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in light of Yuri on ice (among other things) I decided to remake this thread I once made on the ASMB

I will be including villains just because there's quite a few Gay anime villains, (they will however be listed as villain), I will also have a special category all it's own for characters I think are so offensive they shouldn't be counted as Heroes (even though they are supposed to be heroic)


I also can't list every gay anime character ever so I'm just listing the ones I know about, you can add any you see fit



1. Sailor Uranus from Sailor Moon = Lesbian

2. Sailor Neptune from Sailor Moon = Lesbian (possibly Bisexual)

3. the entire cast of Utena (Ikuhara basically confirmed that they're all Bisexual, except Juri.....who is just a Lesbian)

4. the entire cast of Lesbian Bear Storm Yuri Kuma Arashi (another Ikuhara show, all Lesbians)

5. Yamashita from Mawaru Penguindrum (he claims to be straight around the protagonist Shouma but Ikuhara confirmed he's actually gay and in love with the shouma, he's just closeted because he knows Shouma isn't into him)

6. every main character except Meiling in Cardcaptor Sakura (clamp confirmed that they were all Bisexual except for Tomoyo who is a Lesbian, Meiling is discounted because she does not exist in the manga and clamp did not create her)

7.Juzo Sakakura from Danganronpa = Gay

8. Teruteru Hanamura from Danganronpa = Bi or Pansexual

9. Ymir from AOT = Lesbian

10. Krista Lens from AOT = lesbian

11. Daley Wong from Bubblegum Crisis = Gay

12. Fred Luo from Outlaw star = Gay

13. Sweden from Hetalia = Gay(as confirmed by the creator)

14. Yuri Katsuki from Yuri on ice = Gay, and currently engaged to another man

15. Victor Nikforov from Yuri on ice = Gay or possibly Bi, Yuri's Fiancee

16. Chizuru Honsho from Bleach = Lesbian

17. Giselle Gewelle from Bleach = Transgender woman and may also be a Lesbian

18. Leeron from Gurren Lagann = Gay (was tempted to put him in the terrible characters list but I think he just barely counts as awesome enough to escape it)

19. Bulaut from Akame Ga Kill = Gay


Neutral/morally unclear

1. Yuri from Mawaru Penguindrum = Lesbian or possibly a lesbian leaning Bisexual, I mean come on her name is Yuri

2. Tsubasa from Mawaru Penguindrum = Lesbian (notice a pattern?)

3. Fisheye from Sailor Moon = Gay, possibly a Transgender woman? (first anime only) he is portrayed as straight (assuming he is even male) in the Manga



1. Zoicite and Kunzite from Sailor Moon (first anime only) = Gay (n crystal and the manga they're apparently Brothers not lovers)

2. Sensui from Yuyu Hakusho = Gay

3. Nina Einstein from code Geass = Lesbian (I consider her a villain....I don't know what the show considers her) also a Table-sexual

4. General Blue from Dragonball = Gay (also a pedophile, the funimation dub removed some of this because they found it disgusting, namely they altered the lines in a scene where he tries to kiss a little boy(actually an android) to make it seem like he had different non-fucked up reasons to be doing it (would take too long to explain), they left him flirting with young Krillin in however)

5. Dr. Stylish from Akame Ga kill = Gay (and horribly horribly offensive)


not evil but really offensive

1. Puri Puri Prisoner from One Punch man = Gay

2. Slashing Tranny/Okamaitachi  from One Punch man = Gay



An entire island's worth of characters in One Piece, though they do sort of straddle the "man Japan this is kind of blatantly offensive" line.

oh yeah


with them they're more like Leeron for me


on one hand they're awesome and they kick ass....on the other they're all extremely offensive, not quite to the same extent as Puri Puri Prisoner though


oh yeah


with them they're more like Leeron for me


on one hand they're awesome and they kick ass....on the other they're all extremely offensive, not quite to the same extent as Puri Puri Prisoner though

At the very least, Ivankov himself comes across as very positive all things considered.  He's quite literally genderfluid, but that aspect is played as a positive strength, and overall he's a total badass.  Bon Kurei is a bit more iffy, but I think he winds up being a net positive too.  The minor characters there...not so much.


Kanamemo - Yuuki and Yume.

Mouretsu Pirates - Jenny and Lynn

Pretty much the only lesbian couples I know of where it's not brought out in the show as some sort of big deal or made a big fuss. It's just a part of their characters.





At the very least, Ivankov himself comes across as very positive all things considered.  He's quite literally genderfluid, but that aspect is played as a positive strength, and overall he's a total badass.  Bon Kurei is a bit more iffy, but I think he winds up being a net positive too.  The minor characters there...not so much.

from what I understand Bon Clay gets a sort of redemption later on


but yeah the

Peachy Island drag queens who apparently raped Sanji and forced him to learn Okama Kenpo

count as fitting on the "as bad as Puri Puri Prisoner" list


His name was Ivan, and even though it wasn't said outright, Atsuko was in fact gay for Michiko.

oh yeah Ivan


I recall him being very campy....but to a realistic level....i.e. he was not offensive because he was meerly campy, not a complete stereotype like some characters


Atsuko's the cop, with the blonde afro, right? I think the woman I was thinking of was an exotic dancer and a very minor character.


Yes, she is.


Oh, you mean Pepe Lima? I didn't really think of her as lez, to tell the truth. She was living with that one douchey favela gang leader, remember?


Kanamemo - Yuuki and Yume.

Mouretsu Pirates - Jenny and Lynn

Pretty much the only lesbian couples I know of where it's not brought out in the show as some sort of big deal or made a big fuss. It's just a part of their characters.





I can just imagine the girl in the background of the thumbnail for the second video saying, "That's forbidden love!"


There was a neighbor in Speed Grapher who was pretty blatantly a gay stereotype.


Also, I don't think I saw any Flip Flapping on that original list.


Kanamemo - Yuuki and Yume.

Mouretsu Pirates - Jenny and Lynn

Pretty much the only lesbian couples I know of where it's not brought out in the show as some sort of big deal or made a big fuss. It's just a part of their characters.





both of those scenes are fucking adorable


I wish I'd been told how Gay every anime in 2016 was, I might have been watching more of it


Kanbaru Sugura of Bakemonogatari is lesbian. George Koizumi from Paradise Kiss is bisexual. Not sure if Utena or Yuri Kuma Arashi was mentioned, but they are mostly gay/lesbian. The Dutchman from Samurai Champloo. Karorin from Azumanga Daioh I'm pretty sure is lesbian. Yumeshima from Love, Elections, and Chocolate is gay.


Kanbaru Sugura of Bakemonogatari is lesbian. George Koizumi from Paradise Kiss is bisexual. Not sure if Utena or Yuri Kuma Arashi was mentioned, but they are mostly gay/lesbian. The Dutchman from Samurai Champloo. Karorin from Azumanga Daioh I'm pretty sure is lesbian. Yumeshima from Love, Elections, and Chocolate is gay.

Kaorin is most certainly a Lesbian latest?cb=20140207085721


and also yes both Utena and YKA are mentioned in the OP


I listed everyone but Juri in Utena as Bi though

(because Touga and Saionji only dated women until they ended up a couple in the end of the series and Utena did fuck Akio......before finding out he'd been raping his sister for years)


I always Assumed Miki was straight.....but occording to a canon CD drama Touga fucked him once (which in retrospect was actually hinted at when Touga told Miki that his sister Kozue was almost as cute as him....after implicitly fucking her)



also Yumeshima counts as one of those "as bad as Puri Puri Prisoner" characters based on what I've seen of him


i cant find your other thread so ill ask here..you a manga reader at all?

I used to be more of one....currently no, I think the last manga I really read was Fairy Tail and I lost interest in it after volume 6

I say "most likely" for Kaorin because there's moment where she tries to deflect when asked if she was gay, and insists that she's more Sakaki-sexual for the time being. Of course, there's a big difference between the teenage girl crush like she insists she has, and her actual behavior where she imagines wedding bells and rainbow flowers when chosen to dance with Sakaki or the intense jealousy she gets from any insinuation that one of the other girls slept next to Sakaki.


Not minding if Sakaki was a guy is one clue-in towards bi, but, again, her emotional investment to Sakaki is too passionate to really go 100% exclusively straight attraction if it never works out for her.


Oh, and Peppo from Gankutsuou is a crossdresser that tries seducing Albert, and eventually develops romantic feelings for him.


I've also read a couple theories that some of the other characters (mainly Franz and Eugenie, but in parts Albert as well) are implied gay or bi.


Oh, I think it's pretty clear-cut in the case of Franz, and you might be able to make a case for Albert being romantically attracted to the Count.  Fun story too: in the original Count of Monte Cristo, Eugenie apparently runs away with a woman by the end.


(Peppo is best trap though.)


Oh, I think it's pretty clear-cut in the case of Franz, and you might be able to make a case for Albert being romantically attracted to the Count.  Fun story too: in the original Count of Monte Cristo, Eugenie apparently runs away with a woman by the end.


(Peppo is best trap though.)

It's been a long time since I read the original ir watched the show. Being a high schooler who didn't really pay attention to that sort of thing, I hadn't noticed the Franz angle though retrospectively I can see it. I'm hoping to rewatch it some time.


Same kind of goes for Eugenie in the original. I read it in high school and that was a pretty dense book. Honestly not surprising I missed details in it given how much there was to digest, not to mention the complexity of the writing.


Actually, I might pick up an audio book for it somewhere down the line. My eyes suck too much to be reading books that length any more, but wouldn't mind revisiting it in both forms


I used to be more of one....currently no, I think the last manga I really read was Fairy Tail and I lost interest in it after volume 6


i think you should go back to it...there is a shitload of well written yaoi content out there, you know.


i feel like its always gonna be hard to find decent yaoi/yuri anime, or any at all..at least for now.


i think you should go back to it...there is a shitload of well written yaoi content out there, you know.


i feel like its always gonna be hard to find decent yaoi/yuri anime, or any at all..at least for now.

if you say so but, I've looked very hard


there's Bara but that's more like Porn, which I don't mind but, what I'm looking for is a non-pornographic story that doesn't make us all out to be hedonists and/or use us exclusively for humor



some are out there, I should know I've watched all the decent ones....but they're (or used to be) very very scarce(not to mention they adamantly deny that Yaoi is meant for LGBT people, supposedly it's meant to appeal to heterosexual girls)



mind you I have some hedonistic tendancies but not every gay person is like me and I wish more media didn't lump every gay person together into a stereotypical set of behaviors



if you have any actual suggestions that's be appreciated


Here are some yaoi/shounen ai manga recs:


Himegoto Asobi

Cafe Latte Rhapsody

Tea for Two

Kouun no Rihatsushi

Mr. Mini Mart

Jinjuu Houretsuden

Koketsu Dining

What Did You Eat Yesterday


I'll deffinately check most of these out, but based on artstyle alone only the last two look good to me (I'm not a fan of the tiny head gigantic hands thing that's popular in so many shonen-ai/yaoi series)


the one with a guy dating an Anthropomorphic Tiger is too fucking weird to pass up though so I feel like I have to read that one


there's Bara but that's more like Porn, which I don't mind but, what I'm looking for is a non-pornographic story that doesn't make us all out to be hedonists and/or use us exclusively for humor


mind you I have some hedonistic tendancies but not every gay person is like me and I wish more media didn't lump every gay person together into a stereotypical set of behaviors


i hear you.


just do google searches for stories with realism...you should be able to find your nana or octave out there.


i hear you.


just do google searches for stories with realism...you should be able to find your nana or octave out there.

I already have my nana and Octave, they're called Yuri on ice and Antique Bakery


the issue isn't that I think good yaoi doesn't exist, the issue is how rare good yaoi is, I've been searching for like 15 years and I've only found two series that don't piss me off


I had to look that up, and appears to be correct for both.

having looked up Nagito on the fan wiki it makes his interactions with the girls sound fairly romantic and his interactions with the guys seem like outright hate so I doubt that

Ixion Saga had a Trany that may or may not have had sex with the male mc. It leans more towards it happening.



I keep forgetting about Ixion Saga, and it eventually comes to mind for whatever reason. I don't remember anything about the story.

Ixion Saga had a Trany that may or may not have had sex with the male mc. It leans more towards it happening.



having looked it up she seems rather "predatory" which is an unfortunate stereotype (whether she's as bad as Puri Puri Prisoner remains to be seen), and apparently she "lapses into her male voice" periodically, which is ANOTHER unfortunate stereotype

Has Doukyuusei been mentioned here yet?


I've been meaning to watch it for a while.

I recall having heard about it but at the time I think I assumed it would be bad based on the merit of my past Experiences with Yaoi being very negative (namely that the Top and bottom's first sexual encounter in most yaoi was an attempted (or even sometimes successful) rape and the bottom is almost always shorter and more feminine than the top)


so I never actually looked into it further based on the assumption that all mainstream yaoi were inherently dreadful and not meant for gay men to begin with


Ixion Saga had a Trany that may or may not have had sex with the male mc. It leans more towards it happening.



i just looked that up and that character was voiced by the same guy who did Grell. fucking lol


having looked up Nagito on the fan wiki it makes his interactions with the girls sound fairly romantic and his interactions with the guys seem like outright hate so I doubt that


What interactions? Everyone hated being around Nagito because they thought he was very crazy. He just says he loves the main character Hajime. Most people in the fandom seem to accept that he is canonically gay.


What interactions? Everyone hated being around Nagito because they thought he was very crazy. He just says he loves the main character Hajime. Most people in the fandom seem to accept that he is canonically gay.

having not played the game I wouldn't know, I was just basing it off of what the fan wiki said


also considering he seems to be a Kaworu Nagisa archetype that doesn't surprise me



Kaworu is deffinately gay and had a thing for Shinji Ikari, and Shinji Ikari actually liked him too, making Shinji Bi, the Evangelion fanbase however unanimously deny that this is the case.....even though Anno has said "they had genuine romantic feelings for eachother" in an interview at least once



I recall having heard about it but at the time I think I assumed it would be bad based on the merit of my past Experiences with Yaoi being very negative (namely that the Top and bottom's first sexual encounter in most yaoi was an attempted (or even sometimes successful) rape and the bottom is almost always shorter and more feminine than the top)


so I never actually looked into it further based on the assumption that all mainstream yaoi were inherently dreadful and not meant for gay men to begin with


From what I've heard it's not like that at all.


It looks cute. I'll have to find some time to watch it someday.


and i'm sure there's rule 34 of that too. don't you worry

evidently since Grell's creator confirmed that Grell is a trans woman...maybe Grell will have boobs in canon someday

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