgbt and everyone suspected to cause it was obvious. I was not like that.... In fact I was told several times that I was either lieing, confused, or just couldn't be gay because I did not match other people's preconceived notions of what gay dudes looked, sounded, or acted like... there are plenty of gays like me though, we don't get noticed that much and I blame social stigma for that... I'd like it to societal pressure on young boys/men to be a cookie cutter conception of American Masculinity (which is not necessarily actual masculinity as it turns out), and the expectations put on girls to be well-kempt, beautify themselves at all times, be thin at all costs, or have the best most fashionable clothes or accessories. It is the same exact type of thing, but we don't talk about it as much in this country I think. And now I've seriously trailed off on too many tangents. I need to eat some dinner lmao.
Hornshire Posted October 27, 2017 Posted October 27, 2017 We used to eat ants for money. Not really sure why people paid for it. Especially considering We'd do it for free.
Sandstone Posted October 27, 2017 Author Posted October 27, 2017 Kweerie[/member] Did they have any taste? Was that weird smooshing them with your teeth while they were still twitching?
Sandstone Posted October 28, 2017 Author Posted October 28, 2017 Ok seriously, I am going to eat something before I pass out... time has escaped me and I just realized I have not eaten today. Be back later perhaps. ;P
mochi Posted October 28, 2017 Posted October 28, 2017 I did it and it wasn't enjoyable. Haven't had any desire to try again. I had no luck with women back then so I figured I'd try with dudes, but it didn't turn me gay. Guess those folks who say you can choose to be gay are full of shit. pretty much I tried to be Bi when I was a younger teen cause I wasn't having any luck with guys but that wasn't happening either ::]::
nameraka Posted October 28, 2017 Posted October 28, 2017 i once rear ended a stationary police cruiser. and no. i was sober. (unusual for me at that time)
Hornshire Posted October 28, 2017 Posted October 28, 2017 The larger ones did, it wasn't super discernible, but kind of milky. If you can imagine milk without the thickness. We generally mashed them against the roof of Our mouth with Our tongue, the way you would a raspberry. Regarding weirdness, it seemed appropriate to Us, but Our perspective has rarely been one reflected by the general populace.
Naraku4656 Posted October 28, 2017 Posted October 28, 2017 everything i do works 60% of the time 100% of the time
Doom Metal Alchemist Posted October 28, 2017 Posted October 28, 2017 I was 16 the first time I got drunk. I am currently 34 and have never been drunk since.
Naraku4656 Posted October 28, 2017 Posted October 28, 2017 i've only ever had ramen twice and i didn't really care for it either time
mthor Posted October 28, 2017 Posted October 28, 2017 We used to pay the kid up the street a nickel to kiss dog poop.
SwimModSponges Posted October 28, 2017 Posted October 28, 2017 i once rear ended a stationary police cruiser. and no. i was sober. (unusual for me at that time) I did that once. In my defense it was in the middle of a blizzard. Also, fun fact: I am a goddamn freight train.
Professah Tex Posted October 28, 2017 Posted October 28, 2017 Idk.. I once got arrested for calling someone an asshole. I also once had a mutual one night stand with an older black lady I had just met that actually turned out pretty good.. That's the craziest thing I've ever done sexually.
Still Me Posted October 28, 2017 Posted October 28, 2017 ive always been a clumsy person...and I’ve had multiple injuries from the neck up as a child...I was bit by my dog under my left eye, the force of the impact shattered my eye socket, so under the age of 10 I had to have plastic surgery to repair it. I once clotheslined myself not looking where I was running, had this huge bruise...looked like someone tried to hang me. Aaaaaand in fourth/fifth grade I was at my grandmas house playing basket ball and she had a gravel driveway. Well right next to the driveway was this wooden swing set...well I went for a rebound tripped and stumbled on the gravel and bashed my face in the corner of one of the wooden support beams for the swing set...broke my two front perminant I have a front teeth are fake...fuck it...I don’t care about keeping that secret anymore...
SwimModSponges Posted October 28, 2017 Posted October 28, 2017 Half of one of my front teeth is fake too, lost it in the semi crash. Woke up in the hospital bed and was mad i looked like that guy from dumb and dumber.
Doom Metal Alchemist Posted October 28, 2017 Posted October 28, 2017 The bass player in my band is missing his front teeth too... hockey accident. >
Professah Tex Posted October 28, 2017 Posted October 28, 2017 We stopped by her house because she was worried about her kid, and that lady pointed him out to me. Not only was he like two or three feet taller than me; There couldn't have been more than a year or two age difference between us.
Sandstone Posted October 28, 2017 Author Posted October 28, 2017 i've only ever had ramen twice and i didn't really care for it either time Naraku4656[/member] Is this somehow connected to you only having one noodle?
Sandstone Posted October 28, 2017 Author Posted October 28, 2017 We used to pay the kid up the street a nickel to kiss dog poop. LMFAO WTF! GROSS!
Sandstone Posted October 28, 2017 Author Posted October 28, 2017 I did that once. In my defense it was in the middle of a blizzard. Also, fun fact: I am a goddamn freight train. SwimModSponges[/member] In what way are you a freight train? Is this like an indicator of your size, determination of will, or do you just personally identify as a mother fucking freight train? I'm not judging any of these possibilities but inquiring minds must know.
Sandstone Posted October 28, 2017 Author Posted October 28, 2017 Idk.. I once got arrested for calling someone an asshole. I also once had a mutual one night stand with an older black lady I had just met that actually turned out pretty good.. That's the craziest thing I've ever done sexually. How old are we talking here? Was this like MILF or GILF level of old?
Sandstone Posted October 28, 2017 Author Posted October 28, 2017 ive always been a clumsy person...and I’ve had multiple injuries from the neck up as a child...I was bit by my dog under my left eye, the force of the impact shattered my eye socket, so under the age of 10 I had to have plastic surgery to repair it. I once clotheslined myself not looking where I was running, had this huge bruise...looked like someone tried to hang me. Aaaaaand in fourth/fifth grade I was at my grandmas house playing basket ball and she had a gravel driveway. Well right next to the driveway was this wooden swing set...well I went for a rebound tripped and stumbled on the gravel and bashed my face in the corner of one of the wooden support beams for the swing set...broke my two front perminant I have a front teeth are fake...fuck it...I don’t care about keeping that secret anymore... Still Me[/member] You might just have a quantum probability field encircling your head from the sounds of it. I personally broke a few bones as a kid... come to think of it they were all three in very strange places. I broke my nose first... but it wasn't like a normal nose break it was just the tip which ultimately resulted in a deviated septum which I still have, unfortunately, though you could not really tell by looking at my nose or face thank god. The second I actually broke my collarbone... playing with a Stretch Armstrong toy... god 90's had the best toys. Needless to say, I won the tug of war contest against the other two kids but lost the war... The third is a relatively uncomfortable story of which I will not go into great detail and technically I was a youth and not a child I suppose. Someone broke my ring metacarpal hand bone by force, though I am not going to elaborate further than that....
Professah Tex Posted October 28, 2017 Posted October 28, 2017 Definitley MILF, She was probably in her thirties or something if I had to guess. I made the mistake of asking how old she was and her response was 18, which I had to call her bullshit on..she was sexy, but you could tell she was older.. She could've said something in the mid twenties and I might've bought it. She was a stylist though so I think her not being able to pass for 18 really pissed her off, and it wasn't the greatest start to the night.
Sandstone Posted October 28, 2017 Author Posted October 28, 2017 I was 16 the first time I got drunk. I am currently 34 and have never been drunk since. Bad experience? Or really bad experience? Or didn't like the way it felt? Or just hate the taste of alcohol? Or a combination of all of the above?
Sandstone Posted October 28, 2017 Author Posted October 28, 2017 Definitley MILF, She was probably in her thirties or something if I had to guess. I made the mistake of asking how old she was and her response was 18, which I had to call her bullshit on..she was sexy, but you could tell she was older.. She could've said something in the mid twenties and I might've bought it. She was a stylist though so I think her not being able to pass for 18 really pissed her off, and it wasn't the greatest start to the night. Did she fuck your brains out as a result? If so I'd say it at least ended well.
Professah Tex Posted October 28, 2017 Posted October 28, 2017 Yes she did.. we got drunk as fuck and talked a lil bit to. Hell of a night. I just didn't expect it to go that way after she clearly started off her conversation with me with a lie, and she made a bit of an ass of herself at the bar. Hell of a night though..
RPM Jr. Posted October 28, 2017 Posted October 28, 2017 Fun fact: My voice broke when I was 11. Also, I had a girlfriend when I was 11. She was in choir when we were in sixth grade. I signed up to be in choir in the seventh grade thinking she was going to be doing the same thing. She didn't, and I ultimately broke up with her out of resentment. She didn't really like me after that.
Sandstone Posted October 28, 2017 Author Posted October 28, 2017 She probably felt young by proxy just being with you then.
Sandstone Posted October 28, 2017 Author Posted October 28, 2017 I won't know until I suck a few cocks. It's never to late to try! I would highly recommend it myself.
Doom Metal Alchemist Posted October 28, 2017 Posted October 28, 2017 Bad experience? Or really bad experience? Or didn't like the way it felt? Or just hate the taste of alcohol? Or a combination of all of the above? Kinda weird. That night, I was drunk, I knew it because I couldn't walk straight, and I'd sometimes fall over. But mentally, I just felt normal. I didn't feel good, I didn't feel bad, I just felt mentally normal. And yes, the alcohol tasted bad. And it wasn't beer, it was whiskey, and it burned like a mother fucker. So that experience never lead to me drinking. As an adult, my dad once brought home Mike's Hard Lemonade. I was curious about it, so I tried it. I liked it, I couldn't really taste the alcohol, it tasted like Sprite to me. I limited myself to no more than one a night. And at first I never felt drunk. No good or bad feeling, just normal. Then one day, I had two. And I didn't feel good. It felt very reminiscent of what my panic attacks from years earlier felt like. What I thought was happening was it was the first time I had gotten drunk since high school and I was the lightest of lightweights, so I was getting a sick feeling.. So I limited myself to one a night again. Then one night, after only having one, it felt like a panic attack again.. So I just stopped drinking, thinking I was like the lightest of lightweights that I get a sick feeling from from even one drink. But you wanna know what was really going on, which I only realized years later? As an adult, the alcohol was making my Paxil not work, so the sick feeling pretty much WAS having panic attacks, because the whole reason I was put on paxil in the first place was to stop the panic attacks I was having. And it worked like a charm. But alcohol makes those kind of meds not work, so... > So even though I had had drinks since high school, I had never actually gotten drunk since high school. It only took a little bit of alcohol to make my meds stop working so I basically swore off alcohol. It didn't help that the one time I actually was drunk it didn;t feel like anything spectacular. So I don't even miss it.
Professah Tex Posted October 28, 2017 Posted October 28, 2017 Kinda weird. That night, I was drunk, I knew it because I couldn't walk straight, and I'd sometimes fall over. But mentally, I just felt normal. I didn't feel good, I didn't feel bad, I just felt mentally normal. And yes, the alcohol tasted bad. And it wasn't beer, it was whiskey, and it burned like a mother fucker. So that experience never lead to me drinking. As an adult, my dad once brought home Mike's Hard Lemonade. I was curious about it, so I tried it. I liked it, I couldn't really taste the alcohol, it tasted like Sprite to me. I limited myself to no more than one a night. And at first I never felt drunk. No good or bad feeling, just normal. Then one day, I had two. And I didn't feel good. It felt very reminiscent of what my panic attacks from years earlier felt like. What I thought was happening was it was the first time I had gotten drunk since high school and I was the lightest of lightweights, so I was getting a sick feeling.. So I limited myself to one a night again. Then one night, after only having one, it felt like a panic attack again.. So I just stopped drinking, thinking I was like the lightest of lightweights that I get a sick feeling from from even one drink. But you wanna know what was really going on, which I only realized years later? As an adult, the alcohol was making my Paxil not work, so the sick feeling pretty much WAS having panic attacks, because the whole reason I was put on paxil in the first place was to stop the panic attacks I was having. And it worked like a charm. But alcohol makes those kind of meds not work, so... > So even though I had had drinks since high school, I had never actually gotten drunk since high school. It only took a little bit of alcohol to make my meds stop working so I basically swore off alcohol. It didn't help that the one time I actually was drunk it didn;t feel like anything spectacular. So I don't even miss it. Lol whiskey is definitely not the first thing someone should get drunk on imo.
Doom Metal Alchemist Posted October 28, 2017 Posted October 28, 2017 Lol whiskey is definitely not the first thing someone should get drunk on imo. I was sleeping over at a friend's, and that's what his/his brother's supplier had given them last. >
Sandstone Posted October 28, 2017 Author Posted October 28, 2017 Kinda weird. That night, I was drunk, I knew it because I couldn't walk straight, and I'd sometimes fall over. But mentally, I just felt normal. I didn't feel good, I didn't feel bad, I just felt mentally normal. And yes, the alcohol tasted bad. And it wasn't beer, it was whiskey, and it burned like a mother fucker. So that experience never lead to me drinking. As an adult, my dad once brought home Mike's Hard Lemonade. I was curious about it, so I tried it. I liked it, I couldn't really taste the alcohol, it tasted like Sprite to me. I limited myself to no more than one a night. And at first I never felt drunk. No good or bad feeling, just normal. Then one day, I had two. And I didn't feel good. It felt very reminiscent of what my panic attacks from years earlier felt like. What I thought was happening was it was the first time I had gotten drunk since high school and I was the lightest of lightweights, so I was getting a sick feeling.. So I limited myself to one a night again. Then one night, after only having one, it felt like a panic attack again.. So I just stopped drinking, thinking I was like the lightest of lightweights that I get a sick feeling from from even one drink. But you wanna know what was really going on, which I only realized years later? As an adult, the alcohol was making my Paxil not work, so the sick feeling pretty much WAS having panic attacks, because the whole reason I was put on paxil in the first place was to stop the panic attacks I was having. And it worked like a charm. But alcohol makes those kind of meds not work, so... > So even though I had had drinks since high school, I had never actually gotten drunk since high school. It only took a little bit of alcohol to make my meds stop working so I basically swore off alcohol. It didn't help that the one time I actually was drunk it didn;t feel like anything spectacular. So I don't even miss it. You have to be a certain type of man and have a certain type of grit to teeth on whiskey first... I'm really not surprised you hated it. I actually did start with Whiskey first, and I loved it... the taste the burn the incredible relaxing sensation I got out of it, considering I started drinking around the time my mental illnesses were becoming unbearable and right up until the point where I came out to my parents. I think I was self-medicating the sadness away. But, that is beside the point of me really loving Whiskey... like a good Tennessean, that Appalachian blood line shining through lmfao. My other loves are Bourbon, Rum, Gin, and Vodka (100 proof is better than 80 proof cause I'm a man like that)... I like both beer (generally prefer ales over lagers but both are good) and wines, though I almost cannot usually bring myself to drink a cheap wine it's kind of heresy imo. There is no comparison between a 10 dollar bottle of wine and a 60 dollar bottle of Pinot Noire, I am far to poor to indulge in such things though unfortunately.
Sandstone Posted October 28, 2017 Author Posted October 28, 2017 Lol whiskey is definitely not the first thing someone should get drunk on imo. This... I wouldn't recommend it. Though I personally did and thoroughly enjoyed it. Practically took to it like a car at a gas pump.
Sandstone Posted October 28, 2017 Author Posted October 28, 2017 Also, you really do not want to mix any type of anti-depressant, anxiolytic, or benzodiazepine with alcohol as they have effects on the stimulation of the nervous system, particularly the portion related to anxiety. I don't usually drink very often anymore, but I do occasionally now that I'm not longer on an anti-depressant. I'm only on an antipsychotic an OCD med and an as needed anxiety med which I don't mix when and if I am drinking. I typically avoid it most of the time anyway unless im doing so at a party or social occasion. I am glad that I can have a taste of Whiskey or Beer again without the danger of literally killing myself or going nuts though lmao.
Sandstone Posted October 28, 2017 Author Posted October 28, 2017 Also definitely would not recommend smoking weed or anything with THC for that matter if you have a severe mood disorder or schizophrenia... that can actually be inherently more disastrous than drinking with those conditions because of the specific effects of THC on the nervous system.
Doom Metal Alchemist Posted October 28, 2017 Posted October 28, 2017 Also, you really do not want to mix any type of anti-depressant, anxiolytic, or benzodiazepine with alcohol as they have effects on the stimulation of the nervous system, particularly the portion related to anxiety. Yeah, I didn't realize that until years later, lol.
Doom Metal Alchemist Posted October 28, 2017 Posted October 28, 2017 Also definitely would not recommend smoking weed or anything with THC for that matter if you have a severe mood disorder or schizophrenia... that can actually be inherently more disastrous than drinking with those conditions because of the specific effects of THC on the nervous system. Interesting... I'm Bipolar. Never smoked weed in my life.
Professah Tex Posted October 28, 2017 Posted October 28, 2017 Thankfully I've never been diagnosed with a mental illness other than depression. Weed really helps that even if it sometimes creates a bipolar feeling when you go without it for a substantial amount of time.
molarbear Posted October 28, 2017 Posted October 28, 2017 My first kiss was in preschool, a girl wouldn't stop following me around the playground and then she kissed me..... Although such a response would not happen at this age of my life I'm ashamed to say I pushed her and had to sit in timeout for 5 mins
Sandstone Posted October 28, 2017 Author Posted October 28, 2017 Lots of people don't know or realize they are bad together. I have heard Paxil, in particular, is rather strong in some respects and can have very negative interactions with alcohol... I have a close friend that takes it currently but I never have. It turns out I have genetic markers which make antidepressants very ineffective or cause severe side effects with me. I learned this recently after taking a genetic test to help determine what could be changed with my meds to help. They had just always assumed that I needed an anti-depressant in addition to a mood stabilizer, turns out that's not the case with me. And the particular anxiety meds she had me on were also bad for me, after those were changed I felt much better as it turns out. Not to mention my libido is back.... which I'm not really sure is a good thing considering I'm practically a nymphomaniac even when I'm not hypomanic.
Gyaos Posted October 28, 2017 Posted October 28, 2017 Not mentally ill, but I have ADHD. Close enough, right? If I don't take medication for it, I'm off in La-La Land, which isn't productive for someone who's helping people in an ambulance during life or death situations.
Sandstone Posted October 28, 2017 Author Posted October 28, 2017 My first kiss was in preschool, a girl wouldn't stop following me around the playground and then she kissed me..... Although such a response would not happen at this age of my life I'm ashamed to say I pushed her and had to sit in timeout for 5 mins Dude that is literally the cutest thing I have heard all day.
Sandstone Posted October 28, 2017 Author Posted October 28, 2017 Not mentally ill, but I have ADHD. Close enough, right? If I don't take medication for it, I'm off in La-La Land, which isn't productive for someone who's helping people in an ambulance during life or death situations. You're a paramedic? That's an awesome job, but I hear it is high stress. Kudos to you.
Sandstone Posted October 28, 2017 Author Posted October 28, 2017 Thankfully I've never been diagnosed with a mental illness other than depression. Weed really helps that even if it sometimes creates a bipolar feeling when you go without it for a substantial amount of time. Light depression and weed are ok, if you have Bipolar Disorder, Severe Clinical Depression, Schizophrenia, or any other type of cyclic mood disorder or anything that can cause auditory or visual hallucinations smoking weed is a VERY bad idea.
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