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Got almost all caught up on Quantum Leap now. Just need to watch the season finale. Would have done so already, but new season of Survivor, so I was watching that.


I can understand Jelinsky saying he didn't want to lie, but if you're not gonna do so then better to not even look at your card and just let them try and read the other person. Least that way you still got like a 50/50 chance. He just got scared really, and saying he didn't want to lie when his first instinct was clearly to do so, seems like just a lame excuse to me. I'm glad they got rid of him and decided to keep Jess.

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Watched the first episode of the new season of Survivor.


I was totally wrong on who the first boot would be.  Really thought

it would be Jess.  I like Jess but I don't think she'll be in the game much longer.

My guess is that she gets the boot next episode.


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Watched Survivor.


Until the Indian guy self destructed, I really thought it would be Jess. The show tricked me.  Kinda worried about Bhanu now.  

Pretty sure that tribe will lose again next week and that he and Kenzie will be on the chopping block.  

That one girl on the winning tribe who was complaining about her toe being run over probably will be the first one

voted out of that tribe once they lose.


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Heh, yeah you called it about Jess last week. I think the hunger was pretty clearly getting to her. She was like a total space cadet out there at times, so if their tribe had any hope at all, it was clearly the only real choice they could make at this point. It was pretty hysterical that her being so scatterbrained foiled their attempt to get her to find the fake idol and forced Q to actually have to just give it to her.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Watched Survivor.  Thank you @Dark_Cloud_Overhead  I like Jess but I think she should have been voted out during the first episode.


Bhanu was lucky to not get voted out.  I think it's just a stay of execution though.

Pretty sure the purple tribe will lose again next week and Bhanu will be voted out.

From the preview it sounds like he's going to tell someone on his tribe that he gave up more information

to the other tribes than what he first said.  I think his guilt got him to confess.  He's too honest for Survivor.

I wouldn't be surprised if the guy who was pulled out because of his injury will come back in a season or two.


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Watched Survivor.  Also watched last week's The Amazing Race earlier.


I thought Survivor was partially boring tonight honestly.  I was pretty sure

Yang was going to lose immunity again and I knew if they did, Bhanu was going home.

It was so obvious.  Siga tribe is interesting though.  I hope someone figures out that Jem 

was the one who planted the clue and that it wasn't Tim.



Watched Survivor and The Amazing Race earlier.


I'm very glad Jem was voted out with the idol.  She was the only

one I didn't like on that tribe.  It's a on-going complaint but I still wish the

show had two tribes instead of three at the beginning and that there wasn't

a early merge.  I think it makes the show boring.


On 3/27/2024 at 10:22 PM, blueraven1979 said:

Watched Survivor and The Amazing Race earlier.

  Reveal hidden contents

I'm very glad Jem was voted out with the idol.  She was the only

one I didn't like on that tribe.  It's a on-going complaint but I still wish the

show had two tribes instead of three at the beginning and that there wasn't

a early merge.  I think it makes the show boring.




I have to say I like the three tribes actually, mostly because it more or less prevents the tribe with the numbers when they merge from just running the table and systematically voting out the other, which makes it really boring I think when that's happened in the past.

About last night, I'm a little surprised Venus survived, but she made herself such an easy target it makes sense for them not to go after her right away I guess. Oh boy though, next week looks like it gets gonna get pretty chaotic. ~rubs hands together~


Watched the Amazing Race from two weeks ago.  Now I'm only behind one

episode in Amazing Race.  Although it will be back to two soon since there's another

episode tonight.  I'll catch up at some point.



Also I watched Survivor last week but I was too lazy to come in this thread.  I'll miss Moriah (or however you spell her name).

She was cool and definitely one of my favorites this season.  I didn't like Venus at first but I really liked her a lot last week.  

It's too bad she'll probably be voted out soon.


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Watched Survivor.


I'll miss Soda.  I was hoping it would be Q or Venus in that last tribal council.

I think I'll miss Tim a little bit too but he didn't get much screen time so I forgot

about him most of the time while watching the show.  Prob by the end of the show

I'll forget about him completely.  Right now I'm only rooting for Charlie, Hunter, and Kenzie.


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Rewatched season one of The Expanse. Now that the series is wrapped up, figured I'd finally go and see the rest of it. Saw the first two seasons back when it aired on Syfy, but didn't get to see any of the rest after they dumped it and it got picked up by Amazon. Kind of glad I waited in a way, as I'm able to follow a lot of what's going on in it better now than I feel like I did back when I was watching just an episode a week. It's the kind of show that's really made to be binged I think.

Posted (edited)

Quiet on the Set : The Darkside of Children’s Television (I think that’s the full title)

it was pretty hard to watch and left me feeling like we shouldn’t have child actors at all.  Child actors so often have fucked up adulthoods regardless if they stay in the business or not

The Synanon Fix: Did the Cure Become a Cult?


I had to see this because I was in a place called Daytop which was born directly from Synanon.  Synanon was great until it wasn’t. The creator of Synanon was a raging alcoholic and when he got clean he made the only treatment for addicts and it had amazing results but then he expanded to the general population and he discovered where the $$$ was. Corruption ensues 

Edited by 1pooh4u
Posted (edited)

Watched Survivor.


That tribal council was really something.  Seemed like there was more whispering than normal.

Must have been even worse without the tv edit.  I normally like the whispering but it was overkill

even for me.  Wish Q had been voted out instead of Tevin.   Also I forgot about Liz.  I'm rooting for her too.


Edited by blueraven1979
  • Like 1
3 hours ago, blueraven1979 said:

Watched Survivor.

  Reveal hidden contents

That tribal council was really something.  Seemed like there was more whispering than normal.

Must have been even worse without the tv edit.  I normally like the whispering but it was overkill

even for me.  Wish Q had been voted out instead of Tevin.   Also I forgot about Liz.  I'm rooting for her too.



Yeah, that was definitely one of the weirdest tribal councils ever, but not really the most shocking I would say, as despite Q's like half-hearted attempt to sort of fall on his own sword, the vote ended up going pretty much as you would have expected it would before he sent everyone into that mad panicky scramble mode. It made for some added drama, but I don't think it probably changed how things panned out at all.

It did reveal that Charlie's totally right though about "the six" alliance being just a total joke. I mean Q expects everyone to be totally loyal to the six, but the second somebody in it blinks the wrong way at him he wants to toss them overboard. I guess nobody ever told him that loyalty's supposed to be a two-way street.


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So I’m a huge “power” fan, currently watching the new BMF series and the newest season is more like a comedy show 🤣

there was a even a part where a AirPod was left in a main character’s ear, in the time setting of the show those didn’t even exist 😅


Watched two episodes of The Amazing Race earlier today and just finished watching tonight's Survivor.

Once tonight's episode of The Amazing Race ends, I'll only be two episodes behind.  Which is better than three like last week.



Really disappointed Hunter didn't play his idol tonight.  I wanted Q gone so badly plus Hunter was one of my favorites.

So at this moment, Charlie is my favorite and I'm still cheering for Liz and Kenzie.

I started cheering for Maria tonight at well but judging by the preview for next episode, that will probably change soon.

I'm also a little worried about Charlie now that Hunter is gone.  I think people will see him as a threat now that he lost his shield with Hunter.


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Watched up through season 4 of The Expanse now, so I'm now into the Amazon produced portion of the show I never saw before. Glad to see they didn't radically change the direction of the show in any way (like they did with The 100), but a little disappointed that, at least so far, they didn't really expand the show much either in the way I was kind of hoping they would. Still got two more seasons to go though.


Finished Fallout I really liked it. It had a cheese factor that I liked. Had a good balance of drama darkness and comedy that you come to expect from the fallout franchise looking forward to season 2

started watching The Boys figured that should keep me busy for a while.  Enjoying it so far. Seems to be a commentary on policing and privatization of both police and military in the US

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Finally finished the synanon fix did the cure become a cult?

obviously yeah cult which birthed other cults like DAYTOP Phoenix house and Samaritan Village.  All programs that were modeled off synanon especially DAYTOP.   It still made me angry thinking about what DAYTOP was still doing mid nineties after knowing it came off a maniac power tripping relapsed alcoholic 




Sigh. You think these people, being such big fans of the show you know, would be able to see the pattern that's been forming lately. I mean Jeff even laid it right out, plain as day, for Tiffany, buuut, nope, she hangs onto her idol and goes home letting Q skate by once again when he absolutely shouldn't.

That aside, oh man, what he did in not picking Liz for that reward... Sadly, I think it's totally possible, if not probable now, that he makes it to the end, but there is no way at all in this or any other universe he should get a single vote from the jury. If by some dark miracle though he were to actually inconceivably somehow win -- and believe me, I do not say this lightly, having been a die hard viewer of the show since the beginning of season 2 -- I swear I will never watch another episode. Really, I can't believe I'm saying that, but I'm saying it, probably only because I really believe there should be zero chance of that happening now. Crazier things have happened I suppose. I can't think of any right now, but whatever. LOL

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Just watched Survivor.


I'm really disappointed in Liz that she didn't out the plan to vote out Tiffany to Tiffany.

The show would be so much better to watch without Q in the game anymore.  For the last 4 or so seasons

if all the people I'm rooting for go, I stop watching.  I've honestly lost track of the last time I watched a final three.


Probably won't be watching this season finale either.  I don't hate Q as much as past contestants on this show but if he makes it to the final

three, I won't be watching.  I definitely dislike him the most this season.  If that one gal from earlier was still on, I'd probably

hate her more but she's been gone for so long, I don't remember her name anymore.  The one who made her tribe dig for the hidden

immunity idol which wasn't there.  I'm down to cheering for Charlie and Kenzie.  Maybe Liz.  Not sure what to think of her now.


Honestly I don't think Q has a chance of winning.  His game has been terrible.  His main usefulness to his alliance is as a smokescreen

which really shouldn't be working now.  I think it was stupid of both Hunter and Tiffany to not play their idols.


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Finished the Expanse. I knew as soon as I saw that season six was only six episodes, that there was no way they were going to be able to wrap everything up, especially with regards to the alien stuff that they'd been teasing and teasing but never really delved into and gave any real answers about. So I'm not surprised, but still somewhat disappointed it concluded that way. The final few books in the series that the show was based upon apparently go into all that after a big timeskip, so I get now why they stopped where they did. A bit of a shame, but oh well. Read some spoilers and sounds like it gets pretty crazy from that point on anyway, so maybe not such a bad thing that it didn't go any further with the live-action.


3/4 of the way done w season 2 of The Boys.  Knew immediately that Stormfront was gonna be a racist dumpster. Name was very on the nose.  Sex scenes are delightfully ridiculous. I like the season and the torment each character is going through.  The comedic relief of the Deep is definitely appreciated this season 

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I like literally shouted at my TV tonight. Before it happened again tonight I was like, "I think I've seen this rerun before." And good enough... yep, 3 times now. 3 times. Seriously, why don't they ever f'in learn?! Do I need to say anymore? No, I don't think so.

Also, got to watch The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. It was great. Excellent follow-up to Endgame.

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Probably the Marvel show I've wanted to see the most ever since I saw it was being made was Moon Knight. Just got the opportunity to check it out, and it was an absolutely weird and wild ride. A bit different from what I was expecting, but it was fantastic. Cool to see Egyptian mythology being delved into for once. Really hope they get to make another season.


Watched Survivor tonight.


Why?  Why can't anybody learn from the last two tribal councils.

This is getting so old.  It's practically to the point where I'm mad at everyone.

I like Liz but she doesn't deserve to win the game.  Venus was cool but she's gone now.

She should have used her idol while she had the chance.  Charlie is still one of my favorites

along with Kenzie but I wish he had the balls to vote out Q.


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Smiling Friends April Fool's Day block


I knew Charlie was going to be wearing a maid outfit in that scene. Great start to the new season. The puppet episodes were cool, too. I bet they picked "Shrimp's Odyssey" because the idea of a real-life actress snogging a sock puppet was too funny to pass up.



Didn't get around to posting it yesterday but I watched an episode of The Amazing Race yesterday. 

Still have two episodes to go before I'm caught up.  Plan to watch at least one of them on Saturday.


Just watched Survivor.


About Amazing Race, it's too bad my favorite team (mother and son team) were eliminated but

it's still nice watching a show where I like everyone.  Plus my second favorite team the nice couple that were

working with my favorite team are still in the competition so I can cheer for them.



Mario is on her own.  No matter what happens now, I can enjoy the rest of the episodes now which I couldn't

if Charlie was voted out and if Q was still in the game.  Since Mario was planning to take a goat with her to the 

end, I can't respect her game.  I have no respect when it comes to players who will take goats to the end with them.

And by goats, I mean people who take others who are hated by both the players of the game and the viewers at home.

Kenzie and Charlie are my picks to win the game.  I'm hoping for a Charlie, Kenzie, and Liz or Ben final three.


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When Q found that idol, my heart felt like it just sank to the depths of the Mariana Trench. Given what happened the last three... Was it three? Maybe four, I don't know. I've lost count at this point. Whatever number of tribals it's been, I thought for sure up until the last second he was going to play it -- because you know the universe sucks like that -- but I'm like so elated he didn't actually and is finally... FINALLY gone! Probably the one and only time I'm ever gonna be actually thankful somebody didn't go and play their idol. Thank you Charlie!


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Posted (edited)

Smiling Friends S2E3 (live)

Didn't gel with me as much as the previous two of this season did (though this might've had to do with my overall mood, not that it was bad), but this show is still delightful. I have to imagine what Alan went through was even more awesome than Pim and Charlie's unseen adventure; my younger self didn't like that trope.

Oh, wait, I just realized I could've put these in the other thread. Gotta try harder next time.

Edited by Blatch

Forgot to mention I watched the last episode of The Amazing Race and Survivor over the weekend.


It's kind of funny.  Despite liking almost everyone in The Amazing Race, I think the winners were kind of boring.

The gay duo were okay but I just think it's boring when the same team wins over and over again.

They easily won the most legs in the race.  No matter who they are, I'm not a fan of a repeat winner.

At least not as many legs as they won.  


For Survivor toward the end I hated almost everyone except Charlie, Kenzie, and Liz yet I'm very happy with Kenzie

winning.  As much as I like Charlie, I was hoping Kenzie would win.  She spoke very well at final tribal, was very likable

as a person, and didn't have a goat she was working with like Charlie and Maria.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Finished this show on Max called Animals I think it ran from 2016-2019. I liked it. It’s about the animals of NYC. Rats Pigeons Cats Dogs Fox etc. there’s also a human story throughout each season but you can never understand what the humans are saying(most of the time) because it’s witnessed through an animal. I liked the first 2 seasons season 3 seemed like they were suddenly cancelled but allowed to make a final season so they rushed to tie everything up. It was weird but I really liked it. Shame it was just the 3 seasons 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rewatched season 1 of The Ark before watching the premiere of the first episode of season 2 last night. Had been looking forward to its return for a while. Also, really looking forward to the final season of Snowpiercer debuting in a few days. They had said it wouldn't air till early 2025 originally. Glad to see they changed their minds and we don't need to wait that long anymore.

  • 3 weeks later...

Watched the final season of Discovery of Witches. Gotta say that was definitely a letdown from season 2, but at least they wrapped everything up pretty well. Also got to check out Obi-Wan Kenobi, which was pretty awesome. Great bridge between the prequels and the original trilogy.

And last but not least, I got to see the first season of Wednesday, and woe nelly! :D That was just so so fun. At first I wasn't totally sure what to expect from it, but after a few episodes I realized, okay, she's basically a darker, more deliciously morbid Nancy Drew.

  • 2 weeks later...

Watched season 1 of Daredevil. One of the grittiest, most well-grounded superhero shows I can recall ever seeing. Took me back to the first couple seasons of Arrow, which is pretty surprising considering Matt Murdock and Oliver Queen are like polar opposites in a lot of ways.

Also, just finished catching the last episode of Knuckles on Knuckle-odeon. :P That was pure awesome sauce. Loved that they used one of my favorite songs as his theme song.

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