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BANNER CONTEST THREAD everyone get the fuck in here! (Ends 9/11)

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oh yeah, only post the image once. if you spam it, i'm not going to count it.


Well anyone could just add it

Although I do have a good one for rants


I'll look around and maybe make some submissions tomorrow. So far the best ones were probably the crows on the


electric line and shoe hands imo with a few honorable mentions. I'm a sucker for animated GIFS.








And maybe this:










rogue and i are going to choose 3 or 5 maybe if there's a lot that we think both are good and have what we think luuv would have done. then we'll have a voting thread based on those.


back in the day they all wouldve made it to the voting thread & everyone would get three votes


Just make a poll for it and have everyone vote like that



2 people voting on it?

nope not gonna happen

Rogue's the rule maker, not me. take it up with him. there will be a voting thread after we decide which three or five best fit Luuv's theme and the theme for the boards. then the boards will vote on those three or five


Rogue's the rule maker, not me. take it up with him. there will be a voting thread after we decide which three or five best fit Luuv's theme and the theme for the boards. then the boards will vote on those three or five


Now see if it was a process like I wouldn't bitch in the first place

Since it's like that I apologise

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